picture of the week

this week it’s actually not a picture of the week, but a movie of the week.
today a friend of mine visited me, because her laptop was unable to connect to the intaweb.
after some probing i found out that she must have gotten a virus, which clogged her connection to the net, spewing itself out to all the people in her address-book.
so i decided to install a free antivirus software for her (downloaded that excellent software to my mac, transferred and installed it on her pc) and scanned for viruses, since her norton-antivirus refused to work (also because of the multiple viruses she caught.
on the first run the software found 1500+ infected files, cleaned them, but refused to finish its process. on the second run (after a reboot) it found 5000+ infected files. the scanner can be configured to make an audible beep each time a file is cleaned, so you get that funky soundeffect in the file below (3mb .mpg-file).

oh, and by the way, barbara already regrets that she switched the wrong way (from mac os 9.x to winXP) :-)


this is what happens if you walk out of the store, try to see where you parked your bike and then walk into a pole.
a big ouchy!
i think i’ll need to go and buy some more steristrips tomorrow ;-)
(warning: the link is not for the faint of heart, it was the first hit on google…)

update: although my eye starts to get a funky bruise, my ouchie is nothing compared to this one here. that guy got six nails from a nail-gun in his head!!!
[via boingboing]


tomorrow i’ll be in lucerne at the fumetto. i cannot wait to see katz und goldt, their strips are hilarious! the weather won’t be nice tomorrow which is a good thing, because i’m not gonna get distracted by the beautiful view over the lake of lucerne and be able to drown me in reading comics all day long.


votez_logo_kleinif you’re like me and think that voting is a big part of democracy then this site might be the right thing for you: votez.ch (for obvious reasons only in german).
since sometimes the point of a ballot can be hard to get (especially if the title is misleading) then some background information can be really helpful to help you find your decision
the people behind votez.ch provide you with little blurbs of information for the upcoming elections or ballots and explain you the pro’s and con’s of every tabling and even tell you who says to vote yes or no (e.g. if you always vote with the SP, they tell you what the SP advises to vote).
the good thing behind votez.ch is, that the people which are behind it do not share one political direction. they actually think that politics sucks a wee bit, but also know that it’s important (especially as younger people) to cast its vote in elections.
so, if you think you might need a little boost to actually fill out that slip of paper, then you definitely should subscribe to their newsletter and you’ll get an email tailored about two weeks before you actually have to send the ballot in.

oh, and if you do not know how to actually fill out that slip of paper, then this little illustration might help you (wonderful!)

that was fun!

thoemu-bikelinethis morning i went to thömu to see if he has any good bikes to offer (he has). i knew that my mom went to röschu around noon to buy a bike for herself today, so i tried to be there as fast as possible (because i wanted to help her a bit and was already late).
the calculated route from oberried to röschus shop (according to map24.ch) is 11.39 km and takes 19 minutes. with my bike i drove the 9.34 km in 13 minutes and 50 seconds, resulting in an average speed of 40.5 km per hour. not too bad, aight?
now the question is, do i really need a bike that is faster than the one i already own? answer: yes, because it’s even more fun to drive fast with a racing bike than with a street-capable mountain bike.

oh, and in the end it turns out that i’m gonna decide between the bmc streetfire ssx (from our shop) or the specialized allez comp or the thömus slicker team pro. (guesss which one is the cheapest for me…) it’s a really hard decision. the price difference between all three bikes is less than 5% (i’m not gonna tell how cheap (compared to the real price) i get them) so it’s more of a “which dealer do i like most”-question…).
and in the end i also get 1k swiss franks from the insurance of the girl that trashed my bike. it’s not as much as i hoped, but at least the new bike is not gonna be as painful on my bank-account.