is any of my readers interested to try out joost? it’s the thing that was formerly called the venice project and is a bit the same as zattoo, but not enterly [1]. read more about joost in the last wired here.
since i’ve signed up for betatesting joost quite a while ago, i’ve got 2 1 2 invitations no more invitations to spare. leave a comment below (with your email, i need it to send you the invitation, but i won’t spam you…). first come, first serve!
[1]: i haven’t had time to thorougly test it up to now, maybe i’m just not watching enough telly…
hey mate, can you fix me up with an invite? my email is dorian_moser @ yahoo
one away, one to go…
Does Joostâ„¢ work on the Mac-PPC or Linux?
No, not at this time. We’re still working on the Linux and the MacOS-X PowerPC port.
…schade, dann muss ich wohl noch warten. Bis die fertig sind, hast Du sicher wieder haufenweise Invites (siehe gmail).
Soeben bin ich bei Lance zu spät gekommen. Ob’s wohl bei Habi jetzt noch eine Einladung hat?
I would love to, if there were a Macclient…
hoppla. ich hab jetzt schon eine einladung erhalten. Also HABI! Keine Einladung an mich verschwenden. :-)
Da du ja ein MacBook hast kann ich dich beruhigen. Es gibt einen Mac Client zum Download. Soweit ich gesehen habe ist der einfach nicht für PowerPC geeignet sondern funktioniert nur auf Intel Macs. Also, go on!
Currently, the beta software runs only on Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or on Intel-based Macintosh computers running Mac OSX 10.4 or later. New versions of the client for other operating systems will be released in the near future.
@ christian: an invite is on the way to you, since you have one of those fancy macbooks and that’s fine.
@ reto: sorry, no linux-love yet…
oh, and i got some more invittations to spare, leave comments…
Please I’d love an invite if you have more available! I’d like to review it on my podcast and would mention you on it of course. My email is bwana[at]bwana[dot]org