abstimmen! [update]

in den bergen ist freiheit lancierte einen bergfotowettbewerb (um irgendein monopol zu brechen [1]). jetzt kann bis nächsten samstag (8.10.) abgestimmt werden, damit dann ein foto das schönste ist.

gute freunde werden mein foto erkennen, es hatte die ehre, als “es guets 2005”-karte verschickt zu werden [2].

also stimmt ab, es hat viele schöne fotos drunter (hier alle in gross.). am schönsten find ich persönlich patricks eigenes bild (nummer 1, das mit der tollen reflektion.)

[1]: wieso genau hab ich ferienweise verpasst, ich bin noch nicht durch mit allen feeds lesen…

[2]: nummer 17 in patriks liste (übrigens: 0111000001100110 = pf)

[update]: ich löli hab doch tatsächlich vergessen den link zu linken, wo mensch abstimmen kann: hier

picture of the week 36

this afternoon we [1] had a security training organized by the slrg. since i needed to see if the underwater housing of my camera is still alright [2], i took my camera with me to shoot some pictures. the picture below shows our head coach doing a fine start.

the full set of all the pictures is online on flickr.


[1] most of the coaches of the swim team

[2] more on that later on.

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the us of a is in deep trouble.

as other people, i really suffer with all the persons that are hit by the hurricane in the states. but if you watch those two videos below, you really get a sense on how deep the trouble is gonna be once all the news get trough.

the first video shows two reporters of fox news really freaking out while giving their impression of the crisis. you should watch both videos to the end to see the important part!

Geraldo-1 Hannity-Colmes-Smith-Rivera-freak-in-NO.wmv (5.1mb .wmv-file).

the second video shows kayne west yelling a rather unplanned “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” while on a show with mike myers:

Kayne-1Kayne-West-Bush-Black-People.wmv (4.1mb .wmv-file)

[via boingboing, glider (or go here) and technorati]

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