There are 114 posts filed in moblog (this is page 6 of 6).
passend zum thema…
heute morgen auf der schanzenpost
flower imac aufm müll
my dvd-collection, awaiting to be catalogued
2700m über meer, auf der medriger fluh. wunderbar sonnig, kein feinstaub und trotz tiefem winter schön gemütlich warm.
abt. schlechte werbung
ein anhaenger, der bei unserem nachbarn im garten steht.
santas on bikes
look who i just met on the way back home: two santas on bikes. (and i
thought there’s just one of them…)
advent calendar
burning highway
syn chron [update]
Unexpectedly i was able to make it to the vernissage of syn chron.
And it’s mighty impressive!
update: [via polymer-jan] who posted that this afternoon and made me go and see this.
10 jahre zu spät
Da hab ich wohl was verpasst…
official hummer salute
oh my god, my finger looks really crooked! i was not fast enough to get a decent picture, but in the true spirit of i thought it’s worth it.
The competition pool
Wow, 10 50m-lanes. And the warmup-pool has 14 25m-lanes, quite a huge venue…