using b.‘s code he wrote for my itunes-trackback-thingie i prettied up the comment stuff a bit. (i hope the code he sucked out of his brain is “freeware” :-)
now you see who and when posted the last comment.
i like it, do you?
anyway, here’s the full code for your abuse:
function datediff2($datestr)
$r = array();
$d = time() – strtotime($datestr);
if ($d > 86400*2)
array_push($r, floor($d / 86400) . “d”);
elseif ($d > 86400)
array_push($r, “1d”);
$d = $d % 86400;
if ($d > 7200)
array_push($r, floor($d / 3600) . “h”);
else if ($d > 3600)
array_push($r, “1h”);
$d = $d % 3600;
if ($d > 120)
array_push($r, floor($d / 60) . “min”);
else if ($d > 60)
array_push($r, “1min”);
if (!count($r))
return “now”;
return implode(“, “, $r) . ” ago”;
<div class=”side”>
<$MTComments lastn=”5″$ sort_order=”descend”>
[<a href=”<$MTBlogArchiveURL$><$MTCommentEntryID pad=”1″$>.html”><$MTCommentAuthor$></a>, <? echo datediff2(‘<$MTCommentDate format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”$>’); ?>
]<br />
i really hope berni does not mind if i post his code here.
just to make it clear: my only achievement are the last lines between <div class=”side”> and </div> the rest is fully credited to the code-master b.