the parliament has chosen

holy shite!
this time i really need to think about moving to another county!
the parliament renewed the federal council this morning.
and guess what: they chose to substitute a ruth metzler with the (too far) right-wing blocker chregel blocher.
as much as i do not really like miss metzler it’s quite sad that we now have a new council that is too far on the right wing of the political spectrum and has a woman less than before (not that 2 out of 7 was a real representation of the 51% women in switzerland…)

new section on

as i’m still looking for a phd in the near future i keep looking for stuff that interests me, medical laser physics-stuff. (i really really reallylove being a messenger, but like kevin bacon says in quicksilver: “you can’t get old on a bike”)
this offer on looks quite promising.
i sent the contact person an email, asking for some more information on the offer, and thought maybe he also wants some more information on me, so i decided to start with an new category on – my cv.

needs to be filled with information (which will hopefully happen soon…), for the moment you can only download my diploma thesis (a 2.5 mb pdf-file), if you’re interested…

btw: quicksilver is a really great movie if you dig messenger-style stuff, want to have an eighties flashback and just watch an old movie. i nearly couldn’t believe that kevin bacon (yes, mr. hollow man!) is riding a fixie throughout the movie, and riding it really good, it’s something really hard to do with style

becoming famous (or not)

becoming famous:
some days ago, inari posted a comment to one of my posts. i asked her who she was, because i neither recognized the name nor the email-address. then i got back quite a nice reply, saying that she goes to a school of visual communication and is working on a project on web-logs.
for that work she now analyzes my blog; i already feel weird posting stuff here knowing it will be analyzed :-).
but nonetheless, it’s really nice if someone you do not know tells you that your blog is nice, and that you can be part of a project on web-logs.

one of the questions she had, was where i learned to blog. i never visited a course on blogging or something like this, but i’m used to blog trifles of my daily business since quite a long time:
my experience in blogging started more than three years ago with this first post on IAM:

2000/10/17 17:49
just too late again. wanted to go to bed early, but then booted the pc
and there iam. doddled around in photoshop and then logged into the
net, and where did i land, shure on bme. then saw shannons new feature
and just had to test it. but now i’ll go to bed!

some thing to note:

  • already three years ago i went to bed much too late (the timezone of bme is canada) :-)
  • (aka IAM) is a close-gated community created and maintained by glider, the creator of quite a massive online-resource on bodymodification.
  • my iam-page also has quite some really personal stuff, which i posted there because i knew (and with the command **IAMONLY** still know) that the entries can be read only by “complete strangers”, which makes it really easy to post everything.
  • blogging is fun, is kinda like writing a diary, gets you back some old memories and can be done really easy, you just need some web-space where you can run cgi and movable type (or only some web-space and blogger).

(or not):
last week rolf siegenthaler called me, he was looking for some models for an ad-campaign for swisscom fixnet, then i sent him some pictures from me, but the advertizing agency (probably contexta, as they do most of the stuff for the swisscom…) did not choose me. well, there will be no more pics of me on the streets :-)

comics to your door (or rss-reader)

b. pointed out a nice service to me (i wonder where he gets all that stuff he forwards to me :-).
tapestry, a service by some guy that converts (some) online comics into rss-feed so you can suck them down with whatever you like.
i’ve still not jet decided if it’s a good thing if i add comics to my daily “keep up with all your rss-subscriptions”-task.
at least i have to spend less time watching ads and other stuff to load :-)

(tapestry should add nichtlustig, the daily perscheid and other comics, too, then i could stop getting comics by mail…)

that is quite an interesting picture

in the paper today: a picture of what would happen if you put all the water on the earth and air in the atmosphere in one sphere above the earth (pdf of the original page). almost unbelievably small!!

update: the pdf is only availiable if you are a subscriber to the archive, which puts you back 60 bucks a year. nonetheless i leave the link, maybe you are a subscriber….

update 2: the linked page has some quite interesting pictures!


it was lovely, thanks for asking.

the second picture has quite funky colors, which were achieved through a long exposure time and without a flash.

how silly is this

i went to interdiscount because i needed some jewel cases for a gift project.
i thought the cheapest way was to buy some empty ones, because i still have a spindle full of cd-roms back at home.
to my amazement, it’s 30% cheaper to buy 10 cd’s in the case than to buy 10 empty jewel cases.
how silly (but good for me…)

ten empty cases for 15 bucks (left image) opposed to 10 cases with cd’s for 10 bucks (on the right):


well, my ibook has been up for 14 hours since the last reboot (had to reboot after my first kernel panic; unplugged the bluetoothmodule after update of bluetooth software through software update).
now i go to bed and have a good night’s sleep.

here’s a funky image with my uptime:

the art of rebellion

yesterday i read a review of “the art of rebellion”, today i surfed on their page and instantly bought that book.
looks like a really good book to read (1.5mb pdf-preview) or just simply to look at. i can hardly wait until the postman rings twice…

btw: go to page 7 in the pdf, there you can see invader from france. can you remember where in bern that he put up his invaders? (in the münstergasse and at least two in the matte…)

put on your dancing shoes

next weekend nina and i go to the polyball which is the biggest decorated and themed ball in europe, there are supposed to be around 10k people.
the theme is “kitsch as kitsch can” so i thought i buy these trashy funky dancing shoes which should go really well with a classic suit.

yes, they’re golden and i’m probably gonna wear them only once, but hey, they did only cost 19 swiss francs :-)