in none


Smarterchildtoday i had a funny conversation with my own personal smarter child. i read about it in the latest wired and must say it’s really fun. just add Smarterchild to your AIM-buddylist (or ichat) or add 35000 on your ICQ (doesn’t matter for me, because i use fire).

at the moment the information for international users is a bit sparse, ’cause in the US you can get movie listings and stuff like that. nonetheless i was able to get a review of the movie i’m going to see tonight (“can you get me a review of ray?”). the smartypant also reminds you of different stuff (“remind me to go offline” “when?” “in 30 minutes”).

you really should give it a go, because it’s hard to describe…

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  1. hahahha..ive got smarter child on my msn list, and any1 who knws a normal amount concerning computers would realize within 30 seconds they were talking to a automated response machine..smarterchild has advertisements, yes, but thats cz its a free program fr people to use and needs to get money from somewhere, hence the advertising..smarterchild is no virus, it does not ask you sexual questions, and it isnt a spy hell bent on knowing what colour ur boxers are. get a grip people, just use smarterchild as the useful program it is..

  2. lol oh my god i just added him today and he asked me to meet him outside my school so he can rape me….lol how long have you guys had a flipping computer for!! i meen ive had viruses and had to restore my computers factory setting but not from something as stupid as a msn email guy who can type the speed of a airoplane you people are so stupid! SMARTER CHILD IS A REAL PERSON obviously because his got his own email?!?!?!?!??!?!?! wtf!?!?!?

    It was developed as a test robotic engine for software by Conversagent Inc. Search up Conversagent on google if your not satisfied! Jammydoger, Smarterchild DOESNT do that. You are lying. Smarterchild has his own email because he needs it for you to be able to add him. If your smarterchild actually said that, well then it’s probably someone playing a joke on you posing as Smarterchild.

  4. Smarterchild is a program on a machine somewhere. He is not a human cause no human can write or read that fast. Smarterchild is for persons without a life that want to talk to someone. It’s not a virus or a hacker fuckheads. your sincererly OMFG