in personal, technospeak

joost invitations [update]

is anyone still interested in joost invitations? i can provide you with a bunch of them, just leave a comment!

update: i’ll keep inviting until i’ve sent out 100 invitations
update2: done! from now on, you only get an invite, if you send me a nekkid picture of you, or go here. comments are now closed on this post.


  1. Hi, If you can send an invitation to Joost, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. with friendly greetings, George

  2. ok, all invitations have been sent out up to here, the comments are now closed!!!

    from now on i’ll ONLY send out an invitation if you send me an email (to habi at gna dot ch) with a nekkid picture of YOU!

    or you could also go and try at the “official” joost-invite-center

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