like boingboing noted, star wars III is already online if albeit in a time-coded and watermarked version. if you want to see it, then click here :-) (or maybe that was another link…)
[via boingboing and b.]
There are 198 posts filed in linkdump (this is page 10 of 10).
like boingboing noted, star wars III is already online if albeit in a time-coded and watermarked version. if you want to see it, then click here :-) (or maybe that was another link…)
[via boingboing and b.]
until the 26th of july you can go to and grab the free songs that are provided for you. if i guessed right, you should be able to download the 15 tracks (101mb) behind this link, if not, then you have to click yourself through the flash-interface. (just remember to turn off your pop-up-blocker or nothing will happen)
technorati tags: mercedes, mixed tape, music
i really forgot how i found that page, but, is really daunting and impressive. people are invited to “mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard”. i just added the feed to my newsreader, so i’m not gonna miss any secrets ever again….
ps: piece, you’re gonna like this secret :-)
ps: after reading most of them, i thought this secret is the creepiest of all of ’em.
update: probably [via boingboing]
technorati tags: secret
mercedes released the sixth mixed tape for you to download. if you’d like to get 92.2 mb of fresh music, then you must click yourself through the flash-interface at over at the powebook blog there’s a complete track-list if you want to take a look before you download (or just want do grab a selection).
mercedes released the new mixtape (version 05). the opener track is a really great jazzy electro-tune.
go grab all the songs at, they will be gone after march, 22. (not really gone, but substituted by new songs). i couldn’t find the direct download link, you’ll have to click through the flash-interface and make your selection for the download (all songs together in a .zip-file are 89mb).
and because i missed to download mixed-tape 03 i was googling for it, and found an archive of all mixed-tapes behind this raunchy address (which is completely SFW). so if you want to start a download frenzy, you can…
the quite excellent (and completely free and legal) mp3’s from mercedes’ mix-tape are available in the third edition.
all songs are downloadable through the annoying flash interface or in a nicely zipped package behind this link here (warning, the .zip including all 15 songs is 89mb big!)
[via powerbook.blogger]
now that is a real hovercraft!
mercedes benz (yes, the car maker) has released 15 nice tracks as mp3’s for your pleasure, you can download them for free and they all add up to a mixed tape.
a 60 minutes collection of downbeaty, ambient and jazzy tunes, with one song especially produced to announce the new cls-class of mercedes-benz.
if this is the new form of marketing, i’m all up to it. and there’s even a second collection coming up, sometimes in the beginning of august.
[via somewhere i forgot, but elbewerk also blogs it.]
ps: elbewerk also post the direct link to a 90mb .zip-file which includes all songs.
if you’d like to see filewile‘s videoclip Chumpnrun, then you got two options:
a) buy the limited edition lappi-box with the song and video
b) click here and vote for their clip to be played on the show roboclip on swiss telly. and watch the video on telly together with songs from faithless, beyoncé, the beastie boys and alike….
this slideshow here is especially for my sister.
you know why :-)
anyone other than my sister might not think it’s funny. sorry.
[via boingboing]
since i’ve keep posting only small blurbs tonight, i’ll try to stick to it:
just listen to that story here (2.0mb mp3-file, only in german). it’s a sad but true story which is not that great that it deserves a link, but the guy reading that story has the absolute evil laugh. max mailed me that file nearly three weeks ago, and already complained that i did not blog it here :-) he saw it in the djforum where some other guy actually made a song out of the schlumpf-story (1.6mb mp3-file). both hilarious!
[via maxes mail]
oh, and by the way max, i wanted to link to you, but google has not much to say about you (these are the best hits i found)) and the handball-club72-page doesn’t seem to work, and this club72 probably has nothing to do with you. sorry.
tell the chicken what you want it to do (like “sit on the sofa”, “turn around”, “play some music”) and the subservient chicken does what you want.
i haven’t yet decided if this is a late april’s fool joke or a brilliant marketing campaign, either way it’s hilarious!
oh, and if you feel the urge to act like a subservient chicken or if your missus likes these sort of things, there’s even a chicken mask for you to wear :-)
[via glider]
if you dare to look at the ten worst album covers ever, then you have to check out this page.
[via pieceoblog]
– vienna was more than lovely.
– filewile is having a party tomorrow @ cafe kairo, promoting their video-clip (which runs on viva-swizz after midnight).
– this saturday evening there’s the antifa-abenspaziergang here in bern. be there set your mark against racism and foreclosure in any form!
– i had an accident at work today, a women hit me with her smart.
my pelvis now hurts really bad, but nothing is broken (except the windscreen of the car…). i’m a lucky bastard!
those that are interested: go to and download dejots and dustbowls newest song, chinese dragon, a remix for electric blanket (under tracks & charts).
it’s kind of a sneak preview, because dustbowl is gonna announce that soon in a newsmail, but he told me this noon at lunch :-)
learn more about the ipod’s dirty little secret.
which is actually quite a hassle for ipodowners in europe, either the people who sell ipod replacement batteries do not ship to europe, are well expensive or (apple itself) does not provide that service in europe.
[via gizmodo via boinboing via dan gillmor]
I’m becoming a superstar more and more :-)
today Schweiz Aktuell aired the little clip they made last thursday.
Guess what? The little interview they made was on it. So i was on telly tonight…
I’m here at work where no realplayer is installed, so i cannot watch it, but i watched it on telly before. I appear sometimes through the clip and have a little speech :-) (all in swiss-german, a truly funny language…)
Click here to start the clip (in Real-Player-Format).
The Egger Bier Brewery has a funky little Organigramm on their page.
The only fun part about this is, that this Brewery has a dedicated Horse Team with three a nice gal and some cool boys.
oh, and has just uploaded a new track (Cosmic Curry) yesterday night…
I’m listening to Bodhisattva Vow from the album The Sounds Of Science (Disc 1) by Beastie Boys while typing this entry.