picture of the week 36

this afternoon we [1] had a security training organized by the slrg. since i needed to see if the underwater housing of my camera is still alright [2], i took my camera with me to shoot some pictures. the picture below shows our head coach doing a fine start.

the full set of all the pictures is online on flickr.


[1] most of the coaches of the swim team

[2] more on that later on.

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the us of a is in deep trouble.

as other people, i really suffer with all the persons that are hit by the hurricane in the states. but if you watch those two videos below, you really get a sense on how deep the trouble is gonna be once all the news get trough.

the first video shows two reporters of fox news really freaking out while giving their impression of the crisis. you should watch both videos to the end to see the important part!

Geraldo-1 Hannity-Colmes-Smith-Rivera-freak-in-NO.wmv (5.1mb .wmv-file).

the second video shows kayne west yelling a rather unplanned “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” while on a show with mike myers:

Kayne-1Kayne-West-Bush-Black-People.wmv (4.1mb .wmv-file)

[via boingboing, glider (or go here) and technorati]

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ars electronica 2005: Blogger List

Jan set up a wiki-list for web-people attending/covering the ars electronica this year.

i won’t be there, but surely will watch that list for coverage and images…

i just set up a wiki-list for bloggers, mobloggers, wikis, social bookmarks covering ars electronica 2005 in linz. please help me spread the world so this becomes a useful tool.


[via piecoplastic]

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picture of the week 33 [1]

this weekend i found some time to panoramify all my shots from european masters championships in stockholm (you might have seen it on flickr).

through the help of the excellent ptx-mailing-list i found a tool called make cubic (direct download of the 259kb .sit-file here) which is just a wee bit more than a terminal app to convert your equirectangular .jpgs into cubic QTVR-movies, so you can download the image of fatbursparken (that weird semi-round house) as a 2mb .mov-panorama if you click on the thumbnail below (be patient, it takes some time to load).



oh and: how many times can you spot the guy with the yellow jumper and the black jacket?

[1] i know, it’s already two weeks late…

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new pictures are online

i finally found a free minute to sift through my pile of images, and was able to upload a first batch of images from the ecmc in basel.

you can see them here.

if you’d like to see more messengers messing around, then you can see mathieus images (from lausanne) or some more in the images-section of fahrradkurier.ch.

i’m still struggling with a panorama around the sharp turn of the uphill-sprint (the one here). maybe my g4 has not enough ram to handle a panorama consisting of 15 5 mpixel images. i’m trying it soon with resized images and keep you updated.

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thoughts after a busy week

– driving a fixie with a huge backpack (clothes for week and some more stuff) through downtown basel and zürich is not so fun

– going to the ecmc and not competing is only half the fun

– you need a valid passport or id to go to sweden (not me, mine is perfectly valid), but you can organize a passport in 30 minutes

– sleeping on a boat is fun

– sweden has the biggest indoor swimming pools i’ve ever seen

– going to another european championship with 3700 contestants is massive fun

– the ipod camera connector works like a charm (i took 260 pictures and some movies at the ecmc and at the emc)

hugin will be runnig continuously for the next few days, cause i took a lot of panoramas

– i will tell you as soon as i uploaded the pictures, from time to time, you’ll find a bunch on flickr

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i’m off for a week (to some european championships)

i’m leaving for two european championships soon: saturday i’ll be in basel at the ECMC2005 and then on sunday i’ll leave to sweden for the 10th European Masters Championship 2005 in Swimming, Diving and Open Water Swimming in Stockholm. we’re gonna stay on this ship for a week and swim some meters in this pool.

so don’t expect any updates here [1] and please do behave with comment spam and stuff like that. whish you a happy week and take care.

[1]: maybe i’m not completely offline, according to this picture which is from our hostel…

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apple rebate coupon code [update]

i finally ordered an ipod from apple (jan, don’t flame me, please :-).

now apple sent me a rebate coupon code which i can redeem for my next purchase at the apple store. it’s 45 bucks off a purchase of 449 or more CHF. since i don’t plan to use it (it expires at the 15. september) i put it up for grabs here.

are you interested? then leave a comment and i’ll gladly pass it over to you.

nachdem ich letzte woche einen ipod bei apple bestellt habe, schenken die mir einen rabatt-coupon für den nächsten einkauf im apple store (45.- auf mind. 449.-). da ich bis zum 15.9 nix mehr bestellen will, verschenk ich den gutschein.

also, falls du bis dann was im applestore kaufen willst, hinterlass mir einen kommentar oder schreib mir ein mail und ich werde dir den code zusenden.

update: he did, sort of…

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hardcoded blogroll

i was annoyed that my sidebar loaded extremely slow. now i finally found some time to fix this. i hardcoded the blogroll[1] into the template, so there are no external files loaded anymore. i used blogrolling.com for that service, so it was a bit of a chore to get that data off their site.

i exported my blogroll into an opml-file. then i opened that file in my favorite text-editor, subethaedit and “search & replace”d until i could just paste the resulting code into my template. so now you have a much spiffier sidebar on my blog (if you visit it and don’t just pull the posts via rss…)

now i just need to get that validation right, but that’s a task for another free hour, now i’m off to see crimen ferpecto, which is hopefully gonna be good for a laugh or two.

[1]: technically it’s not a blogroll, ’cause some of my friends don’t blog, hence it’s called friendly bits.

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