update: more on wikipedia…
more plugins!
since it’s so easy to install plugins in wordpress (upload, activate, finished), i’ve installed some more plugins here:
first: dropdown-archives. they unclutter my sidebar without a single line of coding. it compacts the full archives into a nice dropdown-field. i feel like noone uses the archives, but still felt like letting them stay in the sidebar.
the second one is more for safari users (because it degrades nicely for other browsers): the safari-search-field widget. it adds a search field to the blog that looks and behaves like the one safari-users have in their top-left corner (unless you installed inquisitor 3). if you use another browser it looks like a normal search field, as you can see below.
[both via wordpress widgets]
oh, and as you can see in the top-left corner: ich bin nicht elitär :-)
Hugo Koblet
Nun ist er also endlich bei mir… Danke Urs und Matthias!
hmmmmm [update]
update: i did, and got myself 3000 superpoints while doing so…. (jan, this should answer your question…)
oh, and i’m gonna get the racletteöfeli on the right, so nina won’t be that upset :-)
Technorati Tags: apple, macbookpro
my images, pulled from flickr will arrive here
wordpress plugins are great!
wordpress-plugins are really neat!
i probably stumbled over lightboxJS a hundred times before. today i thought it would be really nice to have that for this site here. thanks to wordpress-plugins, implementing it here only took 4 steps:
– google wordpress plugin lightboxJS
– download the plugin from here
– drop it into /wp-content/plugins
– activate the plugin in the control panel
and now, if you click on an image, you get the nice lightboxJS-effect. try it for yourself, maybe in the post below!
and if you read me only through my feed, this might be worth checking out the site…
updating here and there
i’m updating the site on different ends, correcting importing errors, and assigning categories to post that haven’t been categorized. so bear with me (and ignore the possible quirks in the feed for some days), everything will resume to normal state soon.
for rouge, the site now has a favicon, thankts to the favicon manager for wordpress, and cocomments is now integrated thanks to the really cool plugin from david.
mr. citymen
having a bad day at the office? then crank up the volume and watch the mr. citymen by eric lerner. especially mr. fortune (seen on the left) and mr. dreamer will make you happy!
probably [via ehrensenf], but i cannot remember which episode…
picture of the week 39
today we went for a little walk onto the niederhorn. the weather was absolutely lovely, so i was able to shoot some nice images including the one below. it was shot looking the other way than here, looking towards thun.
Technorati Tags: hiking, niederhorn, walking
zahnarzt kauer
uploaded yesterday evening from murten, but got stuck in the conversion from movabletype to wordpress (uploading from flickr doesn’t work without changing settings :)
werbung sollte gegengelesen werden
da sollte man doch meinen, dass die directories genug geld haben um sich ein lektorat für die werbe-sms zu leisten, und nun dies:
Technorati Tags: directories, directrories, lang:de, mobile, sms
this blog is now without /blog
in the last few weeks movable type stressed the server more and more. after reading a bit into it, i found out, that wordpress is much fancier and much less resource-hungry as a blog platform.
and after trying out an install wordpress on habi.gna.ch, which really took less than five minutes, i was sold. now wordpress is powering habi.gna.ch and the blog is going to migrate to the root directory. everything else (pics, cv, my calendars and such) is still gonna stay where it is, and maybe be integrated into wordpress (which works quite well as a CMS) sometimes.
i’m still tinkering with the way of redirectong the old movable type archives to the imported posts, but this still has time.
if you’d like, you can change your feed addresses, but i will install a redirect-rule and leave everyting where it is.
after some time, when google and co. picked up everything, i’m gonna delete or inactivate /blog…
for your convenience [1] here are the new feed addresses:
for the posts: https://habi.gna.ch/feed/ and for the comments: https://habi.gna.ch/comments/feed/
[1] i also really like the URIs which are generated by wordpress. nice and clean (see the archives, for example…)
Technorati Tags: migration, movabletype, wordpress
update: mercedes mixed-tape 15 14
as always once in about 10 weeks, mercedes released a new mixed-tape. this time it’s already number 15 14, a handful of groovy tracks.
go and get it, while it’s hot, it will only last until the 5th of december.
update: thanks to sis for reminding me, that it’s number 14 and not 15. bummer
Technorati Tags: mercedes, mixed-tape, music
About me
my real name is david haberthür, nearly everyone calls me habi
i worked as a messenger and will always be one in my heart, now i’m a ph.d.-student at the university of bern
i studied physics and got my masters degree.
i’m a geek.
i live in the breitenrain (bern, switzerland).
i have lots of email-addresses.
i like to type in only small letters.
yesterday the swiss cycle messenger championships 2006 were held in zürich, in the middle of the city.
it was really a blast! mostly because there were loads of spectators, the weather was super-nice, it was fun to meet other messengers in switzerland (i guess around 120 of ’em were there), but also, because i’m now officially the fourth-best messenger in switzerland[1], just a bit short after triple faiss and a wee bit faster than dom (both from lausanne).
my images can be found here, and maybe the tag suicmc06 is going to fill up with more pictures…
[1]: see screenshot on the left (and this might persuade me to still cycle a bit sometimes!)
eighties flashback! [update]
do you remember simon (update: or senso, like neopren-sigi [1] points out)?
i remember playing it for hours. i actually remember it so good, that i couldn’t help but having a biiiiig smile after downloading simon extreme, the port of the game to os x. it even has alternate sound sets like heavy metal and hip-hop. and lickable eye-candy, like most software on osx…
[via freemacware]
[1] just for clarification: this is neopren-sigi, and this is schnee-sigi
technorati tags: freeware, osx, simon, simonextreme
weisheiten zum sonntag abend
rollstuhlfahren und rumdreckeln mit 4×4-autos können ganz schön gefährlich sein!
technorati tags: 4×4, lang:de, wheelchair
update: comments are down up and runnig again
oh, and just a quick note: the comments are down for some mysterious reason. i’m on it.
thanks sigi for noticing (oh, and what happened to your content?)
update: the comments-script nearly took down existenz.gna.ch (again), so someone chmodded it to 000. i’m nearly ready to switch to wordpress, if this goes on, i don’t want to stress the server that much [1]. for the moment i implemented the tinyturing-test from staggernation. so all commenters must now enter a random letter into the field when they want to post a comment, as seen in the image on the right.
i personally hate that kind of test (also captchas!), but it seems, it’s necessary to take some strain away from the server…
[1]: as far as i understood, wp is much easier on the resources it uses from the server…
die wette gilt! (europäischer aktionstag in die stadt – ohne mein auto)
am 22.9. ist wie mittlerweilen jedes jahr europäischer aktionstag “in die stadt – ohne mein auto”.
evi allemann und dori schaer wetten unter die-wette-gilt.ch, dass sie es schaffen, an diesem tag (um 17.30 auf dem waisenhausplatz) 2209 räder zu bewegen.
leider haben sich bis jetzt nur 210 räder gemeldet, das ist nicht mal 10% von dem was nötig ist, damit wir nächstes jahr an der velostation 4 elektrovelos ausleihen können.
es geht nicht so sehr um die elektrovelos, sondern mehr darum, ein zeichen gegen den zunehmenden vier-rad-ismus in unseren städten zu setzen.
ich bin dabei, du auch? (wär doch ‘ne gelegenheit, mal an einer velodemo teilzunehmen…)
diving in the verzasca
as mentioned before i’ve been diving in the verzasca this weekend. now i’m uploading all the images to flickr. you can see the images in this set here.
the two videos below are videos i shot and uploaded to youtube, the first one shows ändu blowing some bubbles. while shooting the second one i nearly peed in my divesuit ’cause the thing that swam through scared me quite a bit, but see for yourself…