my dvd-collection, awaiting to be catalogued
ich hab mal in meiner dvd/games/etc-kiste gewühlt (weil ich endlich mal alle meine dvds im dvdmanager eintragen wollte) und dabei einige “karteileichen” gefunden.
und weils im moment zu stark regnet, um zum 2nd-hand-gameverkäufer auf dem märit zu gehen, landen die sachen halt auf dem netz.
also, brauchst du ein retro-game für deine playstation (die originale) oder ein neues game für deine psp? dann schau mal hier bei vorbei…
und jetzt hab ich endlich zeit, um weiter aufzuräumen! also ab an die arbeit!
technorati tags: playstation, ricardo, secondhand
starwars uber-oldschool-version
if: are you bored and want to see starwars episode iv, but don’t have the dvd lying around? but have a terminal emulator or CLI next to you?
then: start your terminal and type “telnet”
if: done that
then: laugh!
hard bloggin’ scientist
fixed-gear-gallery feed [update]
raph/dom/blaize, this one is for you [1]:
’cause i always forget to check back at the bike-p0rn-site fixedgeargallery and actually never want to miss a great bike there i created an rss-feed of the site with
so if you’d like to be notified of an update on that fabulous site, then add this feed here (see comments below!) to your preferred news-reader and get your daily fix (it doesn’t get the individual sites of the bikes, but at least you get all the updates…)
[via kus]
[1]: tell me if it works, leave a comment or so…
a funny magic trick
Allright here’s what I want you to do – while sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Now, while doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction and there’s nothing you can do about it!
[via “optical” illusions]
naja, geht so mit lustig…. uses my photos (with my permission)
my pictures from saturday evening are now part of a story at
how does that happen you ask?
this afternoon i got an email from clorenz41 [1] through flickr. he asked if he could use my photos “for a few stories that have been sent in”. the mail included some fancy link which made the whole process work automagically.
so after some clicks my pictures are now part of a story from conneticutkati [2], where she quotes another article on
if you want to read the post at nowpublic, then click here or take a look at the screenshot on the left.
if this is happening more often, maybe i should start to take money for my images?
[1] he is: “Director, Contributor Relations, NowPublic.”
[2] i wonder why she writes about the antifa abendspaziergang, although she’s from vancouver…
technorati tags: creativecommons,, photos
does your weblog own you?
18.75 % |
My weblog owns 18.75 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?
puh, i’m relieved, that others are 0wned a bit more :-)
picture of the week 13
automatic bicycle pump
over at the makezine phil torrone links to a “device” which solves the hassle of pumping up a flat tire through a parasitic device.
would be perfect for work, but i guess you’d have even more angry car-drivers around, since it uses “conveniently available pressurized air stored in automobiles.”
[via makezine]
2do tattoo
i had to chuckle when i saw this 2do-tattoo that shannon posted over at
the wearer must be a gtd-freak, although he might redo the piece soon, ’cause tattoos on the palm are supposed to fade really soon.
technorati tags: gtd
picture of the week 12 (with competition) [update]
we’ve been skiing this weekend. in the morning, just before we hit the slopes i shot this panorama.
normally i tell a bit about the backstory of my potw’s, but this time i thought i’d make a little competition:
i have two questions concerning the image below. the first person to answers either one of those can choose between a game for the PSP (i’ve got several to chose from), a carte blanche for one post here in this blog or two drinks of his/her choice at the next blogger-meeting. the second and third person who answers correctly has to take what’s left :-)
so, without further ado:
A) where in switzerland did i shoot the image below? [1]
update: might have been too hard, it was approximately here.
B) is there a free software (for OS X) to automatically normalize the brightness of several images, so that the seams in a blended panorama are less visible? [2]
[1]: you’re not allowed to answer this question, if you’re a messenger from bern, my flatmate or i told you personally where we went.
[2]: i know it would be easier to lock the exposure and aperture, but that’s not possible with my camera…
und nun noch auf deutsch:
dieses wochenende waren wir schilen.
gestern morgen hab ich von unserem haus aus obiges panorama fotografiert. normalerweise gibts ja zu meinen bildern der woche immer ein kleines gschichtli dazu, diesmal gibts einen kleinen wettbewerb: wer als erstes eine der folgenden fragen beantwortet, gewinnt wahlweise ein game für die PSP (ich hab verschiedene zur auswahl), zwei drinks an einem der nächsten blogger-treffen oder eine carte blanche für ein post in diesem blog. die zweite und die dritte antwort kann nur noch auswählen :-)
also, dann hier die fragen:
A) wo in der schweiz habei ich das bild aufgenommen? [1]
update: war wohl zu schwierig: ungefähr hier wars.
B) gibt es für OS X eine gratis-software, mit welcher die helligkeit von verschiedenen bilder automatisch ausgeglichen werden kann, so dass in meinen panoramen die bildübergänge weniger sichtbar sind. [2]
[1]: vom wettbewerb ausgenommen sind kuriere von bern, meine mitbewohner oder alle, denen ichs erzählt habe.
[2]: ich weiss, dass ich die belichtungszeit und blende fixieren könnte, aber das ist nun mal mit meiner kamera nicht möglich…
teh rockediest commercial evah!
point you browsers to this gem of a commercial made for evian. it shows the NSFW (or so) adventures of cartoony waterboy. really cute and with a book soundtrack.
[via pieceo-heulsusi]
technorati tags: ad, animation, commercial
nominations of SBAW 06 are open [update]
the nominations for the swiss blog awards 06 are now open and are all the rage!
so go and nominate your favorite blogs in the swiss blogosphere!
oh, and mark the fifth may in your calendars.
update: you can see my nominations (for the moment) in the screenshot on the left. and if you want to nominate me, just click here.
technorati tags: blogospherahelvetica, swissbloawards
bob is bloggin!
look who’s got himself a new blog!
after he’s bought himself a new computer bob set up a blog over at (like dustbowl and deejot) where he’s now rambling about his life with weebl and about pie.
hopefully it’s gonna be as funny as the rest of their life :-)
[via weebl and bobs newsletter]
picture of the week 11 [update]
this friday tinu and urs made a medieval diner in the castle of laupen. i’m in the process of uploading the images to flickr. but i liked the one below, also because it’s a good and funny snapshot of nina. it shows the second picture i shot with the shieldcam (the first is here).
update: the rest of the images can be found here.
technorati tags: nina, ritterdinner
picture of the week 10
yesterday we’ve been to the zoo in zürich, mostly to see the masaola-hall (which was really impressive).
during our stroll through the zoo we passed at the enclosure of the otters where i snapped an image of this little fellow passing out in his bed (which is what i’m gonna do now).
oh, and i just sent the image over to the guys and gals of the cute overload…
4er stöckchen
pia hat mir den stock zugeworfen, heute abend komm ich auch noch dazu, mir was dazu zu überlegen:
4 Jobs in meinem Leben:
- IT-Supporter bei der Swisscom
- Regalauffüller beim Coop
4 6 Filme die ich immer wieder sehen kann:
4 Orte an denen ich gelebt habe:
- Mailand
4 TV Serien die ich gerne sehe (aber mir ausser für lost nie zeit dafür nehme…):
- Lost
The IT Crowd (nach 6 episoden leider schon fertig, bollocks!)
Pimp my ride (echt!)
4 Orte an denen ich Urlaub gemacht habe:
- Philippinen
Ägypten (mehrmals schon)
Obererlinsbach (oder wars Stusslingen?)
4 meiner Lieblingsgerichte:
- Risotti
Hörnli mit Brösmeli von Gosi
alles ohne Blumenkohl und Fenchel von Regine
139 Webseiten die ich täglich besuche:
- meine feeds und ein paar zerdrückte, nämlich
4 Plätze, wo ich gerne im Augenblick sein möchte
- bei Ihr
unter Wasser
im Bett
aufm Popocatepetl oder in der Atacama-Wüste, oder am Titicacasee (der war für Wolf)
4 Blogger die das mitmachen sollen / dürfen:
Jan, damit ich endlich weiss, was er mal alles gearbeitet hat
Matthias, damit er mal wieder was sinnfreies rauslassen darf, ohne dass 74 kommentare auf ihn einprasseln (stand 13.3.06, 23:41) (und nicht, dass das sinnfrei was, was er da gesagt hat, nur damit mann mich richtig versteht! ;-)
This, damit ich weiss, was er gerne kocht.
calvin speaks the truth
i hope i don’t get me into trouble if i seldom link to strips from calvin and hobbes, but sometimes i just cannot resist.
bill watterson sometimes lays the perfect words into his mouth.
[via c&h-feed]