a selection of my pictures from the gurtenfestival are now online in the pictures-section.
because of posts like these the powerbook blog is gonna stay on my rss-feed :-)
i’ve seen it before (when i tested everything in the system preferences years ago) but it’s a nice trick nonetheless!
[via powerbook blog]
oh, and by the way
sigi and manu and co.
i know that you cannot wait to see my pics of the gurtenfestival, but i have only so much time on my hands…
they’ll be here eventually.
coding something can be quite a long process for me.
anja mailed me some picture which i wanted to put on the homepage of the SUICMC04.
since i wanted to do it in the simplest and cleanest possible way i thought to make little table with links to all of the pictures, so that when you click on them, they pop up in a new window with the right size, with a nifty “close window”-link.
in the end it turned out to be a longer process than i thought:
here’s the way i did it:
– talk to b. about it.
– let b. propose some php-trickery.
– code something around:
<? $name = ereg_replace(“[^a-zA-Z_.-]”, “”, $_GET[‘name’]); ?>
<p align=”center” class=”text”><? readfile(“pics/” . $name . “.txt”) ?></p>
<p align=”center”><img src=”pics/<? echo $name ?>.jpg”></p>
<p align=”center”><a href=”javascript:window.close()” class=”link”>Fenster schliessen/Close Window</a></p>
– add all the pics to the subdirectory /pics and add a PICNAME.txt file with the description fer each and every file.
– don’t forget to use proper html-code.
– test to see if the link ../gelaende.php?name=PICNAME (aare for example) does work.
– be happy that aare.jpg and aare.txt do actually get put in the code.
– make a thumbnail of each picture (iphoto comes in handy here).
– build a 4 by 4 table with all the pics.
– don’t mess up the code that michel and äbu made.
– insert
<a href=”../gelaende.php?name=PICNAME” onclick=”window.open(‘http://www.suicmc04.ch/gelaende.php?name=PICNAME’,’popup’,’width=640,height=480,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,
directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=yes,left=0,top=0′);return false”><img src=”../pics/PICNAME_t.jpg” width=”56″ height=”56″></a>
in each cell.
– substitute PICNAME with the actual name of the .jpg in each case (3*4*4 times) and don’t forget a single one.
– thank b. for being such a nice guy.
– look at the endresult.
– see that you need to look that the windows are in the right size (which they aren’t, but i have to go to bed, i’ll do that soon).
-go to bed.
-get up in 5 hours and 30 minutes.
le tour
since the timedifference between the finishers of le grand boucle on sunday is probably gonna be minuscule i thought it’s interesting to know how people actually figure out who comes in first or not after those 180km stages.
engadget has a nice little explanation on all the high-tech involved in the timekeeping of the tour de france.
[via engadget]
picture of the week
the gurtenfestival was very good. i’ll write more about that later (also why i didn’t see nena, iam and lunik), for now here’s a picture of nina and me, taken about 7 hours ago.
i love her!
new blogs in town
here are the three new blogs i added to my rss-reader:
hulks’ blog (hilarious!)
miklos’ new blog which is passwordprotected for some reason, but you might get a password if you ask nicely.
(guess which one i added for for real :-)
[via elbewerk and boingboing]
picture of the week
this weekend i wanted to go kiting with bruni. the problem was that the wind was really bad at the bielersee. we hardly managed to keep the kite in the air (although it’s a 12 squaremeter-thing) and thought it’s no use to try it in the water. then we just couldn’t find a suitable place at the neuenburgersee (i’ve been checking out kitegenossen just now :-( ) so the whole weekend was (kite-style) a big disappointment.
nonetheless i made a nice picture in neuchâtel which you can see below.
i think we need to spend a weekend in silvaplana (bad bad website for OS Xers), where we both learned to kite-sail soon.
1,300,925,111,156,286,160,896 ways to spell viagra
spiderman 2
thomas allenbach from the bund wrote a pretty good review of the upcoming movie spiderman 2 (although he managed to call peter parker – who is spiderman – peter barker at least six times and no-one noticed…).
the fueled my desire to go and see the movie, because i always dug spiderman comics and think sam raimi has a good hand with fiction-films.
to relieve some pain of waiting, you can watch the trailer, that apple provides on their trailer-page.
but better (and a lot funnier) is to watch the movie spiderman: the peril of doc ock from spite your face productions which is as hilarious as it is brilliant, because it’s a full-featured, albeit short movie done fully as a stop-motion lego animation!
[via todays bund and boingboing]
rain again…
bad furniture
do you like seventhies-furniture? think about it after you’ve seen this collection!
[via boingboing]
picture of the week
[update2] two links for you
the first one is funny: the point of the online-game on wagenschenke.ch is to walk back home with well too much alcohol. i managed to walk 75 meters this morning, when hämme showed me that game, but i cannot seem to replicate the result now to post a screenshot, maybe i’ll be able to do that later.
the second one is interesting in a physicists way: the new scientist points out that the speed of light might have changed recently, which would change a lot in traditional physics (read the article to get the point of “recently”). the change in the constant c would imply some problems with other constants, but is quite handy in a greater view, e.g. if you want to explain some interesting things like the horizon-problem in our universe (again, this is a physicist kind of problem, so you don’t need to worry :-)
i managed to grab a screenshot this morning: 77m! how much do you get? leave a comment.
in the true sense of do it yourself i laced my own front wheel today. remember that i bought a frame from poland quite some time ago. now that i know all the relevant parts are gonna fit i’m in the process of turning that frame into a lean, mean riding machine :-)
because i want it to look nice, i laced the wheel radially, so it will look good (although lorenzo doesn’t like it…).
a good trained wheel-builder can build a full wheel in about an hour. it took me twice that time (and let me tell you, radially is much simpler to lace than the normal way, where the spokes intermittently cross each other) but now i’ve got a front wheel which i built myself, which makes me quite proud.
and now i just need steve to send me that rear hub, lace another wheel and i’ll be riding my [insert cool name here] soon. i’m really looking forward to it!
ps: if you’ve got a cool name which would fit for a black bike with golden logo, then leave comment!
new apple displays
apple updated their displays. they are friggin huge and stylish like hell! if you want to take the new display for a spin, apple provides a 360°-quicktime-movie of one with a g5 attached. a pity i don’t have 3k$ lying around to buy myself the 30 inch beast… (which would involve getting rid of my ibook which is far away from having the graphical power to juice the 4.1 megapixels on the biggest model…)
[via everywhere]
new pictures are online
the (nearly) full set of pictures from our aare-tour yesterday is online in the /pics-section.
enjoy and have fun. maybe i’ll have some really nice panoramic shots ready soon. from the first preliminary tests it might look really good…
picture of the week
today i went down the river aare with sigi and some friends.
the picture below is cölu, lukas and whatwashisname schrigy leading the pack of four boats, trying to catch those kayakers (i don’t think they went war kayaking, the didn’t look like that :-)
a pity the aare wasn’t so warm like it could be in late june. nonetheless i swam from the eichholz to the marzili because i didn’t want to walk down that approximately 2.5 km. not too bad for 15.7°, aight?
la mala educación
yesterday i wanted to go to the theater with fränzi, but the whole evening came different than planned. since it was a birthday gift for her, we wanted to go and have a little drink before, so we met quite early. but when we drove over the kornhausplatz her bike got caught in the tramway tracks and she fell really hard. fortunately she wasn’t injured much, “only” little rashes on pretty much every protruding part of her body (hands, elbows, hips, knees).
you can guess that she wasn’t in theater-mood anymore. so we returned to her place and she cleaned all her wounds. when she recovered from her mild shock we decided to go to the movies instead.
in the end we went to see la mala educación. quite some time ago i discussed to go and see that movie with bruni, but then we ended up watching another movie, mostly because i thought that la mala educación was much to heavy for that certain evening we had then (which was really good, but not in a sunny, happy good way).
but now, that i’ve seen it i must say that i’m (as always) impressed by pedro almadovar. first the movie starts out quite funny, even histerically funny sometimes, but then turns in a pretty intense movie about misuse of kids with a pretty complex time-structure, so it’s not an easy movie, but nonetheless worth seeing. but go and see it on a good day of yours, not when you’re in a grey mood!
oh, and i might go and see empfänger unbekannt on tuesday with my parents…
mixed tape
mercedes benz (yes, the car maker) has released 15 nice tracks as mp3’s for your pleasure, you can download them for free and they all add up to a mixed tape.
a 60 minutes collection of downbeaty, ambient and jazzy tunes, with one song especially produced to announce the new cls-class of mercedes-benz.
if this is the new form of marketing, i’m all up to it. and there’s even a second collection coming up, sometimes in the beginning of august.
[via somewhere i forgot, but elbewerk also blogs it.]
ps: elbewerk also post the direct link to a 90mb .zip-file which includes all songs.