last entry for tonight.

well, this is the fifth entry for tonight, and definitely time to go to bed.
this is the only picture i’m gonna share with the internet from my holidays exept the one before.

it was wonderful!

easing the pain of voting a bit

Smartvote1 seems like a good approach to the upcoming parliament elections here in switzerland because it helps you narrow down your possible candidates to elect.
the user (probably you) has to answer either 24 or 70 questions (dubbed smartvote rapide or deluxe) about actual political problems and decide how he/she would decide.
then smartvote matches your “political profile” to all the candidates in it’s database which also filled out that questionnaire.
this makes the process of voting a bit less painful, or at least a bit more accurate, because up to now i couldn’t be bothered to actually look up all the candidates i wanted to elect. i just dropped down the list of the political parties i support… (which get a 72.4% and 74.5% compliance with my answers…)
and amazingly enough, Ursula Wenger-Kupferschmied (with quite a kooky smile) from the evangelic party has the highest accordance (77.6%) with my ideas :-)
talk about politically uninterested geeks :-)
1(which does not work at the moment but did this morning…)

update: the site is working again, so that i could generate my political profile


well, i have to admit, that Proce55ing looks like the next thing to be with graphical fooling around on the net.
check out the sourcecode of this example, it’s amazingly lightweight!

(i read a nice article in the latest wired, and thought, i’d check out the site, it really looks like it’s got the ability to beat flash and all else…)