picture of the week 44

the threepieced thing in the picture below might look like something that could be documented by stickernation.net. but it shows the targot1 with which higisuper* won the targot-game we played yesterday afternoon in the old town of bern.


1explanation will follow later. the game was so amazing that it merits an own post. later.

new feature (in test mode)

1t the image on the left shows the total accesses of habi.gna.ch since the start in july last year (reminds me, i missed the anniversary :-). it impressed me that the total accesses to this little site are around 20000 a day which seems huge. but be reminded that every access to every file counts, so if you watch an index-page on the pics-section this counts as more than20 accesses (9 thumbnails, 2 navigation-buttons and 8 image files for the thumbnail frames plus the html-file itself plus the css-file).
since the usage-statistics provided by gna.ch are not easily readable (e.g. something like this) and i wanted to know a bit more about you i implemented a little counter in the sidebar (under the “test” category).
the counter provided by countnow.de adds a human touch to all the data that can be pulled from your visit. i will keep it in the test-category to see if i am pleased with it or until you, my dear readers get bored with it. if you click on the number you will get teleported to the counter-page which is free for everyone to abuse…

since i saw that baba had this counter on her travel-blog i felt like beamed back to my first web page when it was cool to have a counter on your page, which was populated mostly by your hits. and this made me do it, the whole stuff above is solely justification-babble…

the kleptones

piece lately mentioned a night at the hip-hopera from the kleptones. according to me this is THE mashup album of the year. although the album as a whole is illegal it is quite brilliant, mixing the best songs from the hiphop-spere into an album with great flow.
boingboing posted a link to waxy’s blog where he collaboratively tries to identify all samples used in the 23 great songs! i’ve been listening to those songs all morning long, they’re great, go and grab them while they’re hot!
on waxy’s page you can also download the files, he’s generously hosting them. or else you go to the kleptones’ page, they point you to some mirrors to download all the songs (either as one big file (109mb .zip), as 23 individual files or – if you like that – as a bittorent file).

[via piecoblog and boingboing]

funny typo

i think dell has a really bad lectorer.
or they want to scam me, because they sell a laptop with a 1gb hard disk for 2099 swiss franks.
or maybe it’s only a funny typo. whatever:


i thought it’s fun, in a nerdy way. excuse me if you don’t get a wee laugh out of this.

messengers caught on film [update]

the first few glimpes i’ve seen since the download started1 make it look like THE uber-messenger-movie, but i definitely need to go to bed now, i’ll download the whole movie tomorrow and let you know.
but be warned, the movie of a rider filming an alleycat through manhattan with his helmet-camera is a hefty 50 mb big!

update: after viewing the whole film today i got to mention that we’re all wussies here in bern.

[via memepool]

1: right-click on the .download-file, show package contents, and you’ll find a nice, but unfinished .mov inside the file


now it’s official: the new map.search.ch is live and online.
b.abou and the other coding guys at search.ch released their new baby into the wild, and i suppose it’s ready to survive and thrive there, because it really is good.
since some weeks i’ve been testing and using it a lot at work to find all those funny addresses where our customers are (and sometimes telling the others: then after the house with the red roof you turn right).
map.search.ch is surprisingly fast and amazing to use. drag the map around to see what comes around the edge and the map data is loaded as it’s needed. is the map too big? just resize your browser-window and the map is resized accordingly.
the whole map is composed of aerial photos of switzerland (so you can see funny stuff like this waterskier), but if you need even more speed you can also only have the streets in a “normal” map mode (but is of no use for the waterskier :-)
hell, there’s even more: click on the map to zoom in, right-click to zoom out. i’d write some more, but i gotta run, i’m off to biel to attend a vernissage of biggi lustenberger with a piece of art me and 50 other people are in. have a nice evening!

oh, btw, that’s the house i live in, but give me a call before you come and visit…

email aliases in mail.app

i should have read that post before the suicmc04 was over!
i’ve been doing lot of emailing from all the different accounts @suicmc04.ch (info, sponsoring, race, helfer, etc.) and every-time i did this, i did an apple+; to go to the preferences of mail.app to be able change the corresponding email-address.
mail.appnow justin french (with a wonderful website!) mentions an un-documented feature of mail.app. you are able to set up multiple adresses for one account, which is a HUGE timesaver for all of you that have multiple mail-addresses that are being forwarded to one address in the end (e.g john@example.com, john.doe@example.com, info@example.com). mail.app is even smart enough to know which address to use when you reply to an incoming mail.
just wonderful, but a pity i know it now that the suicmc is over and i won’t be handling multi-alias mailing anytime soon.
stuff like this makes working with a mac even more fun!

[via 43 folders] a blog chock-full of other very useful tricks and hacks!


is it funny? or is it really, really scary?
i don’t know what to think of that movie (5.7mb .mov) in which someone edited all fear-inducing flowery phrases spoken at the rnc into one hypnotizing stream of words that start to loose the connection to reality.
think for yourself might be one consequence. don’t trust the words of those governing you…

[via boingboing]