’cause ninas knee is still hurting like a bitch, we didn’t go to the seilpark today, instead watched the latest episode of lost and went to have a coffe on the gurten.
i shot the image below between some shots for a panorama from the look-out tower. nina looks a bit held tight, but nonetheless i like the picture. as soon as i finish the panoramas i’ll post them too.
das ok der SBAW ruft alle besucher und -innen auf, seinen senf zum 5. mai dieses jahres beizusteuern, damit beim nächsten mal alles besser/anders/schöner/passender (oder so wird). denkt mit, und helft den jungs, dann kriegt ihr auch so ‘nen tollen button wie ich :-)
[via sbaw-blog]
technorati tags: blogospherahelvetica, lang:de, swissbloawards
“funny” machiminia
do you like video-games? or don’t you? whatever!
if you want to see a rather well done piece of machinima (made using the CounterStrike game-engine and selected for the Tribeca Film Festival) then point your browser to Deviation. Deviation is a short movie about a pensive game character which takes a turn to a strong statement about choice and questioning authorities.
watch it yourself!
Macintyre, an online-game character and member of a four-man counter-terrorist squad, attempts to break out of the cycle of futile violence that has been his sole existence.
Dropped into the middle of a mission and faced with the prospect of climbing into an ambush at the end of a manhole tunnel, Macintyre strives to convince the other squad members that there is another way…
[via boingboing]
technorati tags: counterstrike, machinima
a little story from work
as you might know, most of the swiss messenger companies work together when there is stuff to send around switzerland. so if any of our customers wants to send something into another part of switzerland, he calls us, we pick up the parcel at his place, lock it in a special compartment in the train and the partner-company grabs it at the destination train-station and delivers the parcel. the whole product is called swissconnect and is an unbeatable product in terms of speed and reliability.
the whole process organized – mostly – through a special website, which can only be accessed with the correct passwords and stuff. each and every parcel is trackable and can be viewed in detail. this morning nicola told me to go to grab something from the 8.58-train from zurich, to deliver it to somewhere in bern. you can guess that i’ve been a little bit surprised when i grabbed the plastic-bag from the train and saw what was in the transparent (!) bag. thirty of them!!!
if you’d like to see for yourself what it was, then click on the fullsize screenshot on the left…
but you might not want to do that until you’ve digested everything you ate in the last hours.
oh, and if you don’t speak german, you can do a search for the word on images.google.com.
technorati tags: gross, messenger, swissconnect
kornhausbruecke at night
going home
nina ist auch dort anzutreffen
also bei diesem spammail links, da wär ich jetzt fast reingefallen…
the revolution will not be blogged
i might be possible that the revolution will happen and that you won’t notice it, ’cause according to this brilliant rant, the revolution will not be blogged! (what a pity)
The revolution will not have banners or popups or popunders
Or those irritating graphics that take over your whole screen.
You will not have to worry about having the latest Macromedia
Flash, Macromedia Shockwave or Macromedia Goddamn plugin.
The revolution will not work at all in Opera.
The revolution will not secretly hope for a deal with Microsoft.
The revolution will not be skinnable.
[via ferientechniker jan]
technorati tags: bloggers, revolution
evolution of dance
i guess he scores on the dancefloor :-)
watch the whole six minutes, he’s quite good.
[via boingboing]
they’re made out of meat! [update]
they’re made out of meat is a short-film adaptation of nebula award winner terry bissons story about two extraterrestrials having a funny and also a bit gross talk in restaurant at the end of the universe (or was that another story).
the dialogue is quite funny:
“They’re made out of meat.” “Meat?” “Meat. They’re made out of meat.”
“There’s no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They’re completely meat.”
“That’s impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?”
“They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don’t come from them. The signals come from machines.”
“So who made the machines? That’s who we want to contact.”
“They made the machines. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Meat made the machines.”
“That’s ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You’re asking me to believe in sentient meat.”
go and watch it on youtube. after you watched that movie, you can still watch the bekennervideo of the pendlerblog, which was showed at the swissblogawards this friday.
and if you’ve watched that movie, you might also want to see another funny one, the bekennervideo of the pendlerblog which was shown last friday at the swiss blog awards.
[via boingboing and prettymucheveryone]
update: corrected wrong blockquote.
technorati tags: extraterrestrials, pendlerblog, swissbloawards, youtube
SBAW, a retrospective and picture of the week 18
i really liked it on friday night in biel.
i’m not gonna tell you who won in the end, ’cause if you haven’t read it elsewhere, you’re not interested anyways [1]. there were some surprises, but hey, everyone is a winner (be it only in the morales departement)!
i really liked the event, mostly also because i met some faces behind the bytes i read on an almost daily basis. the whole networking aspect was quite a big motivation to got to biel. a pity that a lot of bloggers left the party in the pooc quite fast to disperse into all the regions of switzerland. thanks to bruni [2] that let me ride home with him.
and i hope the team is getting ready to discuss the beginning of the SBAW 07, ’cause you made it happen guys!
the picture below shows some random geeks in the volkshaus staring at their screens instead of listening to what’s happening on stage. and jan in characteristic pose :-)
[1] or see it here
[2] one of the few visitors sans blog
technorati tags: blog, blogospherahelvetica, blogug, sbawlive, swissbloawards
Orthographie umgenuegend
1 reisebuero in freiburg
die sbaw waren lustig und gut.
der leumund hat endlich sein neuestes spielzeug – bloggrrr.com – vorgestellt (die präsentation liess zu wünschen übrig, er weiss es, also fertig mit dem leumundbashing :-).
obs funktioniert, weiss ich nicht, ich hab mich registriert, und als englisch-sprachiges schweizer blog eingetragen, aber auf bloggrrr.com/CH/en [1] tauch ich noch nicht auf.
herr löi, müssen sie die eingetragenen blogs erst freischalten?
oder ist das ganze noch web-2.0-beta-ajax-mässig unterwegs?
in der gesamtliste bin ich momentan rang 26, ist doch auch nicht so schlecht, oder? stimmt für mich im sidebar ab, dann rutsch ich höher und gewinn die nächsten SBAW!
aber eine lustige idee ists schon. und jetzt muss ich dringend ins bett.
note to self: solche posts will ich nicht mehr allzuhäufig machen.
gute nacht
[1] schöne URL’s: brav, brav!
technorati tags: bloggers, bloggrrr.com, lang:de, sbawlive
out of office
geduscht? check
zähne geputzt? check
namensschild? check
kamera dabei? check
notizbuch? check: namics hipster pda, nicht als einziger
gepackt für morgen? leider nein
velo gesattelt? leider nein:
hui, und der zug fähr in 20 minuten. jetzt aber ab die post!
technorati tags: bloggers, bloggertreffen, blogospherahelvetica, rain, sbawlive, swissbloawards
passend zum thema…
heute morgen auf der schanzenpost
04.05.06 07:08:09
“beim nächsten ton ist es 8 minuten nach 7 und 9 sekunden”.
inspiriert von einem post bei boingboing.
backrub from fscklog.com
today, fscklog posted something about menushade, which i’ve been using together with backdrop, when i have to read something carefully and cannot be distracted by anything.
to illustrate the way it works, leo used the image i submitted to the cs3-pool on flickr, a screenshot of my preparation for a job interview at the psi. [1]
i adapted this read-mode after a post on 43folders, a gtd-freaks heaven.
[1]: the job would be in bern, at the anatomical institute, but i’d heavily work together with the people at the psi.
i’ll let you know, when i know if they chose me…
picture of the week 17
this weekend the 21st berner renntage have been carried out at the klösterlistutz.
because i saved two days from my civil service at the adventure playground i was part of the staff this weekend. after hauling around 300 bales of straw around 60 soap box cars raced down the rather steep hill. the car below was one of the nicest, even though it doesn’t really fit into the selfmade category. the kids got it from an old rollercoaster and rebuilt it as a race-car.
if you’d like to see some of the other participants of the race, you can do that in my set over at flickr. (or separated into the pictures from saturday and sunday).
technorati tags: kids, soap box derby
renamed mt-comments.cgi and mt-tb.cgi scripts
yesterday evening chris, the admin of the gna-server informed me that my trackback-scripts stressed the server quite a bit.
and because i got a massive hit of spam in the morning (more than 100 spam comments that passed the junk-filter) i decided to do, what i’ve should have done a long time ago: rename my comment- and trackback-scripts so they cannot be easily guessed remotely
first, i used the direction posted here at the photoblogs-wiki and adapted them a bit:
first, i renamed
…the comment script. A good proportion of comment spam is generated automatically; i.e. a spam site will try to automatically contact your comment script which normally resides at:
If you rename the script you stop the automatic spam in its tracks. You can rename this file anything you like (e.g. death-to-spambots.cgi) but you a) need to retain the cgi extenstion (I think), and b) also need to make a change to your mt-config.cgi file (which resides in your cgi-bin directory. You need to look for the following block of code
# CommentScript mt-comments.pl
# TrackbackScript mt-tb.pl
# SearchScript mt-search.pl
# XMLRPCScript mt-xmlrpc.pl
# ViewScript mt-view.pl
… and make two changes. First, uncomment the first line by removing the hash symbol; i.e.
CommentScript mt-comments.pl
… and second, change the filename to match your renamed version; e.g.
CommentScript death-to-spambots.cgi
this means, that the scripts still work, but under another name [1], so noone should be able to just guess their location. but as a human person nothing changes, because you comment through the comment interface and get redirected to the correct script. the problem of this solution is now, that the spammers generate massive amounts of “404: File not found”-errors in the logs, because the original scripts are not there anymore.
to prevent this, i then implemented the Junk slow-down-solution posted over at the solid wall of code, which consists of throwing the junk-bots into a loop when they guess the original-file destination.
so if you now go to the original mt-comments.cgi on my server, you (or better your spam-script) has to wait 30 seconds before it gets to see an error-message. this should at least slow down the junk scripts and put a bigger burden on the junkers than it does on the server my blog resides on.
the whole setup seems to work quite fine.
before renaming the scripts i got around 5 comment spams per minute (!) and now it already has slowed down quite a bit, the last comment spam (as i write it) has been more than 2 hours ago and the one before already four hours ago.
see yourself in the screenshot on the left.
[1]: i’m not gonna tell you, leave a comment to see for yourself. :-)
technorati tags: code, junk, movabletype