grand challenge 05

hopefully this year’s grand challenge will be more of a success than the last one.

at least there’s hope, because a contestant is driven by max os x (albeit there could be a kernel panic on track :-)

if you forgot how the last year’s edition ended, then this boingboing-post links to a video excerpt (31mb .wmv) of the satellite-feed from the 04-edition, so you can see for yourself how craptacularly bad most of the autonomous vehicles drove.


apple doesn’t want to sell me stuff

Applestoreborkeddear apple.

i just spent an hour and a half to layout a book (for a gift) in iphoto. now, that i want to buy it, you inform me, that my credit-card cannot be accepted for this transaction. i double-checked with my credit-card-company, and yes, my card is fully valid and within its limit, so there’s nothing wrong with that. and i’d also love to buy sunny days, but that also doesn’t work.

and hey, it’s a gift which i need soon, so what can i do?

don’t wonder, i already called at the apple help line, but they’re closed so late in the evening…

itunes 4.9

Itunes4.9apple just released the new itunes, now with included podcast-feature.

the ITMS now features a podcast-section, so apple released a directory, where anyone can add their podcast. for a start, you can go to the top 20 of apples podcasts, which will be more than enough to fill all your gadgets with stuff to listen to.

so, you podcaster-guys and -gals, get ready for some massive bandwidth-consumption! (cause apple is only linking to your files, i download them from you…)

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a new gadget

Axok, i admit, i could also have bought a really long (but marginally less expensive) cable, but i has got me an airport express from ricardo [1].

now i can play all my tunes [2] over my bad-ass stereo with b&o loudspeakers, much better than the puny logitech speakers :-) and if i’d actually had a printer, i could print wireless, but that’s another story. now i just need another wireless enabled gadget to fully use this new one.

[1]: i prefer using it to ebay, it seems less scam-ridden…

[2]: currently 2624 songs, 11.21 GB

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i’m off to go and buy an ipod [2nd update]

’cause they now come with tetris. i’m now really gonna buy a new one. or shall i wait ’till after wwdc next monday?

[via engadget]

update: hm, raph just told me that ipodlinux now comes with tetris (it didn’t in january…), so i might just wait a litlle bit more….

2nd update: wow! pt just managed to view videos on an ipod. this leaves for some speculation. see here for more info on this.

picture of the week 00

i wanted to (digitally) record the ibrahim ferrer show that drs3 aired last thursday evening so the post about enabling your ipod to record anything on hackaday came just right. but after installing linux on my first-generation ipod (see here) with the extremely painless ipodlinux installer i could not get it to record more than 5 second snippets (but played some games on it…) so i figured out an easier way. i started the live-stream of drs3 and used wiretap1 to record the concert. nonetheless i’ve now got two working operating systems on my ipod.


ps: now i just have to figure out how i can burn the 2h show on one cd to give to nina (which was the point from the beginning….)

1: the pro version works like a charm in the free mode as long as you don’t need to record directly to mp3/aac. i used itunes for the conversion…

new apple displays

cinemadisplaysapple updated their displays. they are friggin huge and stylish like hell! if you want to take the new display for a spin, apple provides a 360°-quicktime-movie of one with a g5 attached. a pity i don’t have 3k$ lying around to buy myself the 30 inch beast… (which would involve getting rid of my ibook which is far away from having the graphical power to juice the 4.1 megapixels on the biggest model…)
[via everywhere]

new apple gadget

i seem to be chewing up posts from other blogs tonight, but this is just too cool.
leo links to the newest hit by apple, the smallest sibling of all airport basestations, the airport express which includes a nice little must-have feature: airtunes.
airtunesconnect the airport express to any outlet in the reach of your wifi-connection. plug in your stereo (or any set of powered speakers, which is really cool) and you can listen easily to all your tunes in any room where your wifi connection goes. or if you want to be the cool dj on your friends next party take your apple computer equipped with an airport card and your airport express, connect to his stereo and rock on!

and i’ve been looking into how much a roku player would cost me, because i’d love to listen to all my +5Gb songs in the living room or on the big stereo and not on these whimsy speaker beside my ibook. i guess i’ll postpone that bought a bit, until i can get the airport express basestation…

oh, and just for fun, the airport express includes an ethernet port and a printer port, so besides being cool and stuff, it’s also useful for basestation-stuff and alike.

[via fscklog]

i bought a powerbook :-)

but it is only made from cardboard :-)
filewile‘s new single comes in a beautiful hand-crafted limited-edition card-board-special-media-8″-powerbook. (and it’s yours for only 35 bucks).
and have you read the article about their journey to the uk? (96kb .pdf)

oh, and the chumpnrun-video (which is also on the single) is absolutely hilarious.
i hope to see it on telly sometimes, it’s really good!
go andy and dejot!

update: it turns out that i’m quite lucky. the limited edition single won’t officially be available until the 17th of march! so i already know the song with the incredible sassy hook-line and i own a limited piece of art, there are only 300 filewile-power-books available for sale, then they’re gone for good.