picture of the week 01

yesterday i’ve been diving again. yes, diving in the cold thuner-see, the water was around 5 °C. we’ve again been at the schönörtli (german for nice place).

because i wore a dry suit [1] i was only nearly freezing my ass off (more the hands than the ass, ’cause i was wearing wet gloves). the dive was really spectacular, the sight underwater was amazing, much better than in the summer. and it’s really fun to dive with a dry suit, you feel like stuck in a balloon and can shift the air in thta balloon depending on the position you have. the picture below shows raymond and beat during their dive, having a break at the surface. can you see how clear the water is, you’re able to see the stones at the bottom…

my lesson learned: winter bike leggings are not suited as undergarment in a dry suit. a thick woollen jumper is suited.


[1]: thanks mac for letting me test the suit for free.

picture of the week 00

i wanted to (digitally) record the ibrahim ferrer show that drs3 aired last thursday evening so the post about enabling your ipod to record anything on hackaday came just right. but after installing linux on my first-generation ipod (see here) with the extremely painless ipodlinux installer i could not get it to record more than 5 second snippets (but played some games on it…) so i figured out an easier way. i started the live-stream of drs3 and used wiretap1 to record the concert. nonetheless i’ve now got two working operating systems on my ipod.


ps: now i just have to figure out how i can burn the 2h show on one cd to give to nina (which was the point from the beginning….)

1: the pro version works like a charm in the free mode as long as you don’t need to record directly to mp3/aac. i used itunes for the conversion…

picture of the week 47

the picture of this week is especially for raph and dom from velocité which seem to be avid readers of my blog :-)


it shows a bunch of messengers at the veloblitz on saturday evening. the veloblitz was one of the first messengers that started in switzerland (among the first ones was the velokurier bern) and they had the fifteenth anniversary this weekend. from left to right you can see raphael feiss from velocite, stefan p. fröhlich from flash, randall from flash ans some other messenger. i truly apologize for the bad picture, but the batteries in my camera were so empty that was literally the only picture i took that evening.

the whole evening was really nice, after some terrific food (by lilys) the gals from the blitz prepared a funny alleycat. we from bern fibbed a bit (the alleycat was designed to be made on your own, you had to throw dices to get your next pickup/dropoff, but we wanted to stay together), but we had to, ’cause splint was filming the whole with his fancy helmet-cam. if i get some time (and his camera, firewirecable and all the other important stuff) i might make a nice movie out of his material which sometimes you might get to see here.

you should have seen us (urs, stefan, splint and me) on the trainride back to bern. four sweaty messengers staring into a 2″-screen of a mini-dv-cam and shouting “oh yes, that turn was so good” and “that was soo close!” and “i almost hit that car” while all the other passengers tried to sleep or read or minding their own business.

pictures of the week 45

today i’ve been in the rope-park with nine (a belated birthday surprise for her).
that was quite an amazing and adrenalie-inducing afternoon.
but the most amazing thing was that nina is able to smile really charming before abseiling herself 15 meters down a tree.

from above

while abseiling

from below

ps: i know the picture lacks in the sharpness-departement, but i like it anyway…
ps2: more pics are on flickr
ps3: can you believe it’s only 7 weeks to go until ’05?

picture of the week 44

the threepieced thing in the picture below might look like something that could be documented by stickernation.net. but it shows the targot1 with which higisuper* won the targot-game we played yesterday afternoon in the old town of bern.


1explanation will follow later. the game was so amazing that it merits an own post. later.

picture of the week 38

i spent the past weekend in italy with my family. we went to the region called barbaresco in the piemont in the northern part of italy. the region is well renowned for it’s viniculture so we spent quite some time at trying different wines (exept me, i don’t drink) and walking through different cities and villages in the region. it was really relaxing and really nice to spend a weekend with the extended family (nina, my girlfriend and björn, my sisters boyfriend came with us).

the picture below shows nina and nina (once my girlfriend and once my sister (from left to right)) in the church of alba. they are both examining the piece of art on display. it consists of 57 metal boxes filled with different pigments (some were spices and some mineral pigments). the smell was really tantalizing.
in the back you see my dad with the backpack. and if you look closely you can see god entering through the church door.


ps: since i will try to keep posting those pictures i’m gonna add the week number to the subject title. here’s a calendar you can subscribe with ical to see the week number in any ical-compatible calendar app.

picture of the week

today i went down the river aare with sigi and some friends.
the picture below is cölu, lukas and whatwashisname schrigy leading the pack of four boats, trying to catch those kayakers (i don’t think they went war kayaking, the didn’t look like that :-)
a pity the aare wasn’t so warm like it could be in late june. nonetheless i swam from the eichholz to the marzili because i didn’t want to walk down that approximately 2.5 km. not too bad for 15.7°, aight?
