thanks to the fabulous button maker my blog now features two new buttons in the lower sidebar. (besides the other ones, which were also made with the button maker, ages ago).
once a button which links to my amazon wishlist, just in case you want to send me a gift and the other is a button which links to my orkut-profile (which is something like FOAF for dummies :-). you’re free to join there and help build my network of friends.
ffaf is over
thanks for everyone participating on my free-for-all-friday!
some blogs which i will check out soon are now on my 2do list.
(the password is now changed to something private, so you cannot login anymore)
now i need to go to bed, i just returned from the only swiss show of princess superstar the concert is not over yet, but i have to get up quite early tomorrow.
oh, and yes the show was really good, it just started way too late!
Locked Outside!
I pulled this out of my old school composition book. Typed fresh and posting here, I don’t know if anyone is going to like this or not.
What does it feel like to be locked away from home? No transportations, nowhere to go; only one you can blame is yourself.
It doesn�t feel that bad after trying everyway to get back, now I could get mad at myself and consider the rest of the day as a bad day, or I could just make the best out of what I have. So, I have decided to write journals and walk around my neighborhood. I still remember the good-old-days; when I used to come out here in the same playground and ride my bike and play around with the other kids. It seems like events from yesterday. Anyway, I have lived in this neighborhood for a good six years now. Behind my house, there is an elementary school: IPS school 105. Soon after I decided to come to the playground, which is about 200 feet away from my house. I found myself in the playground sitting and observing kids playing kickball. It was amusing to me to picture myself being a kid again and what it�s like to be a kid again. But, I rather observe nowadays than actually participate. Although, I wouldn�t mind partake in, but I love to observe people. I find it quite time passing event. Sometimes, I want to figure out why certain people do certain things also what goes through certain people�s mind. Through observing their behaviors in an anonymous way, I can find out a lot about certain people.
So far, being locked out of the house had its advantages. At least I used the time to write another journal.
– Syedur ::: Life :: Logged!
pounding hammer
__ __ __ _ _ __ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) / ) /__\ )(__ ) (__) ( ) ( / (__) \ (____)(______) (_) \ _) (__) (__)
was here. seriously. that’s all I’ve got. I am so wiped. but my site’s open for FFAF too. :)
sigi… your phd sounds cool… (no pun intended) and speaking of snow I’m reading a really cool book at the moment called “high risk” (i think, not got the book handy… doh!) and it’s about avalanches and Everest… really enjoyable page turner…
Speaking of PhD’s snap.. I’m also doing one… total opposites… mines in astronautics… and in the sunny climes of Southampton, England…
Be good have fun…
DJ ::… tbc …::
nina haberthürs first blogging
My Name is Nina, actually Anina (which is a palindrome ;-)
I am the sillylittlesis of Habi.
Here I am trying to do what my freaky brother Habi does most of his spare time…He is an addict!!!
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any stupid pictures of habis and my Childhood to put here. But, I don’t think I would have been able to place them here anyway…
Have fun, Nina
journey to ETH in Zürich
well then, let’s start that free blogging. first time blogging, but still i will not be able to blog like no tomorrow, because i have to go to the eth zürich in two hours. there i have to meet my professor and present him what i have done the last few month. for those who don’t know me, i am doing a PhD on fracture mechanics of snow at the slf in davos. sounds funny, huh… and i am habis preferred DDC partner (at least i hope so, habi. see pictures of last summers DDC playing on this site). during the last weeks i have done a lot of fracture experiments on snow beams because we would like to find out how fractures propagate in snow and how finally an avalanche is triggered. that included a lot of work in our cold labs (-15�C, brrrr). but still there was (and is) some spare time for skiing….:-)
i wish you all a nice friday and i’m curious to see all your entries this evening. (and maybe habi can manage, that the pictures i sent him by email will also show up on this page. so that you can see what kind of “funny” stuff i have to present today).
Free-For-All Friday
today is the free-for-all friday! (from now on until sometimes late tomorrow night)
free for all means you can post whatever you want on my blog.
say what you want to say, share a link, complain about my blogging habits, etc…
all you have to do is login and post!
here’s how to do it:
go to
login as user “guest” with the password “march04”
click on “New Entry” on the left.
enter a descriptive title for your post and change the “Post Status” from “Draft” to “Publish” or else nobody will see your entry.
then type what you want to type in “Entry Body”.
when you’re done, click “Save” and your entry will be on the site.
sign your post with your name and (if you have) your website, or else i cannot find out who you are!
please keep it somewhat clean…if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. spam is not acceptable and will be deleted asap and porn links will be checked out by me and then deleted :-)
i reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
and most important: have fun!
tonights last post
the free-for-all friday sounds like something to do for next friday!
i was not absolutely happy with MT-Blacklist up to now, because i still get some comment from day to day.
but today i looked at my blog’ activity log (if you run MT: /yourblog/mt.cgi?__mode=view_log ) and was quite astounded that my MT-Blacklist actually stops at least two spammers per day (!!!) from promoting their shabby site on my blog (and upping their ante in the google-page-ranks (as discussed by b.))
now i just updated my blacklist with the master-blacklist and am happy that jay allen protects me from the scum on the intaweb!
viruses and trojans are coming
in the current weltwoche* there’s an article about hackers and coders which was not too bad (although a bit pop-science).
i really had to laugh about the worm that Philet0ast3r programmed:
Ein anderer [Wurm], an dem er gerade arbeitet, installiert zwei gesprächsfähige Programme auf dem befallenen Computer, die dann in einem Pop-up-Fenster auftauchen und nervös miteinander darüber sprechen, ob es hier eine Antivirus-Software gibt und ob diese sie womöglich aufspüren und vernichten kann.
sounds really funny, makes me want to run that on a windows-machine and watching those two, while not being able to stop laughing hysterically. really!
note1: do those two programs talk in one window or is it in two windows? you see, the article was not very in-depth about the specifics of programming or so, just an enjoyable read.
note2: the english version of the article can be found on clive thompsons site
note3: are there still personal websites that are not blogs?
* yes, i still read it, although it’s not fashionable, but when i have to think about renewing my subscription i’ll think about it, really hard, promised!
never ever a flat tire again? (not really)
engadget pointed out this device installed on a bike. the pump in the hub prevent you from ever having a flat tire again. the problem is, that the tire is not actually refilled when punctured by driving into a splinter, sherds or just too fast over an edge (resulting in a snakebite) but it designed to prevent the tire getting flat from the “normal” air loss.
hence you only need to bike approximately 3 miles a month and don’t have to bother that your bike has too low air-pressure, sparing you an excuse.
so i still can keep on dreaming that the flat tire i had at work today is the last one i ever had to fix :-)
at least continental sponsored some tires for us with their “you don’t have to buy a new tire and inner tube for a year, we do that for you“-guarantee, we’ll see what happens when i install them on my new bike, which i hope to be able to do in a month or so.
as you might remember i ordered four track-frames from poland. it seems like ages away, but there’s still hope that i’ll ride that cycle the guy wrote me that he’s actually finishing the fourth frame this week, so hopefully i’ll be able to spend some money soon…
since my migration to panther i was looking for a decent controller for itunes. the problem was, that my favorite freeware app (PTHitunesnotifier, now a 70$ shareware: youcontrol) to control itunes did not work on panther.
the problem is, that i often want to switch to the next track, because i’m not in the mood to listen to the current one (i have a really broad library of about 1500 songs, which are normally set to play on random, so sometimes the one coming up, doesn’t fit).
up to now i could achieve that with keyboard maestro which did the hot-key control for itunes, sparing me the right-click on the dock-icon of itunes and then selecting: “next song”. i can just hit F7 to pause or F8 to skip to the next song, greatly decreasing the change to get distracted from my current task.
one thing i was missing though is the announcement of the current song, which was what PTHitunesnotifier did really nicely for me.
that’s where synergy comes in handy. it has a nice pop-up window – called floater – which announces the current track (as seen on the left). synergy also has good hotkey-control for itunes, so my F7 and F8-keys have something to do, and features also a nifty menu-bar control, which comes in handy sometimes. the only drawback is that it costs 5€, so it’s not free.
but hey, i can start it ten times until it wants the serial, which makes it possible for me to use it for free for nearly three months if i do not reboot too often :-)
and then i will gladly shell out those bucks if i haven’t found anything better…
do you use a controller for itunes or have a better suggestion for me? leave a comment.
there was quite a lot of ’em
it was not like you will read in the newspaper today!
the demonstration was mostly peaceful, except all those kiddies slamming those stickers everywhere and also some that couldn’t handle their urge to spray paroles on the walls of berne.
the police was there with a massive amount (as you can see in the insanely brightened pictures below) and acted quite blindfold (endangering the whole demonstration, read more in the media-information).
towards the end, near the reithalle where the demonstration was about to dissolve some kiddies started to throw stuff (mostly empty bottles and small stones) towards the policemen (and also some women). those couldn’t help responding with their car-mounted water guns, so the whole scene got out of control pretty fast.
and guess what one will read in the news tomorrow? “big riots around the reithalle” and stuff like that. just about
exactly what the organizing people want to have remembered by all the absent people.
that’s what they say and what it was like:
Nach Auflösung des Abendspaziergangs kam es im Bollwerk zu unnötigen Scharmützeln. Vereinzelte Demonstrierende liessen sich auf das von der Polizei provozierte Spiel ein. Das ist nicht in unserem Sinn: Wir wollen Inhalte vermitteln – und werden dies auch in Zukunft tun.
i wonder if tonight there’s gonna be the same amount of police-officers as this afternoon
me for my part thinks that it’s even gonna be more crowded with those funny straw-shields….
sore back
oh, and just in case you wondered, i feel much better (unlike other guys). my back still hurts quite a bit and the muscles are sore like i’ve done 376397876 pushups, but it’s on the way to getting better.
in the morning i visited my osteopath who told me that my back and all the other things are not in too bad of condition. he nearly broke my spine and next monday i’ll go and see him again to decide when i (finally) can/should work again. (have you ever been manipulated by a osteopath? the sounds are mind-wrecking! but the feeling when you walk out of the doctor’s practice makes you want to turn around and go in again :-)
new bikes
today i called the insurance of the girl that hit me on tuesday and informed them that she did not hit a car, but destroyed a bike (they wrote: “please inform us, how expensive the repair of the motor vehicle is gonna be”).
the guy on the phone was really friendly, but also a bit weird: “oh, i cannot believe that your bike (something like this) costed 2000 swiss francs five years ago, it must be something really expensive then”. well, sure it was, it’s one of my work-horses, you silly! and when i informed him, that i’m also gonna buy a new helmet on the insurance, he also a bit surprised. but hey, i don’t wanna drive with a potentially damaged helmet, it’s just not safe (not that it’s safe in the first place :-)
and now comes the hard part. if the insurance is gonna pay me around 2k-bucks for a new bike i have to choose wisely, the choice is really big.
thömu has three really nice options.
price bikes has some of the slickest looking frames.
röschu has much more available and served me really well whenever i bought something there.
our shop has some very good deals on bmc bikes from last year.
or should i go for pinarello again?
decisions, decisions!
and why is the title of this entry new bikes?
today i went to the shop to get my other workbike (the one where i would be un-solaceable if it was damaged like the pinarello). the guys in the shop had to change pretty much everything except the frame :-)
i had to get two new rims, because the ones on the bike were paperthin, thus the also mounted new spokes and new brake pads. the main cause i brought the bike was that it needed a new set of chain rings because the ones on it served me well for about 8000 km, thus they also had to mount a new chain and new pinions (the cogwheels in the back). and because one of the shift-levers was broken, i told them to change that too. good that we have a decent rebate in the shop or else i would have paid much more than 577 bucks to get a literally new bike (all the major parts are brand-spanking new – exept the hubs, which were changed some months ago :-)
bloggin’ from iphoto
as you can see in the entry below i’m now able to post pictures directly from iphoto, it’s still bit quirky, but the software i used is still in it’s beta stage, so bear with the author.
the photos i blogged directly from my iphoto are from our stay in vienna, one is the town-hall with nina, the other pics are from the restaurant raan, which was more than lovely, i had a vegetarian sushi which was among the best asian stuff i ever ate! a big recommendation if you’re ever gonna go to vienna!
[via urs]
update: it doesn’t seem to work well in iphoto4 (which i installed this afternoon) so i just start using ecto, which has quite a nifty iphoto-integration…
5. Antifaschistischer Abendspaziergang
Aus aktuellem Anlass blogg ich mal auf Deutsch:
Hier ist noch der Flyer für den Antifa-Spaziergang vom kommenden Samstag.
Ich werde dort sein, Du auch?
4 quick notes
– vienna was more than lovely.
– filewile is having a party tomorrow @ cafe kairo, promoting their video-clip (which runs on viva-swizz after midnight).
– this saturday evening there’s the antifa-abenspaziergang here in bern. be there set your mark against racism and foreclosure in any form!
– i had an accident at work today, a women hit me with her smart.
my pelvis now hurts really bad, but nothing is broken (except the windscreen of the car…). i’m a lucky bastard!