picture of the week 10

yesterday we’ve been to the zoo in zürich, mostly to see the masaola-hall (which was really impressive).

during our stroll through the zoo we passed at the enclosure of the otters where i snapped an image of this little fellow passing out in his bed (which is what i’m gonna do now).


oh, and i just sent the image over to the guys and gals of the cute overload

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4er stöckchen

pia hat mir den stock zugeworfen, heute abend komm ich auch noch dazu, mir was dazu zu überlegen:

4 Jobs in meinem Leben:

  • IT-Supporter bei der Swisscom

  • Regalauffüller beim Coop

  • Physiklehrer

  • Bademeister

4 6 Filme die ich immer wieder sehen kann:

4 Orte an denen ich gelebt habe:

  • Mailand
  • Münsingen

  • Bern

  • Glasgow

4 TV Serien die ich gerne sehe (aber mir ausser für lost nie zeit dafür nehme…):

4 Orte an denen ich Urlaub gemacht habe:

4 meiner Lieblingsgerichte:

  • Risotti
  • Curries

  • Hörnli mit Brösmeli von Gosi

  • alles ohne Blumenkohl und Fenchel von Regine

139 Webseiten die ich täglich besuche:

4 Plätze, wo ich gerne im Augenblick sein möchte

4 Blogger die das mitmachen sollen / dürfen:

  • Sigi, damit er endlich sein blog richtig eröffnet

  • Jan, damit ich endlich weiss, was er mal alles gearbeitet hat

  • Matthias, damit er mal wieder was sinnfreies rauslassen darf, ohne dass 74 kommentare auf ihn einprasseln (stand 13.3.06, 23:41) (und nicht, dass das sinnfrei was, was er da gesagt hat, nur damit mann mich richtig versteht! ;-)

  • This, damit ich weiss, was er gerne kocht.

creative commons in full effect

through my ego-surfing-feed [1] i found this story in the austinist, a website from austin (i presume :-).

to illustrate the breaking news of a downtown fire, the used a picture of the fire at wolfs birthday party. my pictures at flickr are released under an attribution license, so anybody is free to use them as you please, as long as there is proper attribution added.

not too bad, maybe i should consider starting a career as photographer :-)

[1] might not work for you, since it’s a newsgator online edition feed, technically it’s a keyword search after “habi”.

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picture of the week 07

yesterday i spent a wonderful day in oberwald. ninas mother spends at least a week per year there, mostly with some friends. she invited nina and me for the weekend, to do some cross-country skiing.

it always amazes me how much snow you can find in oberwald. it makes the ugly slush you find here in bern feel even nastier.


oh, the cross-county skiing was great, thanks for asking. this time we tried with rented equipment, so we could skate, which is even better than doing it the classic way.

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picture of the week 04

the past saturday we wanted to go skiing. when we arrived in adelboden at 20 past 9 in the morning we were informed that the whole ski-region is closed because of the guggiföhn (a wind with velocities up to 246 km/h). we then waited for more informations, but around 10:30 it was evident that the chairlifts and cablecars won’t open for the day.

we then decided to switch to the engstligenalp, but it turned out that the föhn was blowing there, too.

before we drove to grindelwald we first called them, and indeed, they were closed, too. so after a short debate we decided to do something really silly, namely drive from frutigen to le bouveret into the aquaparc, without changing any clothes and leaving ski equipement for five persons in the car.

this explains why pesche stands in front of those toboggans with his snowboard clothes:


in the end it was also rather funny, but a skiing day would have been more welcome.

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rocket powered bike

sometimes later in the afternoon at work i wish for something like this. a rocket bike with a rather impressive acceleration, from 0 to 96 km/h in five (!!!) seconds.

the bike where the rocket is bolted on looks a bit goofy, but i guess you could improve that easily…

now i just want to see a video of it in action!

[via makezine]

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a big bunch of tickets

Dsc02811this weekend we’re again gonna go to gensingen, to take part in a masters competition of the ssv ingelheim. today i went to buy our tickets (three people; pesche and another guy from basel and me). as you can see in the image to the left, it was rather a big undertaking.

the problem is that we all have different schedules: i’m starting in bern, the two others are starting in basel. then we proceed all together to gensingen. on sunday we travel back home together, but only until karlsruhe. pesche and me are stopping there, to visit an old friend (rouge, you know him too, it’s mike bucko…). the third man is directly going home from there. pesche and me are having diner with mike and then pesche is gonna go home to be ready for his work-week. since i got two days off work, i’m gonna stay a bit longer and enjoy karlsruhe.

in the end it turns out, that we need 21 slips of paper for that journey. not too bad, aight? (yes, i know that you can only see 18 of ’em, three of them are stapled to three others).

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indoor panorama

Singstarfrüecher ischmä ir pfadi umds lagerfüür umeghocket und het lieder usem rondo gsunge.

hüt hocketme vorem flachbildschirm-tv und spielt singstar, und es isch mindischtens genau so luschtig…

ds panorama ufem foti obe chasch entweder auf biudli aluege, oder hie aus quicktime-panorama (2.1 mb .mov)

english: ages ago we’ve been sitting around a fire and singing songs from the scout-song-book. today we sit around a flat-screen-tv and play singstar. kinda the same, innit?

picture of the week 52

after we had two performances in a row on saturday i drove all the way up to eywald to our new years eve-party. the conditions on the road were a bit tricky, so i arrived just in time for a toast to the new year.

the picture below shows me and nina with some sparkles. i really hope that we have a lot more of them in the new year!


the rest of the images i took are here.

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filewile auf bkanal.ch

dejot and andi/dustbowl [1] werden auf bkanal.ch interwiut.

wenn du wissen willst, woher die jungs kommen und was sie nebst filewile momentan am laufen haben – sie haben soeben wankdorf recordings gegründet – dann schau dir das ~30 minütige inti auf bkanal.ch/filewile an (s brucht e fetti leitig, gäu…). lustig fand ich, als bei etwa 27 minuten doch noch andis lieblingswort auftauchte :-)…

[1] dejot im jäggli, andi im tshi.

[via filewile-feed]

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chillin’ messengers

sometimes at noon we need to take a break.

this might look like this, when you just simply crash out on the sofa:

Mittaggosi (gosi)

or it might look like this, when you need a hug from their [1] siegfried&roy-tiger:

MittaghabiMittagsplintMittagsplint2 (me and splint)

[1] we share our headquarters with theirs…

wo die liebe hinfliegt

für alle, dies nicht per mail gekriegt haben:

bonsoir madames, bonsoir messieurs!

ich spiele wieder einmal im theater an der effingerstrasse in einem stück mit.
dieses mal trete ich als kellner auf die bühne des kleinen aber feinen theaters.

das stück “wo die liebe hinfliegt” ist eine komödie in anlehung an den film “jetlag – oder wo die liebe hinfliegt“.

wir spielen von nächsten dienstag, den 6. dezember bis zum 5. januar fast jeden abend.
die genauen daten findest du auf der seite des theater an der effingerstrasse (www.dastheater-effingerstr.ch > aktuell [1]).

tickets können direkt beim theater reserviert werden (leider noch nicht übers internet, sondern nur über die telefonnummer 031 382 72 72 und zwar von montag bis freitag, von 14.00 bis 19.00 uhr.)

es würde mich freuen, wenn ihr zu besuch kommt.
da ich während der vorstellung keine chance habe, im zuschauerraum etwas zu erkennen, schreib mir doch eine kurze nachricht, wenn du kommst, dann können wir nach dem stück zusammen noch was trinken gehen, da hier in den kommentaren geht auch.

[1] warten, bis alle bildli durchgelaufen sind, dann sieht mensch auch mich.

keeping a promise

matthias posted “I’ll Ask You Something I’ve Always Wondered About You?” quite some time ago on his personal blog.

i just loved the thought of him saying things about me and now he finally did, read the – funny – “answers” in this post.

rule #8 of the little game says, that i must post it here, which is what i do here.

the rules are as follows: leave your name (and web-address) in a comment below and…

  • I’ll respond with something random about you.
  • I’ll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
  • I’ll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
  • I’ll try to say something that only makes sense to you and me.
  • I’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
  • I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of.
  • I’ll ask you something that I’ve always wondered about you.
  • If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST.

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ticket zu verschenken

ich hab ein ticket für die 10 years zimtstern-party für morgen samstag abend (5.11.2005) in der maag event hall in zürich gewonnen. leider kann ich nicht gehen (wenn ich nach den schwimmtagen noch zeit habe, geh ich höchstens noch in die reitschule).

wer es will, soll mir bis heute abend ein mail schreiben (habi ät gna punkt ch) und kriegt das ticket (am einfachsten wär halt schon, wenn du in bern wohnst…)

ich in der zeitung

hey, ich bin in der zeitung! this born hat in seiner kolumne weblog über das flickr-treffen geschrieben, und – obwohl wir uns am samstag verpasst haben – mich erwähnt [1]. wer den artikel in der bz nicht gesehen hat, kann das hier nachholen.

ich sollte meine local-feeds häufiger lesen, dann hätten wir gestern abend noch ein bisschen mehr gesprächsstoff gehabt…

english: i’m in the newspaper: this born writes a bi-weekly column in the local newspaper. he mentioned me, i’m flattered…

[1] in einem minim anderen zusammenhang, aber immerhin….

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i’m on uncluttering mission

i’ve officially killed my two moblogs [1]. from now on, all my (seldom) moblogging is going to happen here: http://flickr.com/photos/habi/tags/moblog/. regarding that, i’ve also uncluttered my sidebar a bit. the latest images-section now shows the five latest images i posted to flickr. on top there’s the latest moblog, then the four latest “normal” images.

i achieved this with a mashup of the code of two flickr-badges. the first one is pulling just the “moblog” tag, the second one is pulling the last 4 images.

the full code looks like this, nothing too fancy really:

the code is really straight-forward.

i just cleaned out the css and merged the two javascript parts. if you want to adopt it for your page, you just have to change the user-number and/or tag [2].

[1]: they’ve been clinically dead anyway…

[2]: a simple google search yielded this: “To get your NSID from Flickr, go to your photos page, view source, find global_nsid, and note the value. That’s it.”