messengers caught on film [update]

the first few glimpes i’ve seen since the download started1 make it look like THE uber-messenger-movie, but i definitely need to go to bed now, i’ll download the whole movie tomorrow and let you know.
but be warned, the movie of a rider filming an alleycat through manhattan with his helmet-camera is a hefty 50 mb big!

update: after viewing the whole film today i got to mention that we’re all wussies here in bern.

[via memepool]

1: right-click on the .download-file, show package contents, and you’ll find a nice, but unfinished .mov inside the file

now it’s official: the new is live and online.
b.abou and the other coding guys at released their new baby into the wild, and i suppose it’s ready to survive and thrive there, because it really is good.
since some weeks i’ve been testing and using it a lot at work to find all those funny addresses where our customers are (and sometimes telling the others: then after the house with the red roof you turn right). is surprisingly fast and amazing to use. drag the map around to see what comes around the edge and the map data is loaded as it’s needed. is the map too big? just resize your browser-window and the map is resized accordingly.
the whole map is composed of aerial photos of switzerland (so you can see funny stuff like this waterskier), but if you need even more speed you can also only have the streets in a “normal” map mode (but is of no use for the waterskier :-)
hell, there’s even more: click on the map to zoom in, right-click to zoom out. i’d write some more, but i gotta run, i’m off to biel to attend a vernissage of biggi lustenberger with a piece of art me and 50 other people are in. have a nice evening!

oh, btw, that’s the house i live in, but give me a call before you come and visit…

email aliases in

i should have read that post before the suicmc04 was over!
i’ve been doing lot of emailing from all the different accounts (info, sponsoring, race, helfer, etc.) and every-time i did this, i did an apple+; to go to the preferences of to be able change the corresponding email-address.
mail.appnow justin french (with a wonderful website!) mentions an un-documented feature of you are able to set up multiple adresses for one account, which is a HUGE timesaver for all of you that have multiple mail-addresses that are being forwarded to one address in the end (e.g,, is even smart enough to know which address to use when you reply to an incoming mail.
just wonderful, but a pity i know it now that the suicmc is over and i won’t be handling multi-alias mailing anytime soon.
stuff like this makes working with a mac even more fun!

[via 43 folders] a blog chock-full of other very useful tricks and hacks!


is it funny? or is it really, really scary?
i don’t know what to think of that movie (5.7mb .mov) in which someone edited all fear-inducing flowery phrases spoken at the rnc into one hypnotizing stream of words that start to loose the connection to reality.
think for yourself might be one consequence. don’t trust the words of those governing you…

[via boingboing]

google trickery

so if i link to chregels page with the keywords jämmerlicher waschlappen i kinda induce some funk with googles index. this sounds like fun, count me in!

see the search-result on this google-page

for our english-speaking audience: this is pretty much the same as when you google the term miserable failure and reach the biography of dubja bush. chregel blocher is a member of the swiss federal council and quite a prick…

[via berner gazette]

pictures of the week 41

the suicmc04 is over. now i’ve got to see that i don’t fall into a post-evental depression.
here’s a some pictures for you (we prepared the whole event for about a year, so this justifies some more pics :-)
hämme during the preparations:
pascal from biel and roman1 from basel during the mainrace:
some kricker during the mainrace:
all my other pictures will be available here soon. pictures from more people will be available on flickr (hopefully…)

1ages ago we’ve been in the army together, which is quite strange, because we both couldn’t be farther away from supporting the army than we’re now…


here’s the flyer to the suicmc04 here in bern.
if all goes well, the flyer should be in the 20minuten tomorrow. and if you’re a listener to radiobe1, then you might be able to catch the ad they’re airing for us (or you can just click here and listen to the spot online (543kb .mp3-file) :-)


for more info go to

and if you’re looking at a search on my preferred telephone-number-finder, then you might be able to spot a banner which links to the suicmc04 homepage (thanks to b. and RIM)

almost forgot to tell! there’s also a critical mass which is more than open for anyone! so take your bikes if you come and give us a visit.


(this post is gonna stay on top until then…)

motorola razr v3

gadget envy.
at miklos’ and cecilia’s wedding b. and me talked about the upcoming motorola razr, the phone that looks like THE gadget-ency-inducing phone of the year. up to now i’ve only seen one or to pics of it floating around on the net. but today i stumbled over this thread at howard forums1 which induced a cringe in my bowels, (a soft wispering voice: buybuybuybuy). under one of a gazillion pictures of the razr was the one in the post below, the guy holding the phone in his hands.
can you believe motorola crammed:

  • a vga-camera
  • bluetooth
  • a speakerphone
  • a color screen
  • and mp3-ringtones

into that aluminium encasing?
it’s a bummer that phone is expected to cost around 0.5kChf even with a contract…

[via gizmodo]

1 don’t click on the link if you’re on a dial-up line, it’s crammed with pictures.
don’t click on the link if you don’t want to see a girl in a strange bikini!
and what’s it with that knife?

picture of the week 40 [update]

my plan for yesterday was to go and see with sigi, but since the snowramp collapsed, the whole event was blown off (see a tiny pic here).
bugger! mostly also because i hope to get a good picture of the week :-)

so sigi and me went to the museum to see der gespiegelte mensch (the mirrored human) which was mildly said, a disappointment (beside the microscopes with the drosophila and their mutations…).. so we just went to the so-called niederdörfli and drank some tea and coffee and had a good talk, which was probably ways better than watching reckless guys and gals on their boards and skies.

so i’m just grabbing a pic from my archive:
here’s one i shot at kims stag night in crans montana:

here’s a better pic
[via tobistar]

ae fond kiss

i went to see the last kiss, the new film by the scottish filmmaker ken loach. besides that i was blown away from the language everyone in that movie speaks1 i just loved it.
as always ken loach is able to draw a very intense portrait of simple people (simple in a good way). his way of directing a movie is so far away from the way movies are don in hollywood. the people are real, so real that you start to sniff if they cry or laugh with them when they tell jokes.
although the movie is quite bitter – it’s about the romance between a wee irish gal and a tall pakistani bloke, which seem not to be able to flee from the constraints they get put on by their environment – it’s one of the most moving love movies in a long time. and even if you can’t go and see it with your important other half go and see it with someone else, because the story told is both moving and interesting to watch.

1 i studied half a year at strathclyde university in glasgow, hence i’m quite fond of the glaswegian/scottish accent..