back home

backhomei’m back home, it was wonderful.
more on that later on.
now i start have to sift through all the mail i got. (i think about 800 mails are actually spam, mostly comment spam on this blog)

/blog in sleep mode

there won’t be any updates here for at least the next two weeks, because i’m on holidays.
nina and i will be diving in the red sea and stay at the flameco beach resort in el quseir.
have a good time and behave while i’m away.


ps: perhaps there will be one or two tiny updates on my moblog, but don’t count on it, because i’m on holidays!

Testing Meme Propagation In Blogspace: Add Your Blog!

This posting is a community experiment started by Minding the Planet to see how a meme represented by a blog posting spreads across blogspace, physical space and time. It will help to show how ideas travel across blogs in space and time and how blogs are connected. It may also help to show which blogs are most influential in the propagation of memes. The original posting for this experiment is located at: Minding the Planet; results and commentary will appear there in the future.

Please join the test by adding your blog (see instructions, below) and inviting your friends to participate — the more the better. The data from this test will be public and open; others may use it to visualize and study the connectedness of blogspace and the propagation of memes across blogs.

The GUID for this experiment is: as098398298250swg9e98929872525389t9987898tq98wteqtgaq6 2010920352598gawstw98qwrt189849813907azq4 (this GUID enables anyone to easily search Google for all results of this experiment). Anyone is free to analyze the data of this experiment. Please publicize your analysis of the data, and/or any comments by adding comments onto the original post at Minding the Planet; Note: it would be interesting to see a geographic map or a temporal animation, as well as a social network map of the propagation of this meme.


To add your blog to this experiment, copy this entire posting to your blog, and fill out the info below, substituting your own information in your posting, where appropriate.

(Note: Replace the answers below with your own answers)
1. I found this experiment at URL:
2. I found it via “Newsreader Software” or “Browsing or Searching the Web” or “An E-Mail Message”: Newsreader Software
3. I posted this experiment at URL:
4. I posted this on date (day, month, year): 04 August 2004
5. I posted this at time (24 hour time): 10:07:35
6. My posting location is (city, state, country): Bern, Switzerland, Europe

OPTIONAL SURVEY FIELDS (Replace the answers below with your own answers):
1. My blog is hosted by:
2. My age is: 27
3. My gender is: Male
4. My occupation is: Bike Messenger
5. I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: Net News Wire light
6. I use the following software to post to my blog: ecto
7. I have been blogging since (day, month, year): 17 October 2000 (but not here). Here my first post dates from 08 July 2003
8. My web browser is: Safari
9. My operating system is: Mac OS X 10.3.4

it all comes together

nearlyostroafter i laced my wheels for the second time (i thought i had a 32-hole rim at home, but it was a 36 hole rim and thus had to re-lace the front-wheel) and fitted the bottom bracket and the steering bracket my ostro-frame starts to actually look like a bike (sorry for the bad picture-quality, but it was dark and i took the pic with my mobile…)

i might be riding this baby on my birthday, so you better watch out!

easy come, easy go

easy come:
DSC01295nina and i are going on holidays, i paid for our tickets and yesterday evening she paid me back her half (1100$).
at least once i swam in money!
easy go:
DSC01298i just got this fine (around 150$) for crossing three red lights with the bike.
it was quite funny in the end, because the police-officer looked really puzzled, when i answered “no” to his question (he asked: “will that be a lesson for you?”)

global gutz

DSC01273_1since you’ve been reading about the global gutz last saturday, i thought it’s time to explain a bit.
every year on the 17th july there’s a messenger-race which takes part all around the world. the rules of that race are that there are 5 checkpoints (not including start and finish) evenly distributed on a route of 21km length. the route has to be as flat as possible (quite hard here in bern) so that the results over the whole world can be compared.
DSC01272_1so, last saturday the global gutz also took part here in bern. and in the end it turned out that bene and me (on top left) were the fastest of all messengers1 that took part here in bern (there were also some messengers from the velokurier biel coming over). after some time it turned out that we were not only the fastest in bern, but the fastest in switzerland! (shouts to anja (on the right) for preparing a fast course!)
since Rachel and Pia came in just two minutes later than we both did, they are the fastest global-gutz-women in switzerland. so we had to fight over the train-ticket to the ECMC in Warshaw ( sponsored a ticket). In the end it turned out that Bene and Rachel are gonna go to Warshaw with the sponsored tickets, because they won in Scissors, Paper, Stone. Nono, we didn’t need to fight, I’m invited to a wedding-eve-weekend of a very close friend and Pia is on holidays. (Good for Bene, because i’m unbeatable at SPS!)
that’s the explanation why i didn’t stay on the gurten to see nena and iam and lunik. this was probably much more fun anyways!

1The only depressing thing is that we managed to bike those 21km in 34 minutes which means an average speed of 37km/h which is slower than what the guys at the tour bike for stages which are ten times longer….

oh, and by the way

sigi and manu and co.
i know that you cannot wait to see my pics of the gurtenfestival, but i have only so much time on my hands…
they’ll be here eventually.


suicmc_picscoding something can be quite a long process for me.
anja mailed me some picture which i wanted to put on the homepage of the SUICMC04.
since i wanted to do it in the simplest and cleanest possible way i thought to make little table with links to all of the pictures, so that when you click on them, they pop up in a new window with the right size, with a nifty “close window”-link.
in the end it turned out to be a longer process than i thought:

here’s the way i did it:
– talk to b. about it.
– let b. propose some php-trickery.
– code something around:

<? $name = ereg_replace(“[^a-zA-Z_.-]”, “”, $_GET[‘name’]); ?>
<p align=”center” class=”text”><? readfile(“pics/” . $name . “.txt”) ?></p>
<p align=”center”><img src=”pics/<? echo $name ?>.jpg”></p>
<p align=”center”><a href=”javascript:window.close()” class=”link”>Fenster schliessen/Close Window</a></p>

– add all the pics to the subdirectory /pics and add a PICNAME.txt file with the description fer each and every file.
– don’t forget to use proper html-code.
– test to see if the link ../gelaende.php?name=PICNAME (aare for example) does work.
– be happy that aare.jpg and aare.txt do actually get put in the code.
– make a thumbnail of each picture (iphoto comes in handy here).
– build a 4 by 4 table with all the pics.
– don’t mess up the code that michel and äbu made.
– insert

<a href=”../gelaende.php?name=PICNAME” onclick=”‘’,’popup’,’width=640,height=480,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,
directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=yes,left=0,top=0′);return false”><img src=”../pics/PICNAME_t.jpg” width=”56″ height=”56″></a>

in each cell.
– substitute PICNAME with the actual name of the .jpg in each case (3*4*4 times) and don’t forget a single one.
– thank b. for being such a nice guy.
– look at the endresult.
– see that you need to look that the windows are in the right size (which they aren’t, but i have to go to bed, i’ll do that soon).
-go to bed.
-get up in 5 hours and 30 minutes.

picture of the week

this weekend i wanted to go kiting with bruni. the problem was that the wind was really bad at the bielersee. we hardly managed to keep the kite in the air (although it’s a 12 squaremeter-thing) and thought it’s no use to try it in the water. then we just couldn’t find a suitable place at the neuenburgersee (i’ve been checking out kitegenossen just now :-( ) so the whole weekend was (kite-style) a big disappointment.
nonetheless i made a nice picture in neuchâtel which you can see below.

i think we need to spend a weekend in silvaplana (bad bad website for OS Xers), where we both learned to kite-sail soon.