“funny” machiminia

do you like video-games? or don’t you? whatever!

if you want to see a rather well done piece of machinima (made using the CounterStrike game-engine and selected for the Tribeca Film Festival) then point your browser to Deviation. Deviation is a short movie about a pensive game character which takes a turn to a strong statement about choice and questioning authorities.

watch it yourself!

Deviation-2Macintyre, an online-game character and member of a four-man counter-terrorist squad, attempts to break out of the cycle of futile violence that has been his sole existence.

Dropped into the middle of a mission and faced with the prospect of climbing into an ambush at the end of a manhole tunnel, Macintyre strives to convince the other squad members that there is another way…

[via boingboing]

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the revolution will not be blogged

i might be possible that the revolution will happen and that you won’t notice it, ’cause according to this brilliant rant, the revolution will not be blogged! (what a pity)

The revolution will not have banners or popups or popunders

Or those irritating graphics that take over your whole screen.

You will not have to worry about having the latest Macromedia

Flash, Macromedia Shockwave or Macromedia Goddamn plugin.

The revolution will not work at all in Opera.

The revolution will not secretly hope for a deal with Microsoft.

The revolution will not be skinnable.

[via ferientechniker jan]

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they’re made out of meat! [update]

they’re made out of meat is a short-film adaptation of nebula award winner terry bissons story about two extraterrestrials having a funny and also a bit gross talk in restaurant at the end of the universe (or was that another story).

the dialogue is quite funny:

“They’re made out of meat.” “Meat?” “Meat. They’re made out of meat.”


“There’s no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They’re completely meat.”

“That’s impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?”

“They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don’t come from them. The signals come from machines.”

“So who made the machines? That’s who we want to contact.”

“They made the machines. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Meat made the machines.”

“That’s ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You’re asking me to believe in sentient meat.”

go and watch it on youtube. after you watched that movie, you can still watch the bekennervideo of the pendlerblog, which was showed at the swissblogawards this friday.

and if you’ve watched that movie, you might also want to see another funny one, the bekennervideo of the pendlerblog which was shown last friday at the swiss blog awards.

[via boingboing and prettymucheveryone]

update: corrected wrong blockquote.

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die sbaw waren lustig und gut.

der leumund hat endlich sein neuestes spielzeug – bloggrrr.com – vorgestellt (die präsentation liess zu wünschen übrig, er weiss es, also fertig mit dem leumundbashing :-).

obs funktioniert, weiss ich nicht, ich hab mich registriert, und als englisch-sprachiges schweizer blog eingetragen, aber auf bloggrrr.com/CH/en [1] tauch ich noch nicht auf.

herr löi, müssen sie die eingetragenen blogs erst freischalten?

oder ist das ganze noch web-2.0-beta-ajax-mässig unterwegs?

Bloggrrrin der gesamtliste bin ich momentan rang 26, ist doch auch nicht so schlecht, oder? stimmt für mich im sidebar ab, dann rutsch ich höher und gewinn die nächsten SBAW!

aber eine lustige idee ists schon. und jetzt muss ich dringend ins bett.

note to self: solche posts will ich nicht mehr allzuhäufig machen.

gute nacht

[1] schöne URL’s: brav, brav!

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backrub from fscklog.com

today, fscklog posted something about menushade, which i’ve been using together with backdrop, when i have to read something carefully and cannot be distracted by anything.

to illustrate the way it works, leo used the image i submitted to the cs3-pool on flickr, a screenshot of my preparation for a job interview at the psi. [1]

i adapted this read-mode after a post on 43folders, a gtd-freaks heaven.

[1]: the job would be in bern, at the anatomical institute, but i’d heavily work together with the people at the psi.

i’ll let you know, when i know if they chose me…

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fixed-gear-gallery feed [update]

raph/dom/blaize, this one is for you [1]:

’cause i always forget to check back at the bike-p0rn-site fixedgeargallery and actually never want to miss a great bike there i created an rss-feed of the site with feedyes.com.

so if you’d like to be notified of an update on that fabulous site, then add this feed here (see comments below!) to your preferred news-reader and get your daily fix (it doesn’t get the individual sites of the bikes, but at least you get all the updates…)

[via kus]

[1]: tell me if it works, leave a comment or so…

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automatic bicycle pump

Parasiticpumpover at the makezine phil torrone links to a “device” which solves the hassle of pumping up a flat tire through a parasitic device.

would be perfect for work, but i guess you’d have even more angry car-drivers around, since it uses “conveniently available pressurized air stored in automobiles.”

[via makezine]

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the most important 6 seconds in music history

Amen Breaksince i seem to be in a musical mood, here’s another post for sound lovers:

if you’ve listened to any song that uses samples, be it hip hop, drum n bass, dub or a lot of other flavors, you’ve heard the “amen break”. it’s a sample from the b-side of a single of the winstons from 1969, that only lasts 6 seconds.

it’s absolutely amazing how far those snare beats came, it became the base of nearly every drum n bass and jungle song.

nate harrison made an eerie fascinating installation/art project where he narrrates the story of this ubiquitous peace of musical history.

i’ve been hooked to the 20min-movie after the first time he plays the original sample. nate manages to run down the complete story of that key aural ingredient in contemporary cultural expression during the progress of the movie. he shows a lot of examples, compares them to the original recording and even covers the implications of sampling material on copyright law.

you can only listen to the movie, nothing really happens, except some cuts between a turntable and speakers, but i found it worth watching the progress of the needle on the wax, giving a meditative touch to the story.

you can watch the movie here or download a copy on the archive.org.

if you only have a slight interest in musical history you must watch it!

[via boingboing]

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the sound of traffic [update]

Soundoftrafficit’s been quite a long time since i’ve posted something about new software additions to my mac. this app here is actually completely useless, but nonetheless it’s been running since half an hour.

sound of traffic is a tiny java application (112 kb) that converts your network traffic into midi notes. my traffic sounds like a laid back chill-out track (i’m downloading/seeding the latest episode of the it crowd over bittorrent and updating some feeds from time to time). the app needs your admin password to access some devices and only works on OS X and Unix [1].

ändu, couldn’t you use this for your next song?

a funny little time-waster!

[via osxhints]

[1] leo ported it to windows, so nobody has to stay out…

update: jan used sound of traffic in one of his cool pieceocasts

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the it crowd

 Entertainment Tv Microsites I Itcrowd Images Gallery1while on the way to oberwald i finally found some time to watch the it crowd (on my psp). since cory doctorow posted about that new show on boingboing, i’ve been downloading all the episodes of the ultimate geek comedy.

the show is about a sysadmin duo. the two ubergeeks moss and roy [1] get a new boss who has far better knowledge of shoes than of computers. each of the first three episodes i’ve watched up to now is hilarious, the people that rode on the train with me must have thought i’m utterly insane, because i couldn’t help to chuckle and laugh out loud. it’s not the plot that is so funny, but the fact that each episode progressively gets weirder and belly rupturing funny.

i can’t wait ’till the next episodes are aired, i’m in geeky television heaven.

since users outside of the uk cannot directly stream the videos from the channel4 website, you have to fire up your preferred bittorrent-client and download away!

oh, and piece did use some samples of the show in one of his latest pieceocasts.

[via boingboing]

[1] moss writes an email to the fire brigade because he cannot remember the phone-number of the emergency services (the changed the number from 919 (or so) to something different – which is another hilarious joke by itself).

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rocket powered bike

sometimes later in the afternoon at work i wish for something like this. a rocket bike with a rather impressive acceleration, from 0 to 96 km/h in five (!!!) seconds.

the bike where the rocket is bolted on looks a bit goofy, but i guess you could improve that easily…

now i just want to see a video of it in action!

[via makezine]

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video.google.com for psp

google revamped their video service. you can now buy a big selection of videos. but the more important thing (for me, personally…) is, that you can download pretty much every video, readily formatted for your psp/ipod/big box on the floor.

now i really need tho fork out those 15 bucks for pspware, so i don’t get that nag-screen when synching my movies over to my new gadget.

oh, and google earth is now officially out of beta and available for the mac, too.

there goes my afternoon….

[via the google blog]

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