picture of the week 18

i’ve been diving this weekend, and christened my underwater-case for my digital camera. turns out that it’s quite hard to take good pictures in the Mediterranean in may. i’m sorting through all the pictures, but at a first glance i liked the one below quite good.

it’s sigi at about 16m below surface exiting the cave at the dive-site tres covas. looks like a thing from outer space.


technorati tags:

share your secrets – spy on others [update]

i really forgot how i found that page, but, postsecret.blogspot.com is really daunting and impressive. people are invited to “mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard”. i just added the feed to my newsreader, so i’m not gonna miss any secrets ever again….

ps: piece, you’re gonna like this secret :-)

ps: after reading most of them, i thought this secret is the creepiest of all of ’em.

update: probably [via boingboing]

technorati tags:

technorati tags

oh, and if you’re wondering why my tags are not working (e.g see the tag:emmen, which i pinged some days ago): technorati has some problems accessing my site:

curl -O https://habi.gna.ch/blog/

% Total – % Received – % Xferd – Average Speed – Time – Curr. Dload – Upload – Total – Current – Left – Speed

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – –:–:– – 0:00:07 – –:–:– – 0

curl: (23) Failed writing body

after getting in touch with adriaan he found out that the problem is not ecto-based, but more on the technorati site.

technorati-support wrote something like:

maybe he has some kind of referrer blocker or User-Agent blocker that is hosing the spider and curl

i just love it, when i have no idea what could be b0rked. i guess i misconfigured something with my .htacces-file that helps me with my image-leechers and serves them this image. i hope b. is able to figure out what went wrong…

i’ll keep you updated.

freeflux.net opened

have you ever thought that you need to start a blog, but you don’t have access to a server (or friends who can spare some place)? then you should check out freeflux.net, which just opened some days ago. check out the entry page to see the important things. the most important is on top: it’s free :-)

and the other goodies are: based on the bitflux cms, open source, highly tweakable and supposedly fun.

[via bitflux]

technorati tags:

this blog needs more crazy stuff!

i just had a drink with sigi, after we’ve been hurting ourselfs in the frisbeetraining. we had a lot of stuff to talk about, which was really good, we haven’t seen each other in ages. among other things we talked about this blog here and then an image i’ve seen in the current ct sprung to my mind. without further ado: here’s the link.

taucher gesucht!

ich wollt eigentlich mit nina über auffahrt nach spanien tauchen gehen. da sie nun uni/diplomarbeitsweise doch nicht mitkommen kann, ist in der gruppe vom dive center köniz noch ein platz frei: hast du lust, über auffahrt, von mittwoch 4. mai 23.30 bis montag 9. mai abends – mit nach spanien zu kommen um zu tauchen? das ganze kostet inkl. reise und unterkunft 350.- (den rest zum normalpreis übernehm ich…), dazu kommen noch die tauchgänge und das essen. du solltest ein bisschen taucherfahrung haben, d.h. nicht ein anfänger sein (ich hab auch nicht mehr als 40 tauchgänge…) und 5 tage mit coolen und angenehem leuten in spanien verbringen wollen. und wenn ich dich ein bisschen kenne, ist es auch noch lustiger. hinterlass einen kommentar oder schick mir ein mail (adresse links oben im sidebar). evtl. bis bald unter wasser!

technorati tags:

flickr is upping the ante – giveaway

today i got an email from the flickr-team: in the aftermath of yahoo buying flickr the guys and gals are able to provide more stuff for all the users:

  • 20 mb upload limit for all free users
  • for all pro users (like me), e.g. those who paid for an extended account: an extension to two years, so i get double the bang for my bucks and
  • 2 invites for a pro account to give away.

this leads me to a little contest: i’m donating those two accounts to you, yes you. but because i (occasionally) get more than two readers, you have to fight :-)

send me a convincing picture or something other that justifies the donation of an account from me to you [1].

[1]: since there’s a bit more involved than with a gmail invite, the hurdles are also a bit higher. i think, for instance, i must know you (least a bit) personally and must think that i could like your pictures…

this blog is now gravatar enabled

to make posting comments a little bit more rewarding i implemented gravatars on this blog.

two days ago i commented on an entry over at urs’ blog and some fancy image turned up next to my comment. i’ve seen that already turning up on different blogs (e.g. moblg.uk and blog.ch).

the code with which i implemented it is shown below for your abuse and modification.


<div class=”comments-body”>


<span class=”comments-post”>

<a href=”<$MTCommentURL$>”>

<img src=”<$MTGravatar default=”https://habi.gna.ch/blank.jpg” size=”40″$>” alt=”gravatar” align=”left” />


posted by: <$MTCommentAuthorLink spam_protect=”1″$><br />

on <$MTCommentDate$><br clear=”all”>




i made it so that every person gets a gravatar, even it there’s none registered (for example, see peters comment here). if your gravatar is missing the pictures gets replaced by blank.jpg. the gravatar is linked with the url or the (spamsafe) email link of the person that left a comment.

so, ladies and gents, if you want your picture to show up in the comments, then step over to gravatar and register yours.

thanks, goodbye.