new mobile phone

i has got me a new mobile phone. it is supposed to be able to do video calls via UMTS. the person in the sunrise-shop that sold me the phone told me that it is possible to make videocalls between all the swiss providers, but contrary to that it doesn’t work. i know three people with an UMTS-video-enabled mobile phone, and none of them is provided by sunrise.
any of my readers want to ring me up, so i can try a video call? my number can be found on just search for my surname (haberthür) and the profession “rockstar” (really!) and give me a ring, so we can try seeing each other!

Technorati Tags: , – downloadable DIY chairs for kids and geeks [update]

Signatur Def

 Wp-Content Uploads Foldschoolnicolanicola finally made it!
his newest project as a designing architect is online: the foldschool – cardboard furniture.

since ages he’s made plans and models (filling the shopwindow in his studio), now everything is online, functional and looking good.

if you have kids [1], or are keen about cool mechatronic furniture-design this if for you!
you just need some scrap cardboard and the printed patterns from nicola, some time and probably a lot of glue. then you have uber-cool looking furniture with which the kids can play as the want. if they destroy it, you just build a new one with them. and even your conscience stays clean!

i you can’t quite figure it out how it looks, he even provides you with a 3D-model of the stool, chair and rocker.

and yes, he’s all over the web already and even got BBed!
congratulations nicola!

[1]: matthias, ein wochenendprojekt mit deinen kids? die fotos würd ich gerne dann auch sehen!

update: so sieht er vor seinem atelier aus:

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joost anyone?

is any of my readers interested to try out joost? it’s the thing that was formerly called the venice project and is a bit the same as zattoo, but not entirely [1]. read more about joost in the last wired here.

since i’ve signed up for betatesting joost quite a while ago, i’ve got 2 1 2 invitations no more invitations to spare. leave a comment below (with your email, i need it to send you the invitation, but i won’t spam you…). first come, first serve!

[1]: i haven’t had time to thoroughly test it up to now, maybe i’m just not watching enough telly…

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some statistics

since i’ve been mentioned in the berner zeitung two weeks ago i thought it’s time to take a look at the access-statistics of my site once again [1].

Tastentest-Statistik-WidgetTastentest-Statistik-Googlesince i let google get some data about my visitors, i also have a fancy-schmanzy widget, that shows me at a quick glance if something remarkable is going on (click on the left image for bigger view).
and i have to say that one could really see that quite some people came to my site in the days after the article came out [2]. one can see it much better on the following graph, when it’s not the naked numbers… on friday the 10. november the article came out and in the two following days i had around 2-3 times more people on my little website than normal (click right image for slightly bigger view). quite nice, innit?

[1] if you want to look for yourself, they’re available in un-pretty form here. (für den schwanzlängenvergleich….)
[2] btw: it’s now available as pdf here…

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citizen journalism [update]

 Images 337108 Habivor längerer zeit wurde ich von this gefragt, ob ich mal beim tastentest mitmachen möcht.
nachdem die wii schon vergeben war und auf die schnelle (jemand ist abgesprungen) das sony gps-cs1 mit dem mac eine längere testphase bedingt hätte, hab ich für this gerne ein nabaztag getestet. drum die vielen hasen-fotos auf flickr…
morgen erscheint mein textli in der zeitung.
wer die BZ nicht abonniert hat oder eh lieber online liest, kann den artikel hier lesen: Habi und der Hase. wer die anderen gadget-tests von berner bloggern lesen will, findet unter alle bisher erschienen kolummnen [1].

oh, und falls sich wirklich neue leser hierhin bequemt haben: grüessech!

[1]: this, heisst das überhaupt so?

update: Nabaztag Bz-1aufs thumbnail rechts klicken, dann kannst du die seite, wie sie in der bz erschienen ist, herunterladen (948kb .pdf)

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eighties flashback! [update]

Simonextremedo you remember simon (update: or senso, like neopren-sigi [1] points out)?

i remember playing it for hours. i actually remember it so good, that i couldn’t help but having a biiiiig smile after downloading simon extreme, the port of the game to os x. it even has alternate sound sets like heavy metal and hip-hop. and lickable eye-candy, like most software on osx…

[via freemacware]

[1] just for clarification: this is neopren-sigi, and this is schnee-sigi

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the sound of traffic [update]

Soundoftrafficit’s been quite a long time since i’ve posted something about new software additions to my mac. this app here is actually completely useless, but nonetheless it’s been running since half an hour.

sound of traffic is a tiny java application (112 kb) that converts your network traffic into midi notes. my traffic sounds like a laid back chill-out track (i’m downloading/seeding the latest episode of the it crowd over bittorrent and updating some feeds from time to time). the app needs your admin password to access some devices and only works on OS X and Unix [1].

ändu, couldn’t you use this for your next song?

a funny little time-waster!

[via osxhints]

[1] leo ported it to windows, so nobody has to stay out…

update: jan used sound of traffic in one of his cool pieceocasts

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multi-finger GUI

Multitouchit is rumored that the next iteration of the ipod will feature a nice screen with a 3.5″-touchscreen and a digital scrollwheel.

however cool that may be, i was really impressed by that tech-demo from the new york university here: bi-manual, multi-point, and multi-user input on a graphical interaction surface. it shows how one would be able to interact with an OS/GUI with multiple fingers and two hands. wicked!

you can directly grab the demo reel as a 17 mb .mpg-file or 12mb .mp4-file (both linked in the coral-cache-version to save some bandwidth).

[via fscklog and fscklog]

technorati tags: , for psp

google revamped their video service. you can now buy a big selection of videos. but the more important thing (for me, personally…) is, that you can download pretty much every video, readily formatted for your psp/ipod/big box on the floor.

now i really need tho fork out those 15 bucks for pspware, so i don’t get that nag-screen when synching my movies over to my new gadget.

oh, and google earth is now officially out of beta and available for the mac, too.

there goes my afternoon….

[via the google blog]

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qr coded gloves

Dsc02420this afternoon i went to buy some gloves (it’s getting cold at work you know :-).

coming home i noticed that they have a normal label and a supplementary qr code (german) sewn into them. since i couldn’t find a decoder for os x (the java-version of the one urs [1] found doesn’t work for me), i kindly ask the blogosphere if they can decode it for me.

i’m just wondering what adidas is writing in my gloves.

additional images (and an extreme closeup) can be found on my flickr-page tagged accordingly.

[1] which has been adding a qr-code to his blog-posts since some months…

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apple rebate coupon code [update]

i finally ordered an ipod from apple (jan, don’t flame me, please :-).

now apple sent me a rebate coupon code which i can redeem for my next purchase at the apple store. it’s 45 bucks off a purchase of 449 or more CHF. since i don’t plan to use it (it expires at the 15. september) i put it up for grabs here.

are you interested? then leave a comment and i’ll gladly pass it over to you.

nachdem ich letzte woche einen ipod bei apple bestellt habe, schenken die mir einen rabatt-coupon für den nächsten einkauf im apple store (45.- auf mind. 449.-). da ich bis zum 15.9 nix mehr bestellen will, verschenk ich den gutschein.

also, falls du bis dann was im applestore kaufen willst, hinterlass mir einen kommentar oder schreib mir ein mail und ich werde dir den code zusenden.

update: he did, sort of…

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