some other blogs near my epicentre

ok, i thought it’s about time to jump the bandwagon and list some friends with a blog:

  • Bärni, an old classmate and also a mate at university (Whichseems farther away from day to day…). He “seduced” me to install a movable type blog here on (actually he installed it for me:-)
    Bärni is the CTO of [] and has an unbelievable insight into the inner workings of any computer and programming language
  • Miklos, also an old classmate of mine, and a good friend through all those long DVD-Nights :-)
    He is the chief of the steadicenter and one of the web-masters of The other one has no blog (yet).
  • Bärnis Brother Arni just started a blog too.
    He’s a very good drummer, but does actually sell his whole equipement (perhaps to make some money for his upcoming trip to the remote parts of our world :-)


erm. this entry is here to get you to know me a bit better (if you already don’t, what you probably do…)

the image on the left shows me with glasses, which i really don’t wear that often, and the one on the right shows me having fun with my mobile, the sonyericsson T610 (which is by the way the first mobile i own).
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I went to see tonight in the city.
they rocked the Baerenplatz :-)
go to their site and download some music and put a tip in the jar..

and see some more pictures in /pics

update: by the way, they were filmed by a crew of the swiss television. the clip/show/info will be aired tomorrow night in schweiz aktuell.

update2: it was not aired tonight, but will be soon, if you’re interested, then go and see on the schweiz-aktuell site. they provide all the shows in real-player-format.

some test

i am testing a program to update my blog from my mac without logging into movable type on my server.

it’s called kung-log and is availiable on versiontracker

and it has a funky feature: it will post what you listen to at the moment…
i’am listening to: En-Sof from the album “Lingo” by Almamegretta