flickr/groups/swiss-meeting @ 29.10.05

samstag in einer woche, am 29.10 treffen sich schweizer flickr-user um 14.00 auf dem bundesplatz in bern. wer auch kommen will, soll sich hier anmelden, wer sich den werdegang des meetings zu gemüte führen will, kann diesen diskussions-thread durchlesen.

bis denn.

english: swiss flickereebies are gonna meet at the 29th of october at 2 pm on the bundesplatz in bern. signup is here, discussion is here.

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abstimmen! [update]

in den bergen ist freiheit lancierte einen bergfotowettbewerb (um irgendein monopol zu brechen [1]). jetzt kann bis nächsten samstag (8.10.) abgestimmt werden, damit dann ein foto das schönste ist.

gute freunde werden mein foto erkennen, es hatte die ehre, als “es guets 2005”-karte verschickt zu werden [2].

also stimmt ab, es hat viele schöne fotos drunter (hier alle in gross.). am schönsten find ich persönlich patricks eigenes bild (nummer 1, das mit der tollen reflektion.)

[1]: wieso genau hab ich ferienweise verpasst, ich bin noch nicht durch mit allen feeds lesen…

[2]: nummer 17 in patriks liste (übrigens: 0111000001100110 = pf)

[update]: ich löli hab doch tatsächlich vergessen den link zu linken, wo mensch abstimmen kann: hier

thoughts after a busy week

– driving a fixie with a huge backpack (clothes for week and some more stuff) through downtown basel and zürich is not so fun

– going to the ecmc and not competing is only half the fun

– you need a valid passport or id to go to sweden (not me, mine is perfectly valid), but you can organize a passport in 30 minutes

– sleeping on a boat is fun

– sweden has the biggest indoor swimming pools i’ve ever seen

– going to another european championship with 3700 contestants is massive fun

– the ipod camera connector works like a charm (i took 260 pictures and some movies at the ecmc and at the emc)

hugin will be runnig continuously for the next few days, cause i took a lot of panoramas

– i will tell you as soon as i uploaded the pictures, from time to time, you’ll find a bunch on flickr

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i’m off for a week (to some european championships)

i’m leaving for two european championships soon: saturday i’ll be in basel at the ECMC2005 and then on sunday i’ll leave to sweden for the 10th European Masters Championship 2005 in Swimming, Diving and Open Water Swimming in Stockholm. we’re gonna stay on this ship for a week and swim some meters in this pool.

so don’t expect any updates here [1] and please do behave with comment spam and stuff like that. whish you a happy week and take care.

[1]: maybe i’m not completely offline, according to this picture which is from our hostel…

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kinder eggs are a scam!

Dsc01118past saturday i went to the migros to buy some stuff for my weekend. and just because we had acute chocolate craving, nina and me bought two kinder eggs at the checkout. when i opened mine back home, i was quite stunned that there was a little car in it (which is not really stunning per se). the car was a smart forfour which consisted of four parts, so it was not even a challenge to put the thing together. since when do they put advertisement into chocolate?

but the best thing comes now: when nina opened her egg, she had exactly the same thing in it. what a scam! not only do they put paid advertisment into the eggs (see image), they also flood you with it.

next time we’re gonna buy real chocolate.

ps: you also get a special code in the eggs which should enable you to unlock a special thing on the kinder egg site, but i couldn’t open it (neither in safari or camino…). guess there are no kids with os x out there :-)

ps2: don’t dare to look up “m-budget” on (e.g. don’t click here) if you can’t handle sexually explicit material…

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 Folio Curr Img Eckengaaus aktuellem grund mal wieder deutsch;

diesen sonntag findet in konolfingen wieder mal ein bloggertreffen statt, diesmal brätelnderweise. christian hats angerissen und einige wollen kommen (siehe kommentare). wenn schönes wetter ist, werd ich mit dem velo nach konolfingen düsen und hab schon mal beim herr leu angefragt, ob er auch mitkommen will, der ziert sich aber noch :-)

der velobegeisterte aargauer ist ja bekannt für längere touren, und ein mail von mir wartet in seiner inbox, mal schauen, evtl. gibt das ne art sternfahrt :-)

ps: bild via nzz, wieder-gefunden im

apple doesn’t want to sell me stuff

Applestoreborkeddear apple.

i just spent an hour and a half to layout a book (for a gift) in iphoto. now, that i want to buy it, you inform me, that my credit-card cannot be accepted for this transaction. i double-checked with my credit-card-company, and yes, my card is fully valid and within its limit, so there’s nothing wrong with that. and i’d also love to buy sunny days, but that also doesn’t work.

and hey, it’s a gift which i need soon, so what can i do?

don’t wonder, i already called at the apple help line, but they’re closed so late in the evening…

my phonebill puzzles me [update]

today i just got my sunrise mobile phone-bill, and i was quite puzzled by one item on it. i’ve used gprs three times this month (not a hardcore user, am i…).

twice [1, 2] to send a moblog-post from switzerland resulting in a total data rate of 248 kB, and once [3] to send a moblog-post from spain which was 113 kB heavy.

the thing that now puzzles me, is that i actually paid less for my data in spain, although i was roaming with Telefonica there.

in switzerland i paid 0.02 CHF per kB, which results in a price of 20.50 CHF per MB (!!!).

in spain, i paid 0.0116 CHF per kB, resulting in a price of 11.90 per MB, which is nearly half the price i pay in switzerland. and remember, i was roaming with my swiss phone on a spanish network, so i surely didn’t pay the least expensive price there.

ain’t that unbelievable? guess it’s time to look into other options for sending that occasional moblog from my phone. sunrise do you hear me? data is much too expensive with you!!!

do you have any tips to lower my phone bill?

update: bitflux-chregu has some remedies. see his comment here.

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Dsc00734yesterday evening i went to see the luftstation, the newest production from the öfföff-team.

from a competition in the kulturagenda/bund i won a VIP-package: i was able to mount the luftstation with the artists, which was really a great experience, although it only lasted for two minutes or so. then all the winner had some time to talk with the artists and learn some more on how the amazing steel-sculpture was built. all in all, it was a great evening on the gurten

because you were allowed to take pictures i managed to take some shots during the performance, some of them turned out quite nice (although wiggly through the long exposure). you can take a look at them over at the luftstation-set on flickr.

if you got the time, go and see it, it’s absolutely worth it (and on the gurten you might even manage to see it for free from the backside…). öfföff are touring through switzerland until the end of the year, so there’s really no excuse for missing it.

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my movie collection

since i borrowed star wars VI to VI and the godfather I to III from andi and karin they asked me what movies they can borrow from me. because my dvd-collection is rather big [1] it was easier for me to just upload an export from my library in dvdpedia [2] to the web.

if you want to see what movies i got, then you can step over to /movies.

if you’d like to borrow one, just drop me a line.

[1] 117 pieces at the moment, two of them are missing…

[2] another one of the rare pieces of software i bought.

it’s gone, since i upgraded to tiger

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consumer frenzy


i just couldn’t resist. after stumbling over a link to the threadless t-shirts on i ordered ten t-shirts from them, because i could not decide which ones to get, they’re all almost too cool not to buy. i got into a complete shopping frenzy, because all the t-shirts are only 10$ until june 6th. and because i really really love printed t-shirts i ended up maniacally clicking on the “add to cart” button.

could you have resisted, when you see a t-shirt with an ice bear on it? i guess you could have resisted, but not me…

ps: splint, one of the t-shirts is a gift for you, guess which one.

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i just finished the gp in a time of 1:11:21. i know i’ll have to stay in bed tomorrow, ’cause i’ve not been training very properly (i went for a 45′ run twice – not a week, but literally twice since the last gp) and am gonna have so sore muscles that i won’t be able to leave my bed. now i’m off for a massage.

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go vote! [update]

 Images Pictures Noergeli-Gin about two weeks we the swiss vote for or against schengen. the right wing politicians started a scare monger-campaing featuring comics-styled ads. i haven’t voted yet, but am making sure i do in the next few days. all of my – swiss – readers, don’t remember to cast your vote and write yes what you want on the little slip of paper.

[via bitflux, image via]

update: after having a talk with anja and a tiny email-conversation with piece i’m gonna think over my vote again.

read some more on, and on

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