during the past few weeks i’ve been thinking about the panorama i’ve shot of the baldachin near the railway-station here in bern. i’ve thought it would be very nice to have a nightly version of the same panorama. so, yesterday evening i again spent some time on the bubenbergplatz and shot quite a bunch of images. i’ve had two lenses with me, the newly aquired 16mm zenitar fisheye which makes shooting panoramas a breeze, since the FOV is so big, but is actually quite a hassle to setup, since it’s a fully manual lens, so more suited for this task than for snapshots. in addition to the zenitar i’ve had my trusty 38-80mm zoom lens
the first results from my mini-photo-safari can be seen in this set here on flickr. most of the images are shot with the zenitar, but the important one is shown here below:
the image is humongous (600 kB), so you need to wait a little bit until it loads. to close the pop-up, scroll toward the far right!
again, it’s a panorama, this time shot and composed from 123 images in total (really!). all the images have been taken yesterday evening from 21:35 until 21:45, so if the setup is good, you can shoot a panorama like that in 10 minutes, including waiting time until all the cars, busses and trams are where you want them…
the panorama is – again, as the one shot about three months ago in the afternoon – composed from three exposures for each position, hence i’ve covered the field of view with 41 images and fused the images down to one enhanced exposure with enfuse built into hugin.
i really need to get a nice very wide angle lens, since shooting panoramas with the zenitar is really a breeze, apart from the manual setup. this panorama has been composed from only three images and looks already quite impressive. really impressive – in my opinion anyways – is that shooting a full 360° panorama of the bubenbergplatz only requires 10 images and about one and a half minute and can be seen below (444 kB):
the full 360°-panorama is of course much nicer in the fully interactive view, provided here.