servus vienna

nina won two return-tickets with, the new swiss airline.
guess who was invited :-)
not too bad to fly to vienna for 120 bucks for two persons, aight?

and yes, i would not take the plane to go to vienna, because for the same price (without rebate) you can take the night train which overall is only one or two hours slower, if you account for the check-in time and travel to the airport and travel from the airport and stuff like that. but nonetheless, an almost-free flight is pretty cool, don’t you think?

and the best thing is that gave away 10’000 free tickets this december. and guess who still has a ticket for one flight to vienna, valencia, alicante, bruxelles, palma the mallorca or malaga left? that’s right, me. so i “have” to fly to one of these cities until the end of march. decisions, decisions…

maybe a new ipod?

this evening arlette called me.
arlette is franziska’s stylist, which helps her for the campaigns that franziska makes the pictures.
they are seeking some people for a campaign for la redoute who stand around a tram while a girl in a bikini enters that tram (this is gonna be freezing, because at the moments it’s subzero conditions here)
and if i can go, then i’ll get me a new ipod from the money i get. mine starts to act strange and the guy at apple-store told me on the phone (after keeping me in the waiting line for 15 minutes…) that a repair costs 360.- (100 bucks less than a new ipod with three times the capacity). full stop.

ps: the last time i modeled i got me a digital camera for the money, so this would just be a natural progression …

take the minipop-quiz!

how good do you know famous people?
how good do you know them when they’re reduced to some pixels?
download this excel-file (256kb) and see for yourself!
(open the file, then insert the names. watch for the the’s, e.g. “a-team” is wrong while “the a-team” is correct.
yes, they’re really there)

i managed to recognise 19, but with sigi‘s suggestions we managed to get 27 of 95 right. (i’d never ever recognized the corrs and simon & garfunkel).
how much do you get right? leave a comment!

btw: perhaps you wonder how i got that file?
no, not from flipflopflyin, where all the minipops come from (and david with one long arm, too) but through pure coincidence!
yesterday evening i was trying out some tiny urls:
my tiny url leads to a 404-page
my sisters tiny url leads to a .dmg of some program to vectorize images.
my girl’s tiny url leads to the times online.
– and sigi‘s tiny url leads to the aforementioned file.
see? pure coincidence!

learn to dance really radical

boinboing’s link-fu-competition is always a plethora of really weird stuff, but this one blows it all!

a movie (probably czech according to the TLD, although the filename suggest that it’s finnish) where a guy shows you how to dance “disco” really well. you absolutely have to watch the whole movie (6.8 mb mpeg), it’s absoluhutely hilarious!

boingboing‘s link-Fu is an online competition where during a predetermined period of time boingboing readers send a url that links to a very weird something, somewhere.

other winners are:

i’m loving it!

i just love that quote:

    There really are only two kinds of computer geeks: those who’ve gone gaga over MacOSX and those who don’t own a Mac (yet).

[via simon willison]

oh, and by the way: the resemblance of the title with the new campaign of a burger-selling company is purely accidental.
(have you seen the commercia in the movies? it’s so bad you want to start to cry immediately, an absolutely lamo ad (7.8 mb mpeg-file) featuring a really silly swiss-german rap-song…)

war is fucking stupid!

take a look at these two videos:
first this video (mpg-video hosted on, about 4.6mb) which – rather graphically – depicts the killing of three men from a helicopter (and those soldiers don’t even add to the at least 8000 reported civilian deaths already!)
then this video here (.wmv-file, hosted by glider, about 1.1mb) where us soldiers repeatedly shoot a wounded iraqi and then describe it as: “It was a good feeling. Afterwards, you’re like, Hell, yeah, that was AWESOME! Let’s do it again!”

there’s nothing more to say than is already said:
by bushflash:

    This video was sent to me, and I’ll leave the interpretation of such, up to you. I won’t pass judgement on those responsible, as, of course, “They were only following orders”

by glider:

    It all just makes you so proud what we humans have accomplished in the past 6,000 years, doesn’t it?

[via bushflash and glider]

dumb people spending money

i just cannot imagine how dumb people must be.
i saw this auction on, where a guy sells his firewire-drive enclosure and thought, well 30 bucks seems like a fair price for it (to make me an external hd, because my ibook comes to it’s limit..).
and today i saw that some other guy set a higher bid, which is ok, that’s the way it works. but then, one day later he sets another bid, so he actually wants to pay more than himself :-)
and then comes another guy and bids three times the last price, how dumb must you be to do that? (or maybe he is only very impulsive and couldn’t think of another way to spend 95 bucks :-)


well, that’s nice, and does pump my ego a bit (not that i actually needed it :-)
piecoblog blogrolls to me, so now i’m on the same pieceoblog-famous-scale as etoy and monorom (monorom is part of the kaywa-team where greg also pumps out some code, the one greg which knows b., small world innit?)

– for one time i was faster than boingboing :-) today they posted the link to minimal porn, and i did that quite some time ago.

btw: i’m not at all a fan of yb, as piece thinks :-) football is not my kind of thing.

dropping balls

perfect for just a tad after midnight: balldroppings, a hard to describe piece of software (available for windows and os x)
since it’s so hard to describe, i’ll just cite the author: BallDroppings is an addicting and noisy play-toy.
give it a go, but maybe it’s best if you wait till tomorrow morning.
good night

[via boingboing]

bush in 30 seconds

If you haven’t seen the ironic ads for the Bush administration up to now, then it’s a good time to go to bush in 30 seconds.

all the ads are made to explains what this US-president bush and his policies are really about – in only 30 seconds – and under a creative commons license. the whole contest is a project of, a catalyst website ‘to bring ordinary people back into politics‘ which wants to create an ad to challege bush’s politics and politicians.
most of the ads are well worth the 30 seconds, go watch them, or as glider said: I hope the people who need to see these watch them.

btw: today at 11pm EST the winner of the little contest is to be announced live on the aforementioned webpage.
my personal favorite is “in my country“. “child’s pay” is really nicely made in terms of film-craftsmanship (and b.‘s preferred ad) and “desktop” is really simple and funny.

skiing is so cool

i had to go in town (which is a nuisance on saturdays, but i had to get my prescription for the pain-killers…) and ended up in a bookstore where they had a big sale, including a lot of dvd’s.
so i not only ended up with a prescription for medicaments, but also with two new dvd’s:
a deluxe 3 dvd edition of spiderman for 33 bucks (have you seen the trailer for spiderman2?) and
a amazing skiing movie: global storming for 20 bucks.

i peeked a bit at global storming, which makes me so much want to go and rent those skis and go skiing, but now i have to sit here and eat my pain killers, because skiing with broken ribs is such a no-go.


todays task left: none.

that’s what i wanted to do before i go to bed: here’s my updated cv.
if you find a typo or a bug, then send me a quick note please.

update; the cv was done in Microsoft’ Word, and i have to say that Word exports some f%ç&ed-up html code, i was cleaning the code up for about half an hour (i probably would have been faster writing the cv in html from scratch…)