well, amir shure loves my blog:
he posted 5 comments on all my last entries and wants to sell me some viagrainfo; well gfy amir! (listen to fword.wav on that site, it’s really funny!)
October 2003
good and bad news
the good news: my bike is back!
after that it has spent a day somewhere, Mr. Wüthrich called at work this morning and told michel, that he found my bike in front of his shop.
so it seems, that somebody managed to open the lock on my bike, drive from my place to mr. wüthrichs coke machine and left it there.
what a twerp, stealing a bike for less than 5 minutes. but hey, i cannot complain, it’s back and in mint condition, nothing happened to my baby :-)
and the bad news (probably only interesting for these guys): Willy Aeschbacher did not renew his contract to run the cafeteria in the Gymer, where we all shared some remarkable moments.
So, from the beginning of next year, there’s no more Willy in the Mensa. How sad :-(
stolen bike!
somebody stole my bike!
it left it over the night locked in front of my house and this afternoon i came home and it wasn’t there anymore. both of my flatmate haven’t seen it, so i presume someone stole it.
it’s a black FORT-frame, with a trailer-coupling on the left side of the back wheel, has two dents in the top-tube of the frame, and has a quite a big “Velokurier 333 05 05” sign attached to the frame.
if you see someone with that bike and it’s not me, punch him/her heavily in the guts and call me (+41 76 330 17 96)!
if you find it, then you get at least an invitation to the cinema or something like this, so keep your eyes open!
i want it back so deeply. i do not care if my insurance pays me a new bike, i just want that one back, there’s so many emotions attached to it!
if you share an interest in tattos (if you’re a bit curious, then you might have found out, that I AM tattoed and got some piercings, too :-) then the skin-project looks really interesting, not only from the tatoo-point of view, but from a really artistic idea.
i’ve been thinking about getting a second tattoo since a long time (i’ve drawn a design pretty soon after i got my first one, in Sydney, one day before my 21st birthday, a bit more than 6 years ago.) and this might drown the desire to get that sund on the back for a moment….
btw: IAM is something like a close-gated-community for people who share an interest in body modification. Shannon (which is a really interesting person, from the stuff i read on his page) programmed the whole thing from scratch and hosts it, making it a place for me to hang out since years, actually my first entry on that blog dates from the 17th october 2000. (i guess three years ago, noone used the word blog, just think about that…). the closed-gated-community aspect made me post some really personal stuff from over the past years, where actually noone knew about that page, something like a diary which you keep for yourself. then Shannon opened IAM for the public, so now i do share some really personal stuff only for IAM-members, so not for the whole internet.
well, this entry got much longer than i thought, but i think it’s also time to get a bit more personal here, and not only post geeky stuff :-)
smart quizshow-attendants
Sender: RTL
Show: Der Schwächste fliegt
Frage: Welcher römische Kriegsgott trägt den gleichen Namen wie ein bekannter Schokoriegel?Antwort Kandidat: Snickers.
if you wanna read more of this, then check out Markus Gansels-Quizshow-page.
alleycat in lausanne
i just returned from a very cool alleycat in lausanne. normally an alleycat is about 30km “go as fast as you can”.
Blaize from velocite made that one different: there were 6 pickup places around the place de l’europe in lausanne (which were in a diameter of maybe 400m). at the start you got a list that was maybe 1-4-5-2, so you had not only to drive fast, but also think hard on how to go and pick up the “parcels” (which consisted of rubber stamps), then when you finished that list, you got another one, then another one, and so on until you finished seven lists.
and guess who finished first of all twelve messengers that were there and got that nice t-shirt that Blaize made himself?
I just read that on apple.slashdot (I should prepare my physics-lessons for next week, but the pressure is not high enough at the moment): Dasher is availiable in beta for OSX.
Dasher looks like a really promising way to enter text on a device with limited abilities. This can intentionally be understood in both ways. Either the device has limited abilities (think about palm-sized devices or wearable computers) or the person entering text has limited abilities (think about a paralized person).
I just downloaded the Beta-version of Dasher for OS X (which is also availiable for Windows, GNU/Linux and Pocket PC) and played around with it a bit (see below)
Dasher sports some pretty nifty interface. The user point to the letters he want’s to write an Dasher has some preemtive text input possibilites, so you are quite fast in writing (and also really fast in learning how to use it). The developers want to start to embed the possibility to add text to any application which should make dasher some decent fun to use!
If you can’t make out, what i’m rambling about, then you can read Dashers demonstration page with some huge movies of Dasher in action.
if you want to create a real-looking gossip magazine-title-page sporting your friends, then quickbrews dirt-generator has the tools for you :-)
yay for the us of ay!
cyborgs, take over please
ten years ago.
today i had to get a new ID, because mine got out of date after ten years.
quite funny to see me today and ten years ago :-)
what a nice 404!
the french ministry of culture has some really nice 404-error-pages!
(through Boing Boing)
ah well then!
this is a fast reaction!
today i got two mails in my inbox regarding the letter i wrote to the editor of the sonntagszeitung, first, one of the head of the ‘science’-part of the newspaper;
Sehr geehrter Herr Haberthür,
besten Dank für Ihren Leserbrief. Selbstverständlich hat uns die Geschichte im Wired inspiriert, dem Thema nachzugehen. Wir haben damit den freien Autoren Hubertus Breuer, der in New York lebt und regelmässig für die SonntagsZeitung schreibt, beauftragt, der Sache nachzugehen. Dass dabei eine ähnliche Geschichte rauskommen wird, wie sie schon in Wired stand, war uns von vornherein klar. Denn: Gute Ideen übernehmen ist schliesslich nicht verboten (im Gegensatz zum Abschreiben).
Ich kann Ihnen aber versichern, dass Hubertus Breuer alles selber so erlebt hat, wie er es beschrieben hat. H.B. ist einer von nur fünf Journalisten, die es bisher zu Apollo Diamond geschafft haben. Ich persönlich musste einen Eilbrief nach Boston schicken und der Firma Apollo Diamond versichern, das H.B. ein Autor der SZ und kein Spion von De Beers ist.
Zur Grafik: Hier haben wir mit der Quellenangabe klar deklariert, woher wir die Idee haben.
mit freundlichen Grüssen
— Nik Walter
then another one, of the author of the article, Hubertus Breuer:
Sehr geehrter Herr Haberthür,
besten Dank für Ihren Leserbrief. In der Tat haben wir die Idee zu
dieser Geschichte aus “Wired”. Doch ich habe das Thema zwei Wochen
lang ausführlichst recherchiert, war selbst in Boston und habe
mehrere Wissenschaftler zu dem Thema interviewt.
Ich war einer von bis dahin nur fünf Journalisten, die das Labor von
Apollo Diamond nahe Bostons besuchen durfte. Um das zu
bewerkstelligen, bedurfte es etlicher Überzeugungsarbeit. Dass Robert
Linares mich mit denselben Worten begrüßt wie den Autoren des
Wired-Artikel, zeigt, dass das wohl so seine Art ist.
Ich bin habe übrigens nicht dieselbe Prozedur durchgemacht wie der
Wired-Autor, dessen Augen nicht verbunden wurden. Mir dagegen wurde
dagegen eine Augenbinde aufgesetzt.
Weder das “International Gemological Institute”, ein Unternehmen, das
Diamanten zertifiziert, noch das Juweliergeschäft “Shenoa & Company”
kommen in dem Wired-Artikel vor.
Schließlich versteht es sich fast von selbst, dass es gewisse
Parallelen zu der Wired-Geschichte gibt, da sowohl der Wired-Autor
wie auch ich dasselbe Labor besuchten, um dasselbe Thema zu
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Hubertus Breuer
ok: HABi vs Sonntagszeitung, 0:1.
note to self
Wired vs. Sonntagszeitung
Well, if you compare the following two articles, once in the latest WIRED and then in the swiss paper Sonntagszeitung of last sunday, then – if you speak English and German – then something must come to your mind.
Maybe not, but at least excessive Copy & Paste with a detour over Babelfish. :-)
This is my reaction to their “letter to the editor”-departement (sorry, only in German).
Nach der gekränkt wirkenden Klarstellung in der Ausgabe vom 5. Oktober auf Seite 7 mit der Verurteilung der “Focus”-Redaktion fürs Schmücken mit journalistisch fremden Federn will man als Leser von der Sonntagszeitung in dieser Hinsicht ein besseres Verhalten verlangen.
Wenn ich aber den Bericht über die Diamantene Revolution in derselben Ausgabe durchlese (ab S. 89) fällt mir – selbst beim Überfliegen des Artikels – auf, dass dieser Artikel praktisch Wort für Wort aus dem Heft WIRED übernommen wurde. (Ausgabe WIRED 11.09 ab Seite 096 oder http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.09/diamond.html). Selbst die Illustrationen wurden praktisch eins zu eins übernommen, mit kleinen Änderungen in den Proportionen und Farben.
Der Autor Hubertus Breuer deklariert nirgends, dass er den Ausgangs-Artikel ein wenig umgeschrieben und gekürzt hat, sondern verkauft das Endprodukt unter seinem Namen. Oder ist es Zufall, dass er genau dasselbe Juweliergeschäft besucht, um die gezüchteten Steine überprüfen zu lassen, und der Chef von Apollo Diamond, Rober Linares ihn nach genau derselben Prozedur, welcher der WIRED Autor durchmachem musste mit exakt denselben Worten begrüsst?
Vor allem im Hinblick auf die Eingangs erwähnte Klarstellung erscheint mir dieses Vorgehen doch ein wenig fragwürdig.mit freundlichen Grüssen
David Haberthür
we’ll see what they make of my letter, hopefully they print it next sunday…
i just keep babbling
today Renzo gave me his MemoryStick with the pictures he made in luzern this saturday (he owns exactly the same camera a I do, funnily enough).
and there were quite some cool pictures of me on it, i especially like these:
i’ll shurely post some more in the pictures-section soon….
PS: if you want to read some more and see a perfect action-shot of Simu, then click here.
Oh, and BTW, Simu is the rapper and MC of Yedi, quite a cool band from the neighbourhood.
update: Renzos pictures are online.
pictures are online
my pictures from yesterday are online!
i’m still working on the movies, i don’t wanna fill up chris’ server with tons of junk :-)
Siegfried & Roy
do you know those two gay tigerhugging wackos that look like they’re still stuck in the eighties?
well, roy got hurt last friday (guess by what…) and is now in the hospital in critical condition.
hope he survives or the second one of “the masters of the impossible” has to think about a new name for his performance.
read more news through news.google.com
well, who would have guessed, i was at the SUICMC03 and just returned back home.
here are some pictures i made with my mobile, more from my camera soon…
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overview of the crowd | bene on the run |
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some bikes | and some more |
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pia doing a perfect trackskid | |
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my second place in the qualification runs | my gift for being number ten of all swiss bike messengers. (btw: pia won the women main race and got that gift…) |
i have plenty of pictures more and also some cool movies, which i’ll try to post tomorrow or monday, also with some indeep explanation for all non-messengers…
good night
PS: i hate to use tables to overcome the general uprettyness in html-layout.
todays plans or fun link
you decide which link is funny and which is my plans for tomorrow :-)
hint: i’ll take my camera with me, so expect a bunch of pictures of freaks doing crazy stuff (or was that no hint?)