taucher gesucht!

ich wollt eigentlich mit nina über auffahrt nach spanien tauchen gehen. da sie nun uni/diplomarbeitsweise doch nicht mitkommen kann, ist in der gruppe vom dive center köniz noch ein platz frei: hast du lust, über auffahrt, von mittwoch 4. mai 23.30 bis montag 9. mai abends – mit nach spanien zu kommen um zu tauchen? das ganze kostet inkl. reise und unterkunft 350.- (den rest zum normalpreis übernehm ich…), dazu kommen noch die tauchgänge und das essen. du solltest ein bisschen taucherfahrung haben, d.h. nicht ein anfänger sein (ich hab auch nicht mehr als 40 tauchgänge…) und 5 tage mit coolen und angenehem leuten in spanien verbringen wollen. und wenn ich dich ein bisschen kenne, ist es auch noch lustiger. hinterlass einen kommentar oder schick mir ein mail (adresse links oben im sidebar). evtl. bis bald unter wasser!

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cory doctorows latest short story [2nd update]

cory doctorow (of boingboing-fame) released a short story called i, robot. since i like reading stuff on my clie while on the train or so i made a palm-doc file of the story.

if you’d like to read the story on your palm, then you can get it here: cory doctorow – i, robot.pdb (49 kb)

for converting the file i used PorDiBle, a nifty palm-doc conversion tool, which is absolutely fabulous to convert any text or rtf-file to a compressed .pdb file. this (and the adobe reader for palm os) helps me to read any file i want on my clie.

have fun with it.

after talking to cory i found out that his publisher holds the exclusive rights on the stories for two months. so i couldn’t release the file until today, but anyway, here it is for all of you to abuse.

update: eileen released the file. you can also grab it on the infinite matrix-site.

2nd update: i’ve been boingboinged


Derblaueadleraus akutellem und bernbezogenem anlass in deutsch:

nächsten mittwoch abend findet pixmix vol III[1] in der dampfzentrale statt. der urs (bzw. der luchs), gosi und splint machen da eine kleine, sicherlich sehr lustige geschichte, nämlich ein tag im leben eines prototypen des postmodernen proletariats: der fahrrad-eilbote. das heisst, der urs wird eine 7minütige geschichte in 20 bildern erzählen die splint fotografiert hat und auf denen gosi zu sehen ist. so cool wie der flyer rüberkommt, muss das ja gut werden. wenn du links auf das bild klickts, kannst du den flyer in seiner ganzen grösse und herrlichkeit runterladen.

nebenbei werden auch noch einige andere dort sein und ihre pixes mixen, das ganze wird also sicher ein gfreuter abend…

[1] der leumund hat glaubich auch schon mal was darüber geschrieben, und starfrosch.ch ist ein cooles musik-netlabel-ding, dessen macher ich schon immer mal treffen wollte. mal schauen, wie das wird…

new paper released :-)

i wonder if the paper i just finished is going to help me with my already long-running quest for finding a job in the field i learned. i guess it needs still some corrections and additions. if you want to read it, then just click on the link below:

David Haberthuer – Emulating Smalltalk and Von Neumann Machines Using Semantical (100kb .pdf). you need to scroll down to see the images, i think they turned out quite good.

[via boingboing]

[update] the fate of a geek

franziska informed me that i got the job, so i’ll be featured in a campaign of postfinance.
since this means some unscheduled hight tide in my wallet my technolust came up again and i thought, why not replace my trusty dsc-p9 with a new camera? and just as i surfed the web to compare the prices for the dsc-t1 (it’s not that expensive!) i found out that sony introduced some new cameras today, among other things the dsc-t3 and the dsc-l1. now i think i have to wait and see how expensive they’re gonna be when they show up here in switzerland…

or i might just replace my broken chair with the red beauty that sits in el trapero’s window, or i might get a new ipod, or i might just book another dive-holiday, or…

update: the shooting was quite fun, but the picture will be horrible. two girls from the ad-agency took part in the shooting and decided that it looks a lot “trashier” when the snowboarder (which i depicted) wears his snowboarding boots together with normal jeans and a jumper, which looked really silly, but they seemed to like it. i think i’ll be quite embarrassed when the ad comes out…

4 quick notes

vienna was more than lovely.

filewile is having a party tomorrow @ cafe kairo, promoting their video-clip (which runs on viva-swizz after midnight).

– this saturday evening there’s the antifa-abenspaziergang here in bern. be there set your mark against racism and foreclosure in any form!

– i had an accident at work today, a women hit me with her smart.
my pelvis now hurts really bad, but nothing is broken (except the windscreen of the car…). i’m a lucky bastard!

installing panther

i will install panther now.
i won’t do an update of my 10.2 system to panther but try to do a squeaky-clean and fresh install.
i know that this is much more work, but in the past one-and-a-half year i own my ibook i’ve installed (and deleted) so many programs that left junk on my HD i don’t want to take with me any further.
i cloned my whole ibook to my nifty external 80gb-firewiredisk, tried to boot from it (it worked) so i can go back anytime, so i expect no real troubles, just a time-consuming process while i install all the stuff i so heavily rely on (a small part of every junk-program i install and try out…)
so wish me luck that everything goes well (and that i don’t need to call support :-)

and if everything fails, i’m just gonna watch raging bull on arte tonight.

update: three hours later i got panther on my ibook (i installed it twice, because the first time i chose install and import old settings and all the junk was still here). but the second time i chose to install a juvenile system. it shure feels a bit spiffier than before (and, oh, the eye-candy exposé is just sooo cool!!!)

filewile.com on telly

I’m becoming a superstar more and more :-)
today Schweiz Aktuell aired the little clip they made last thursday.

Guess what? The little interview they made was on it. So i was on telly tonight…

I’m here at work where no realplayer is installed, so i cannot watch it, but i watched it on telly before. I appear sometimes through the clip and have a little speech :-) (all in swiss-german, a truly funny language…)

Click here to start the clip (in Real-Player-Format).


I went to see filewile.com tonight in the city.
they rocked the Baerenplatz :-)
go to their site and download some music and put a tip in the jar..

and see some more pictures in /pics

update: by the way, they were filmed by a crew of the swiss television. the clip/show/info will be aired tomorrow night in schweiz aktuell.

update2: it was not aired tonight, but will be soon, if you’re interested, then go and see on the schweiz-aktuell site. they provide all the shows in real-player-format.