picture of the week 26

i’ve been experimenting with panoramas quite a bit lately [1]. and with huginosx it’s really easy to align ramarkably good panoramas even with handheld pictures, like i’ve done it in the one below.

Velodemo High

this wednesday the ja! [2] made a bike demonstration in bern. they wanted to protest against the newest plans to slash the free bike-parking around the main station here in bern. because of the thunderstorm that just started minutes after the demonstration was about to begin there were not too many people. i tried to document that with that panorama, which makes the waisenhausplatz look quite empty with that little bunch of protesters on it…

[1] maybe you’ve watched my panorama tag over at flickr.

oh, and raph, i’m still waiting for the CMWC-tag (or maybe cmwc2005) to get filled!

[2] we never were 70 people. i counted when we were on the bundesplatz, and we were exactly 34… oh, and can you spot me on that picture?

[3] i really love tagging :-)

technorati tags: , ,

flickr is upping the ante – giveaway

today i got an email from the flickr-team: in the aftermath of yahoo buying flickr the guys and gals are able to provide more stuff for all the users:

  • 20 mb upload limit for all free users
  • for all pro users (like me), e.g. those who paid for an extended account: an extension to two years, so i get double the bang for my bucks and
  • 2 invites for a pro account to give away.

this leads me to a little contest: i’m donating those two accounts to you, yes you. but because i (occasionally) get more than two readers, you have to fight :-)

send me a convincing picture or something other that justifies the donation of an account from me to you [1].

[1]: since there’s a bit more involved than with a gmail invite, the hurdles are also a bit higher. i think, for instance, i must know you (least a bit) personally and must think that i could like your pictures…


finally i found a freeware panorama solution that works!

i confess: up to now i’ve used different unlegal ways to stitch my occasional panorama (read: cracked software), mostly because i just couldn’t cough up the steep amounts of money needed to buy one of these programs.

but now it’s over: last week i stumbled over HuginOSX, a program in the very early steps of development (e.g. experimental builds), but still useable for my needs.

HuginOSX is a free port of hugin to os x (who would have guessed…). hugin is a frontend to the excellent panorama tools by helmut dersch. the panorama tools are a set of scripts and plugins for different programs (like photoshop or graphic converter (both not free, so no option for me)) which give excellent results with panoramic images, and are free like in beer.

as i said before i am quite geeky, but definitely not the cli-person, i prefer to use a GUI for most of the stuff i do. that’s where HuginOSX steps in. you load in all the images you want, define control points (in quite a nifty way i must say: after you’ve defined one or two per image, the program is getting really accurate at suggesting the next matching control points), click on some buttons to optimize the panorama and to run the needed scripts and then can export the image in the desired format.

everything is still a bit rough on the edges – the toolbar is far away from useable, only flashes up for split-seconds – but it looks like HuginOSX is going to become a very important program for me (and my conscience :-).

for good results you should also use enblend, another free piece of software, which nicely blends the seams between the images. the combination ofTateblend

leads to images like the one seen on the right (760kb .jpg, 3410*1186 pixels).

so i guess in the coming weeks i’ll have some panoramas for your delight and to help me master HuginOSX’ hurdles.

[1]: i couldn’t get enblend to work nicely with HuginOSX, so i stumbled over Xblend by Kevin Kratzke [2], another freeware program. Xblend is a front-end to emblend, which itself is also cli-heavy…

[2]: Kevin is the creator of PTMac, a shareware frontend to the PanoTools which i’ve used before, but as i said, i prefer freeware….

i has got me a new bike

this morning i went to finish my latest addition to the pool of bikes i own.
and after quite a long time i’m finally able to ride it.
my fixed-gear bike: no brakes. one gear, no freewheel. the pedals turn as fast as the rear wheel does and the only way to brake is to slow down the pedals with your leg.

DSC03459 DSC03460 DSC03462
DSC03463 DSC03465 DSC03469
DSC03471 DSC03472 DSC03474

watch the tight space between the seat-post and the wheel in the last picture of the middle row!

bike porn

i’m in the process of looking for a fixed gear hub for my polish frame
on one of my late-night surfing rounds i found these links:

circle a cycles (pictures)
solo velo
chub hub
harris cyclery
paul component engineering (click on hubs in the navbar)

oh, and this article from nonduality magazine made me research for a fixed gear hub and not a singlespeed freewheelin one….
maybe i’ll explain the difference later, but now i’ve gotta go to work!

ps: you want real bike porn? then drunkencyclist is something for you