Mein Foto für die NZZ

Bevor ich letzte Woche in die Kurz-Ferien nach Istanbul fuhr [1], bekam ich ein Mail der Kommunikationsdesign-Abteilung der NZZ, in dem mir mitgeteilt wurde, dass ein Foto von mir (vom Eiffelturm, als Grundlage für dieses Foto) für eine Wettbewerbskarte verwendet wurde.

Das Bild habe ich unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz bei flickr hochgeladen, offensichtlich verwenden die Kommunikationsdesigner der «Alten Tante» neumodische Methoden, um an Bilder für Wettbewerbskarten zu kommen. Mich ehrt natürlich, dass ich auf der Rückseite der Karte namentlich vermerkt bin und viele Wettbewerbsteilnehmerinnen (hoffentlich) an meinem Foto Freude haben.

Wenn jemand die Karte in freier Wildbahn sieht, würde mich interessieren, wo das ist. Mir wurde ein Belegexemplar versprochen, trotzdem möchte ich wissen, wo die Karte überall rumliegt.

Wettbewerbskarte Vorderseite 148x210mm ZS.jpg

[1]: Dazu später mehr.

the argentinian schoolbook and me

i don’t have a story like iron man and me, but a nice one to tell anyways:

about four months ago a miss gômez castro contacted me through flickr about my photo of our guide steffen i shot about four years ago with an ultracheap disposable underwater camera in sharm el sheikh.

she wrote me that she came across my photo and she:

… found it very interesting and we would like to use it for educational purposes in a book. We´re currently editing for the publishing company Santillana Group in Argentina.
This photo would be appropriate as supporting graphical material for an interior page dealing with related subject matter. It would be included in a book for elementary school, to be used in public and private schools.

i quickly agreed that she can use the image with proper attribution and now, after some emailing back and forth, she has sent me the final page from the book. and i have to say that i’m quite pleased with the result, but judge for yourself: here’s a screenshot of the page of the book:


if you’re really interested, you can also download a copy of the page as a pdf, but it’s a hefty 4 MB and you don’t see much more than on the screenshot.
not too bad, innit?
i’ll add this to the nice stories that creative commons has brought to me already: another diving story, even another one, one about police and demonstrators , one about downtown fires and one about screensavers.

good copy, bad copy

jan linked to it ages ago, yesterday evening i finally found the time to watch the “documentary about the current state of copyright and culture”, quite a good movie where dj danger mouse, lawrence lessig and many more are interviewed.
the movie sheds light on different ways of putting a copyright on movies/music and the like and is definitely worth your time. watch the full movie (59′) below (tip to the hat to or download it via bittorent here