new pictures

the pictures of my last week in oberwald are online in the pictures-section.
it’s quite a bunch of pictures, because i wanted to get a picture of nearly everyone of the class online.
enjoy them and have a nice saturday, i’ll be here for the afternoon (it’s an exhibition in the old people’s home where my grand-mother lives)

update: the sensorium was really nice.
even if don’t have a grand-mother that lives in the rüttihubelbad it’s worth a visit (especially on a bad-weather-day). you can learn how to cast colorful shadows and do much more interesting stuff with all your senses!

commenter and comment time in the sidebar

using b.‘s code he wrote for my itunes-trackback-thingie i prettied up the comment stuff a bit. (i hope the code he sucked out of his brain is “freeware” :-)
now you see who and when posted the last comment.
i like it, do you?

anyway, here’s the full code for your abuse:

function datediff2($datestr)
$r = array();
$d = time() – strtotime($datestr);
if ($d > 86400*2)
array_push($r, floor($d / 86400) . “d”);
elseif ($d > 86400)
array_push($r, “1d”);
$d = $d % 86400;
if ($d > 7200)
array_push($r, floor($d / 3600) . “h”);
else if ($d > 3600)
array_push($r, “1h”);
$d = $d % 3600;
if ($d > 120)
array_push($r, floor($d / 60) . “min”);
else if ($d > 60)
array_push($r, “1min”);
if (!count($r))
return “now”;
return implode(“, “, $r) . ” ago”;

<div class=”side”>
<$MTComments lastn=”5″$ sort_order=”descend”>
[<a href=”<$MTBlogArchiveURL$><$MTCommentEntryID pad=”1″$>.html”><$MTCommentAuthor$></a>, <? echo datediff2(‘<$MTCommentDate format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”$>’); ?>
]<br />

i really hope berni does not mind if i post his code here.
just to make it clear: my only achievement are the last lines between <div class=”side”> and </div> the rest is fully credited to the code-master b.

two quick panoramas

these are two panoramas (both qtvr)i made last week, both of ’em just little dirty hacks, because i did not use a tripod, just free-hand photography:

on top of the longer of the two ski-lift, an amazing view over the whole obergoms (916kb .mov).
the whole group at the start of the race we made on the last day(sibe on the far left and björn on the far right) (308kb .mov)

a lot of skiing

well, here i am again, after quite a bunch of skiing

a whole week on the hungerberg with the class i mentioned below. it was absolutely amazing, on wednesday we had fresh snowfall and we were able to ski in knee-deep powder (some pics might come soon)
a exhausting day with sigi in nendaz/verbier which was amazing and fulfilled with lots of off-pist skiing in an amazingly big ski-resort.
and another day on the bettmeralp with my parents, which was really nice, in total a week and a half with the most beautiful weather one can imagine (yes, a day with heavy snowfall is beautiful weather if you’re skiing!)
now i come home and the weather is blah like in deep november. i think i’ll go skiing soon :-)

my room is still a mess, because i’ve been so busy the last ten hours i’ve been home, that i couldn’t start de-messing it. hope i find some time tomorrow, now i go and cuddle with nina.

i’m away!

i’m gonna be in oberwald for the whole next week, a teacher-friend of my sister is in charge of a skiweek with her pupils. she an her boyfriend, my sister, her boyfriend, sigi and me are gonna try to tame 21 14-year-old pupils.
so expect no update here (maybe a small one here or here), because i’ll be offline (although i take my ibook with me for some funny project).

have a nice week and behave!

this entry is gonna stay on top until sunday evening, because i might babble on until then :-)

that was a hot party!

i was invited to a filmpremiere of a friend (he drove to istanbul and back and made a short movie about his travel) and while chatting at the bar i felt that warm tingly feeling that says: your jumper is burning!
look what it looks like, when you stand at the bar and your jumper is too near to some candles…

4 pics

a really annoying and pointless ad-campaign, which is plastered all over here in bern.

does anyone know what “gerebelt” means? (cooking at work today…)

does anyone know other good moblogging sites besides (where my moblog is now), phlog or moblg? i’m looking for one where you can upload cheap (e.g email) and style your page as you want.
phlog is my main candidate right now. leave a comment if you know a better one!

comments hitparade

well, after arni posted some code1 i tried to implement the comment-hitparade i mentioned earlier:
i works nearly like a charm, the only problem is, that my top commenter never left an email-address, so he appears as “empty”2
i really start to get the hang of all these movabletype plugins, a nearly endless resources of things you can do with your blog (i just want to start to use that blogtimes-thing.
(b., this is a hint!)

anyways, here’s the code:

<MTCommentLeaders exclude=”” lastn=”10″>
[<$MTLeaderAuthorLink spam_protect=”1″$> (<$MTLeaderCount$>):
<a href=”<$MTBlogArchiveURL$>
<$MTLeaderEntryLink$>#<$MTLeaderCommentID$>”>read last.
</a>]<br />

1 i need to get the hang of all that css-stuff! in a week i have a meeting with äbu (marco liniger) concerning some other web-project, he may have some tips.
2 your email is spam-protected (as you can see when you read the code, so start leaving it! i have to group the top-comments by email, if i group it by name then i cannot exclude me and that would be unfair…

the sound of silence

boingboing points out a really weird fact: at itunes’ music-store (how do you write that frigging thing? i’ll just stick to ITMS!) you can get songs which consist of nothing than silence. how funny is that: buy silence for 99 cents a pop and buy it with some proper DRM-scheme!

so, if you live in the us of a, you can get 6 minutes and 45 seconds (the full playlist at appleturns) of silence for just $8.91. this is really cheap, go and get it, while it’s fresh!

but watch out, some songs are labelled: (which i have to admit, is a bit hard to get..)

oh, and you can even buy 15 minutes of silence! (but only if you buy the full album)
(the link above and most of the links on appleturns will only work if you got itunes on yer box.)

[via boingboing and as the apple turns]

new feature on this blog

if you look in the sidebar then you see a new feature: “last comments”.
i borrowed a code-snippet from stuart mutie, adapted it a tiny bit and now you can see the last comments that were posted here on the site.

this is my snippet of code, use it and abuse it!

[code lang=”text”]
&lt;$MTComments lastn=&quot;5&quot;$ sort_order=&quot;descend&quot;&gt;
[&lt;$MTCommentAuthorLink spam_protect=&quot;1&quot;$&gt;:
&lt;mtcommentbody trim_to=&quot;45&quot; remove_html=&quot;1&quot; convert_breaks=&quot;0&quot;&gt;
&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;$MTBlogArchiveURL$&gt;
&lt;$MTCommentEntryID pad=&quot; 1&quot;$=&quot;&quot;&gt;.html&quot; title=&quot;read the whole buzz&quot;&gt;&gt;&gt;


and i got another one in the working, a hit-parade of most active commenters, coming soon….

now it’s time to go and read that NZZ-Folio.

new headphones

today my cheapo headphone was killed in an accident (it fell out my bag while i was on the bike and the cord was ripped off, no big deal, it only costed 9.90 a year ago.)
so i thought it’s about time to get a real headphone:
i went to eschenmoser (my favourite discounter here in bern) and after trying out all the headphone they had on diplay there (ok, i did not really think about getting a headphone for 590 swiss francs) i bought the koss portapro (pictured left) for 99 CHF.
This sounds quite expensive, but i have to say it was the best headphone i listened to, the quality in the shop was really impressive.
the moment i came out of the shop i started to realize that i bought the real thing . when i plugged the koss into my ipod i knew i was missing something since the moment i bought those cheap headphones i used since a year or so. the sound-quality is at least ten times better :-)

i have to say that i’m never ever gonna buy cheap headphones, sometimes it’s better to spend some more dough. (not that i need to ever buy another headphone, because the portapro comes with a lifetime warranty…)

and now i come home, and want to blog it and find out that the portapro is unbeatable in his class and has been rated the best headphone in different tests. how cool :-)

[image from intech]

comments don’t work

i know the comments don’t work at all.
it’s a problem with the update of MTBlacklist, i’m working on it.
good night.

update: after b. did some of his touch-some-buttons-magic, the permissions on the server were set right, and i could update the two necessary files and everything now works like a charm, keep those comments flowing (i’m working on a funky feature concerning the comments…)

ah well then

btw: the photo-shooting i mentioned some days ago happened without me (through some organization hiccup, i was scheduled on wednesday, but then they switched it to thursday so that i couldn’t go).
ah, well, in this case no new ipod for me, instead i got me a second digi-cam :-)

oh, and arlette mentioned that maybe i can walk in a fashion show on the 20th march, i’ll keep you updated…

boah, this is what i call spamming!

today when i checked my mail i nearly couldn’t believe it, i got 176 new mails in my gna-inbox. first i thought it’s a major hit of mydoom.a, but then i found out, that it’s just a major issue of blog-spam.
not too bad, the guy (i suppose it’s a guy, so no offense to all my female readers…) managed to spam each and every entry on my blog. despite i have MTBlacklist installed, all the keywords he used slipped through MTBlacklist’ filter.

it’s gonna cost me quite some time do de-spam the whole blog.

ps: yes, i know i had 195 entries on my blog and only have 176 mails in my gna-inbox. the other 19 mails were filtered to my spam-box (which you can also see on the screenshot above) and were immediately deleted…

update: thanks to spamcop the people at ev1 got a little note, telling them that the ip did a massive spamming this morning… let’s see what they do about.

music can be such a turn-on

i couldn’t live without music!
my itunes is always set on random working through 1304 songs (at the moment), and now it played “club soda” by thomas bangalter which is about the grooviest electro-track ever made.
i remember the first time i heard that song: it was when i watched a dvd i won in a competition, vanity9. i had the videobeamer of a friend and watched it around two o’clock in the morning nearly on full volume. that track just blew me away.
if you click on the link above you get to the site where you can watch some samples of that dvd, if you just want to listen to a sample then click here (from the d@ft crew samples page)

warning: if you cannot handle go-go-girls dancing quite – let’s say – stimulative, then you probably should not click on the links above and only listen to the sample.