[image via boingboing]
i’ll be in vienna for the weekend (actually until monday evening).
nina won some tickets, so we fly (and leave our eco-conscience at home) and thus we have four full days to enjoy castle schönbrunn (our hotel is near the castle), the hofburg, the prater, the stephans-dom and what else vienna has to offer.
and last but not least we’ll meet babsi, a friend i met in ’97 in australia (i can’t believe it’s such a long time) so i guess it’s gonna be really funny!
have a nice weekend.
memorysticks to sell
the grand challenge will be not so grand
as engadget writes the grand challenge will not be so grand.
NONE of the eight entered robots completed the 1.25 mile test-course in the allotted time and none of all the entered robots will be able to complete the full course in the given ten hours.
what a disappointment!
exercise in style
as a comics-enthusiast the fumetto news-letter is always chock-full of links to check out (and has way too many recommendations for my budget, but hell i just got a gratification from work, so i can afford this one, and maybe this or this or this…)
but this one really blows it away!
the exercises in style by matt madden are an impressive way to fathom the possibilities of (online) comics. matt depicts a trivial situation in a lot of ways and turns every depiction into a different panel which can be viewed on the page.
he changes style, changes perspective, both visually and narrative which turns the whole into an impressive art project!
funny flash game
in the tradition of pinguin.swf here’s another extremely silly but annoyingly addictive flash-game: blow up the warthog to kill all the bad aliens.
[via weebl and bobs newsletter]
oh, and by the way: do you know the successor of pinguin.swf orca slap?
the ghostrider
in this months issue of wired there was a story about the great challenge.
although the whole thing is a military-sponsored thing it chatched me as a truly geeky adventure.
it’s a race from los angeles to las vegas. but the race is not a vanilla-flavoured race, instead it’s for driverless robotic cars which have to find their way completely autonomous.
the official course will not be known until two hours prior to race time and will only released as gps way-points. then the teams have these two hours to fiddle with their equipment, and then are forced to watch how their creation competes without the slightest possibility of interaction, the machine has to do it on their own.
it has to decide where to drive through, it has to decide how fast it can drive and all the other bits and pieces which a machine needs to consider to get from A to B as fast as possible.
of all the portrayed teams (scroll down a bit to see them), the berkeley-team has by far the most impressive setup: their ghost rider is a motorcycle, while all the other contestants rely on at least four-wheeled chariots of fire.
go and download the movies on the ghost rider-page (although they’re HUGE) and if you’re interested in that kind of stuff go and read the article in wired (although it’s far better on big pages and glossy paper :-)
gentleman, start your engines!
update: according to engadget (or actually extremetech) the ghost rider is not designed to win the race but only designed to get some government contracts, it’s not fast enough to complete the race in ten hours. what a disappointment!
after some guy left gizmodo he founded engadget to abandon himself to his gadget fetish.
the first entries on engadget (which is a really cool domain name, why do i never get those ideas :-) look really promising to fulfill my gadge-lust.
looks like i need to watch an rss-feed more!
mike van audenhove
last sunday my parents, my sister and me had a brunch in the marzilibrüggli (where nina works). during the brunch the nose of my father started running (not that this is an event that needs to be blogged :-) and then a comicstrip from mike van audenhove came to my mind.
zürich by mike is one of my favorite swiss comics, and luckily enough the züri-tipp – which publishes one strip per week – archives all the strips on its homepage.
so i skimmed through ALL of the strips there and finally found the strip that we talked about:
the nosedrop.
all the strips depict the life in zürich, but could also happen elsewhere. i must say that mike van audenhove has a real talent to tell those little stories that make you smile.
all the strips are in german or swiss-german so the selection below is only funny for those capable of that funny language:
some cheeky grannies
hacky sacky rules
messengers and traffic-lights
kids having simple but true fun
did you ever buy ikea furniture?
kids playing frisbee
winter biking
sometimes i feel like this in the morning
bear with me if the windows that pop up are in a strange size, i could not get it right, because i had to “hack” the links, the züritipp does not provide them in an easily bloggable format :-)
apple rss-feeds
for those appleheads which heavily rely on rss-feeds apples new rss-feeds-page is something long awaited come true.
[via apples newsletter]
exposé is just soo cool
as i installed everything from scratch, clutter now lacks quite a lot of my albums pictures.
with expose it’s a breeze to update these. a quick google of the album tittle, click and hold, f9, drop onto clutter. et voila!
couldn’t be easier than this.
before i had to save the image to the desktop, minimize safari, locate the image on my cluttered desktop, get clutter to the foreground and drag the image to clutters window (direct drag and drop did not work, because through some mysterious bug all the images dragged to clutter arrived upside down.)
another great set of pictures
loretta lux photographs kids, scans their subjects and places them on a separate background which results in quite eerie pictures. most of the kids seem to be generated through cgi, but it’s all the real thing.
[via boingboing and the NY Times]
probably the nicest pictures ever made!
i bought a powerbook :-)
but it is only made from cardboard :-)
filewile‘s new single comes in a beautiful hand-crafted limited-edition card-board-special-media-8″-powerbook. (and it’s yours for only 35 bucks).
and have you read the article about their journey to the uk? (96kb .pdf)
oh, and the chumpnrun-video (which is also on the single) is absolutely hilarious.
i hope to see it on telly sometimes, it’s really good!
go andy and dejot!
update: it turns out that i’m quite lucky. the limited edition single won’t officially be available until the 17th of march! so i already know the song with the incredible sassy hook-line and i own a limited piece of art, there are only 300 filewile-power-books available for sale, then they’re gone for good.
installing panther
i will install panther now.
i won’t do an update of my 10.2 system to panther but try to do a squeaky-clean and fresh install.
i know that this is much more work, but in the past one-and-a-half year i own my ibook i’ve installed (and deleted) so many programs that left junk on my HD i don’t want to take with me any further.
i cloned my whole ibook to my nifty external 80gb-firewiredisk, tried to boot from it (it worked) so i can go back anytime, so i expect no real troubles, just a time-consuming process while i install all the stuff i so heavily rely on (a small part of every junk-program i install and try out…)
so wish me luck that everything goes well (and that i don’t need to call support :-)
and if everything fails, i’m just gonna watch raging bull on arte tonight.
update: three hours later i got panther on my ibook (i installed it twice, because the first time i chose install and import old settings and all the junk was still here). but the second time i chose to install a juvenile system. it shure feels a bit spiffier than before (and, oh, the eye-candy exposé is just sooo cool!!!)
deep blue
yesterday we went to see deep blue (german site).
an amazing film. go and see it!
mc h-bee
if you want to see me perform live on stage, then you have to come to the bären in bümpliz tomorrow or saturday evening.
the skbe (the club where i swim) does host a lotto there and me and another guy are the speaker, so we will babbling numbers all night long. :-)
(not that it will be a remarkable evening, but nonetheless, if you like to play lotto (or want to win prizes for small bucks) then be there and say hello to me…)
btw: is it “the club i swim in” or “the club i swim for”?
btw: hämme or äbu, do you recognize the funny sign below (from the bümpliz-page)? i always have to chuckle when i drive past it.
do you know where in bümpliz it hangs around?
today we went geocaching.
my flat-mate wrote about that fun activity in the local newspapers (wolf obviously works there).
geocaching? what’s that?
someone hides something somewhere and you go and find it, it’s that easy :-)
you need a gps-reciever and some information from geocaching.com (or the swiss equivalent), look for the spot you want to get and then you just start.
wolf wrote about the cache hidden near the guggershörnli, so we wanted to go and discover that cache called “guggershorn hut” hidden by Admiral Whitetrousers.
here’s how we did it: i went to transa and rented an eTrex Legend (it’s not actually for rent there, but i used all my charme :-)
then nina and me took the train to schwarzenburg and from there a postcar (the tiniest one i ever drove in!) up to guggisberg. there we started the gps-reciever and found out that we’re about 1.8km away from the cache.
it was not that hard to go into the right direction, the hard part was, that it snowed pretty much the whole day yesterday and that today only one person was on the guggershörnli before we came, so when we arrived there our pants were already full of snow and our toes were ready to break off (we were there without high-mountain-tour-adapted material :-)
on top of the guggershörnli we admired the beautiful view, but the gps showed that the cache is still about 300m away, so off we went.
some slippery steps later we saw the place where the cache must have been, but the problem was that the way was heavily snowed in (up to the middle of my thigh) so nina made a break at the sun and i went looking for the cache. because of the snow i wasn’t able to find the cache (wolf told me just minutes ago where it was, it would have been soooo easy.) so the whole expedition was not that successful, but it was a wonderful afternoon.
thank you for spending that wonderful afternoon with me, darling!
grey tuesday
public disobedience?
count me in!
explanation: dj danger mouse remixed the white album of the beatles and the black album of jay-z which of course makes grey.
dj danger mouse (the man himself) explains it like this:
The Grey Album is an art project/experiment that uses the full vocal
content of Jay-Z’s Black Album recorded over new beats and production
made using the Beatles White Album as the sole source material.
Danger Mouse insists he can explain and prove that all the music
on the Grey Album can be traced back to the White Album and its
musical content via sampling. Every kick, snare, and chord is taken
from the Beatles White Album and is in their original recording somwhere.
the grey album has been hailed as a real hip-hop-triumph and i have to say that it’s really awesome. only 3,000 copies of the album are in circulation, but nonetheless EMI sent cease and desist letters to danger mouse and the stores that were selling the album, demanding that the album be destroyed. so a bunch of people host the album today as an act of public disobedience.
go and grab it, it will only last for today!
todays funny link
i haven’t posted a funny link in a long time, this one here is funny! (but only in german)
[via mara‘s email i got today]
(scroll down to see her, mara bucko (btw: the sister of mike, with whom i’m going to the movies in a minute…)
update: silly, me, forgot to link to the link :-) anyway, now it’s there..