finally i’ve been able to hack together a panorama of the pool we’ve been swimming in in gensingen. if you click on the image on the left you should be able to open the 432kb-file and see how the pool looked from left to right. mind the bad quality of the panorama, but it was shot without tripod and a whimsy camera.
i just bought a power mac :-) i’ve been bidding on it, because i thought, that’s such a cheap prize that i’m never gonna win and was not really inclined to buy it.
ah, well then, so i’ll replace my ibook with something more suited to my needs… and because i’m gonna get more money than i thought from teaching last week (the school didn’t know about my master degree) i can afford it.
now i just need a monitor. anyone got a flat-screen lying around? send me an email…
picture of the week 04
this week was really busy, i was giving computer science lessons in kirchberg while still working nearly normally.
luckily i was rewarded with the nicest afternoon at work during this week full of snow, so i only biked privately in the snow.
the picture below is from one evening, coming home. riding fast even with a lot of snow on the street.
mercedes mixtape 05
mercedes released the new mixtape (version 05). the opener track is a really great jazzy electro-tune.
go grab all the songs at, they will be gone after march, 22. (not really gone, but substituted by new songs). i couldn’t find the direct download link, you’ll have to click through the flash-interface and make your selection for the download (all songs together in a .zip-file are 89mb).
and because i missed to download mixed-tape 03 i was googling for it, and found an archive of all mixed-tapes behind this raunchy address (which is completely SFW). so if you want to start a download frenzy, you can…
more dropdowns
thanks to pete bevin, my sidebar now sports some more dropdowns. i fiddled with the code he provides on his page, so now it’s marginally different. for my MT3 installation the code looks as follows:
archive dropdown:
<select onChange=”document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;” class=”jumpbox”>
<option value=””>monthly archives</option>
<MTArchiveList archive_type=”Monthly”>
<option value=”<$MTArchiveLink$>”><$MTArchiveTitle$></option>
comments dropdown:
<select onChange=”document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;” class=”jumpbox”>
<option value=””>comment archives</option>
<$MTComments lastn=”10″$ sort_order=”descend”>
<option value=”<$MTBlogArchiveURL$><$MTCommentEntryID pad=”1″$>.html”> by <$MTCommentAuthor$>, <? echo datediff2(‘<$MTCommentDate format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”$>’); ?></option>
recent entries dropdown:
<select onChange=”document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;” class=”jumpbox”>
<option value=””>recent entries</option>
<MTEntries lastn=”10″ sort_order=”descend”>
<option value=”<$MTEntryPermalink$>”> <$MTEntryTitle$></option>
i know the dropdowns don’t look nice, but i still need to tweak the css a bit, it just doesn’t seem to accept the jumpbox-class. i need to take a deeper look at it. but now i need sleep, that’s more important at the moment…
how does it look on windows?
pictures of the week 03
like you’ve seen below, i’ve been skiing with tom yesterday.
in adelboden i took the 4000th picture with my digital cam(s)[1], [2]. i would have loved it to be the one with the wires, but it was a self-portrait of me on the chair lift. so i’ll just post both.
[1]: i know, i took much more, since i also delete a lot, but the picture of me is number 4000 in my iphoto library
[2]: the first picture is from end of may 2001, so i took around 2.5 pictures each and every day. wicked!
adelboden in the sun
for all non-believers: that’s the way adelboden looked this afternoon!
online help
do you have got a dirty screen? then just click here and you’ll be helped.
[via], a funny new weblog in my newsreader.
pictures of my last weekend
’cause flickr was experiencing some severe flakiness over the last days i’ve not managed to upload my pictures from gensingen up until now. so if you want to see me nekkid (or at least topless…) you can head over and take a look at my gensingen-photoset.
19.26 from lausanne
just in case you haven’t seen it over at my moblog.
i was having quite a boring afternoon, i never got out of the inner part of the city (happens sometimes…). and normally we don’t get that many jobs after 7. and one at 19.26 out to the kasparstrasse is really unusual. and from lausanne even more…
so: thanks for the banana thingies, i ate one when i unloaded the parcel from the train, it made me go really fast…
you know who you are.
and all the others: this is an insider-story, just don’t bother….
fight comment spam [update2]
google takes a new measure in fighting comment spam. they implemented a new attribute for hyperlinks – rel=”nofollow” – which prevents links from being spidered. so when google (or any other search engines that support the attribute) parses a link with that attribute the links don’t get credits in the rankings of the catalog. this is one of the first measure to make blog-spamming really uninteresting.
many (blog)systems are already able to cope with the new attribute, i installed the nofollow plugin for MT, so spammers can sod off!
jayallen (of mtblacklis fame) also has a nice post covering the pro’s and con’s of that measure.
now i have to finish that “internet”-script i have to hand out to the class tomorrow.
good night.
[via google’s blog]
update: hm, maybe i’ve shot too fast.
like b. and ben hammersley noted, the whole thing might backfire. it’s also a sign on how powerful google is.
heck, do i use something else to scour the web for information? no, just sometimes i head over to…
i look forward to having a talk with b. soon. when everything works out, we’ll see each other this weekend (for a little game).
update2: i deleted the nofollow-plugin from my MT-installation after reading here.
picture of the week 02
first of all i noticed, that my notation was wrong, so i changed the title to all the posts in the category “picture of the week” of this year. the title now describes what the image is, namely an image of the past week.
so the image of the last week shows you the rotten watch of the trainstation in gensingen, where pesche and me have been this weekend. we both went to the 16th international masters competition of the ssv ingelheim. since the poor swimmers don’t have a pool the competition was held in the cozy city of gensingen. since there was absolutely nothing to do, we were so bored that we spent two hours in the local mall, which was not really funny, but warm.
oh, and by the way we both swam quite good, i made 100m crawl in 1:06:45, 50m crawl in 28:73, 100m medley in 1:19:00 and 50m butterfly in 32:something…
the archives are back
some time ago i deleted the archives in the sidebar, because the were using up too much screen-realestate. since people complained that my archives are hard to grab, i spent 20 seconds implementing a nice trick posted over at scriptygoddes: drop down month archives.
just paste the code below there where you want your dropdown list to be, rebuild your site and have a go with it.
<form name=”jump2″>
<select name=”myjumpbox” OnChange=”document.location=jump2.myjumpbox.options[selectedIndex].value”>
<option selected>Please Select…</option>
<MTArchiveList archive_type=”Monthly”>
<option value=”<$MTArchiveLink$>”><$MTArchiveDate format=”%B %Y”$></option>
the code is a simple javascript, so should work in all browsers with fresh flavour, leave a note when not so.
and i gotta say this seems to open a lot of possibilities for my sidebar, keep tuned!
how much can you make?
when i was visiting some page, this iq-test popped up, i do not know where. in the end i could not resist to fill out the whole test and ended up having an iq of 133.
how much can you make?
(and keep in mind that a) english is not my first language, so some questions were really far off and b) i used google once, for the question with the “what does NAGEDLN mean?)
new filewile track on the web
dustbowl and deejot have released a new track. this time they did not release it on their page, but on the alpinechic-label. you can grab the whole compilation SWISS CIRCUS IN STEREO Compilation #2 as one big zip-file here (84.6mb .zip) or only the filewile-track Attila here (7.59mb .mp3).
oh, and sigi. now you’ve got one of those shiny gadgets, you can just point your podcast application (i suggest ipodder) to the podcast-link of filewile, and you magically get all their songs…
dreikönigskuchen-geheimnis gelöst (with short english explanation)
aus aktuellem anlass und schweizbezug in deutsch:
letzten donnerstag abend (dreikönigstag) war ich mit mara essen. (lustigerweise per zufall am gleichen tisch wie urs, leider sind wir nicht richtig ins gespräch gekommen, er war mit seinem kollegen über anderes am diskutieren[1]). aus aktuellem anlass kamen wir auf die dreikönigskuchen zu sprechen. mit meiner rudimentären statistischen ausbildung hab ich behauptet, dass fairerweise der könig im kuchen völlig zufällig verteilt sein sollten, das heisst also in 6 von 7 fällen aussen, in 1 von 7 fällen innnen [2]. irgenwie hab ich dann mit mara gewettet, dass das so ist (ich weiss aber nicht mehr was wir wetteten…). ich wollt dann grad mal bei den jowa-gielen anrufen, um nachzufragen, aber die arbeiten ja abends nicht mehr. freitags hab ichs dann vergessen. heute beim velölen kams mir wieder in den sinn, und ich hab dann heute nachmittag nach schönbühl telefoniert.
ein freundlicher herr hat nach einmal klingeln das telefon abgenommen, sein name sei hier aus datenschutzgründen nicht verraten (ich hab ihn nicht informiert, dass ich unser gespräch aufnehme, t610 sei dank…).
mit ein bisschen brei um den bart schmieren [3] und flunkern konnt ich dann die info aus ihm rausholen. in migros-dreikönigstagskuchen ist der kleine plastikkönig immer in einer der kugeln aussen, niemals drinnen. zum selber nachhören hier der relevante teil meines mitschnittes des gesprächs: 3koenigskuchen.wav (388 kb). ich hab nun also eine wette verloren und weiss nicht mal mehr, was wir gewettet haben.
english translation: on the 6. january we have a rite where we eat a special kind of cake, the three kings cake. there’s a little plastic king hidden in one of the balls of the cake. whoever gets that piece of cake is the king for the day. i had a bet with a friend of mine on how the plastic king is “distributed” in the cake. to prove my theory i called the bakery of one of the two biggest grocers in switzerland. the linked .wav file is the proof that i was wrong with my theory. (this is swiss german by the way :-)
[1]: ich war zuerst nicht 100% sicher, ob es urs ist, ich les zwar sein blog, hab ihn aber nur einmal kurz live gesehen. aber sein kollege musste nur ein wort erwähnen, damit ich sicher wusste, dass ers ist: bitflux. wenn zwei typen in bern das bei pizza essen erwähnen muss einer urs sein.
[2]: wohlgemerkt, nur bei einem kuchen mit insgesamt 7 gleichgrossen kugeln, die standardversion der migrosbäckerei jowa.
[3]: ich weiss nicht, ob herr X einen bart hat, das sagt man aber so.
picture of the week 01
yesterday i’ve been diving again. yes, diving in the cold thuner-see, the water was around 5 °C. we’ve again been at the schönörtli (german for nice place).
because i wore a dry suit [1] i was only nearly freezing my ass off (more the hands than the ass, ’cause i was wearing wet gloves). the dive was really spectacular, the sight underwater was amazing, much better than in the summer. and it’s really fun to dive with a dry suit, you feel like stuck in a balloon and can shift the air in thta balloon depending on the position you have. the picture below shows raymond and beat during their dive, having a break at the surface. can you see how clear the water is, you’re able to see the stones at the bottom…
my lesson learned: winter bike leggings are not suited as undergarment in a dry suit. a thick woollen jumper is suited.
[1]: thanks mac for letting me test the suit for free.
those mash-ups don’t stop!
i’ve already mentioned some mash-ups, here comes one more, not exactly a mash-up, but a band that mixes metallica and beatles songs: beatallica. all 11 songs can be conveniently downloaded as a torrent-file or as single .mp3-downloads. get them while they last.
oh, and just to make this post more complete (or actually post a real mash-up), did i ever mention the beastles? an excellent mash-up between the beatles and the beastie boys.
beatallica: [via powerbook blog]
beastles: [via boingboing]
spy on other people [update2]
this reminds me of the old days on the internet, where one was able to steer a model train via a remote interface [1]:
use google to find “vunerable” security cams. if you take a look at this google search then you will find a huge amount of unsecured webcams, most of them might be security cameras. pretty much all of them can be controlled via your browser [2] so you’re free to spy on all different kinds of things, may it be car rentals, laundromats, japanese hotel lobbies or bays or a whole friggin list of things!
[1]: more spy-related links can be found at the bottom of this article in the new scientist, where i also was able to find the link for the model train…
[2]: beware OS X users: safari doesn’t support the streaming jpeg technique that most of these cameras use, so you must use firefox for those links…
[via boingboing and metafilter]
update: mathias noted that the link to google is wrong. i corrected it.
update2: here’s some more on this on boinboing.
picture of the week 00
i wanted to (digitally) record the ibrahim ferrer show that drs3 aired last thursday evening so the post about enabling your ipod to record anything on hackaday came just right. but after installing linux on my first-generation ipod (see here) with the extremely painless ipodlinux installer i could not get it to record more than 5 second snippets (but played some games on it…) so i figured out an easier way. i started the live-stream of drs3 and used wiretap1 to record the concert. nonetheless i’ve now got two working operating systems on my ipod.
ps: now i just have to figure out how i can burn the 2h show on one cd to give to nina (which was the point from the beginning….)
1: the pro version works like a charm in the free mode as long as you don’t need to record directly to mp3/aac. i used itunes for the conversion…