if you look in the sidebar then you see a new feature: “last comments”.
i borrowed a code-snippet from stuart mutie, adapted it a tiny bit and now you can see the last comments that were posted here on the site.
this is my snippet of code, use it and abuse it!
<$MTComments lastn="5"$ sort_order="descend"> [<$MTCommentAuthorLink spam_protect="1"$>: <mtcommentbody trim_to="45" remove_html="1" convert_breaks="0"> <a href="<$MTBlogArchiveURL$> <$MTCommentEntryID pad=" 1"$="">.html" title="read the whole buzz">>> </a>]
and i got another one in the working, a hit-parade of most active commenters, coming soon….
now it’s time to go and read that NZZ-Folio.
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