ein anhaenger, der bei unserem nachbarn im garten steht.
cute overload: a new blog in my feed-reader
Cute Overload, the name says it all. nothing but pictures of cute stuff, mostly animals and such. like mark frauenfelder said on boingboing, “Visiting it is like taking a happy pill”. you absolutely must look at the archives, there’s a lot of cuddly stuff there. really!
[via boingboing]
technorati tags: cute
indoor panorama
früecher ischmä ir pfadi umds lagerfüür umeghocket und het lieder usem rondo gsunge.
hüt hocketme vorem flachbildschirm-tv und spielt singstar, und es isch mindischtens genau so luschtig…
ds panorama ufem foti obe chasch entweder auf biudli aluege, oder hie aus quicktime-panorama (2.1 mb .mov)
english: ages ago we’ve been sitting around a fire and singing songs from the scout-song-book. today we sit around a flat-screen-tv and play singstar. kinda the same, innit?
picture of the week 52
after we had two performances in a row on saturday i drove all the way up to eywald to our new years eve-party. the conditions on the road were a bit tricky, so i arrived just in time for a toast to the new year.
the picture below shows me and nina with some sparkles. i really hope that we have a lot more of them in the new year!
the rest of the images i took are here.
the same procedure as every year
what we do at noon
yesterday – the last workday in 2005 – küde [1] made lunch for us. the perfect messenger-lunch with lots of carbohydrates (bread) and fat (cheeeeeese). fondue [2].
here are some impressions:
the table getting ready – simu cooking
andi readying the fondue, dewi having some wine – reto and simu digesting
hämme, nicola, andi – nicola finishing off, andi and hämme watching.
[1] actually his name is simu: see him in action here and hear his messenger-song here (4mb swiss german gölä-tribute .mp3). the song was the gift we/he made to our customers last year.
[2] the whole afternoon was rather unpleasant to ride, ’cause i had big cheeseblob in my belly…
best. blond. joke. ever. [2nd update]
i seldom post jokes here, but this blonde joke just made me ROTFLOL.
it really did.
i know, i have a kinda crooked humor, or maybe i just need to go to bed.
[via :elbewerk]
update: stefan (elbewerk) posted a followup: now the spiegel online (one of the bigger german newsmagazines) picked up the joke, too. even funnier :-)
2nd update: the joke propagated quite a bit now: see here for a rather thorough investigation with a node graph (or full 136kb .png-file here) of the link sphere. i’m node 91, btw. [via haslo.ch]
technorati tags: meme
*.blogug.ch is working
after some heated debates about opml-files and licensing problems (which i’ve not taken part in) there’s a new open swiss weblog directory, where every blogging person should add their feed. as far as i understand it, it’s supposed to become a complete repository of all swiss feeds, where people then can build services with it (aggregators and other tools).
jan has a short rundown, chregu has a more thorough post, also explaining the ping-service. i’ve added a blogug.ch-button to my sidebar (it used to be sub.scribe.to for some days…) and time will tell if it’s gonna kick in…
as far as i found out, MT-users can ping by going to their /mt.cgi, to general settings of the weblog in question (in the sidebar under settings) and then to “new entry defaults”. there you have to add “http://ping.blogug.ch” to “Publicity/Remote Interfaces”.
in ecto [1] just go to “weblog” > “edit settings” (ctrl+apple+s) and add “http://ping.blogug.ch” to Pings.
[1]: ecto is 20% cheaper around christmas, and IMHO an indispensable helper!
[via the swiss blogoshpere]
technorati tags: aggregators, blogug, feed, opml
santas on bikes
look who i just met on the way back home: two santas on bikes. (and i
thought there’s just one of them…)
santas on bikes
look who i just met on the way back home: two santas on bikes. (and i
thought there’s just one of them…)
the war of the worlds as comic
the war of the worlds ecomic has been loitering around in my netnewswire-tabs [1] for some months now. every now and then, the darkhorse-team has been releasing a few new pages of their adaptation of the novel by h. g. wells.
if you also dig comics a lot, then you might give it a go.
[1] there’s some other stuff waiting, too:
filewile auf bkanal.ch
dejot and andi/dustbowl [1] werden auf bkanal.ch interwiut.
wenn du wissen willst, woher die jungs kommen und was sie nebst filewile momentan am laufen haben – sie haben soeben wankdorf recordings gegründet – dann schau dir das ~30 minütige inti auf bkanal.ch/filewile an (s brucht e fetti leitig, gäu…). lustig fand ich, als bei etwa 27 minuten doch noch andis lieblingswort auftauchte :-)…
[1] dejot im jäggli, andi im tshi.
[via filewile-feed]
google earth for os x
yesterday i read on fscklog.com, that there’s a leaked version of google earth for os x in the wild. and today the uaw posted a link to macupdate.com, where you can download an unofficial beta release of the program. it works nicely on my mac, but your mileage may vary, and keep in mind that this is not an official release, so it might contain stuff you don’t want, i’ve warned you…
it worked for me, but may not for you. the faint of heart just wait ’till google officially releases it.
the image on the left shows a screenshot with some nice clouds scattered around the napf-gebiet.
[via tuaw]
technorati tags: earth, googleearth
q-unit in da house!
q-unit is in da house.
q-unit greatest hits-album is a rather nice mashup album combining 50-Cent and the greatest hits from Queen with tracks like “This is How We Bite the Dust,” “Bohemian Wanksta” and “We Will Rock You in Da Club”.
you can grab it – while it lasts – on q-unit.net or via this bittorrent-file.
[via boingboing]
chillin’ messengers
sometimes at noon we need to take a break.
this might look like this, when you just simply crash out on the sofa:
or it might look like this, when you need a hug from their [1] siegfried&roy-tiger:
[1] we share our headquarters with theirs…
wo die liebe hinfliegt
für alle, dies nicht per mail gekriegt haben:
bonsoir madames, bonsoir messieurs!
ich spiele wieder einmal im theater an der effingerstrasse in einem stück mit.
dieses mal trete ich als kellner auf die bühne des kleinen aber feinen theaters.
das stück “wo die liebe hinfliegt” ist eine komödie in anlehung an den film “jetlag – oder wo die liebe hinfliegt“.
wir spielen von nächsten dienstag, den 6. dezember bis zum 5. januar fast jeden abend.
die genauen daten findest du auf der seite des theater an der effingerstrasse (www.dastheater-effingerstr.ch > aktuell [1]).
tickets können direkt beim theater reserviert werden (leider noch nicht übers internet, sondern nur über die telefonnummer 031 382 72 72 und zwar von montag bis freitag, von 14.00 bis 19.00 uhr.)
es würde mich freuen, wenn ihr zu besuch kommt.
da ich während der vorstellung keine chance habe, im zuschauerraum etwas zu erkennen, schreib mir doch eine kurze nachricht, wenn du kommst, dann können wir nach dem stück zusammen noch was trinken gehen, da hier in den kommentaren geht auch.
[1] warten, bis alle bildli durchgelaufen sind, dann sieht mensch auch mich.
picture of the week 48
yesterday evening pesche invited us for a diner in his new flat in basel. the image below was also shot on the train back home: bruni is trying to remember that certain line from abba. [1] oh, and the panorama turned out quite nice, too, you can see it as an 1.3mb-.mov-file here.
[1]: don’t ask, it only makes sense for him and me…
frontrow is enabled
this tutorial works, the pweeew-sound it makes when it fades in is just fabulous…
but now i gotta run, ’cause i’m supposed to meet nina in 10 minutes and should not be late…
[via iforgotdontblameme]
advent calendar
pictures of the week 47
as in the last two years nina and me went to the polyball in zürich. it was a blast, although we couldn’t dance that much this year ’cause ninas back ached a bit after an hour of salsa :-)
the image below is one of my polyball-set on flickr. if you’d like to see some more images of us, then you should proceed over to the site of the fotostudio unartig. they made professional shots of all the attendants of the ball and supplied a photo-studio where you could make some selfportraits. the set of our self-portraits starts here and the professional shots start here.
don’t we look spiffy?
oh, and thanks for the clothes, sabine!
technorati tags: polyball, polyball05