if this ain’t the nicest start into the spring, i don’t know what else could be it…
(btw: from left to right: bluephoneelite, meteorologist, os x’ bluetooth status, os x’ eject, os x’ airport (off), menu meters cpu, menu meters network, os x’ clock).
you beat us. we only have 17°. still rising though…
that must have been the fastest comment ever!
are you refreshing my site every 5 minutes?
hey, is there a way to autoload the meteorologist app when you start up your computer. I couldn’t find anything in the preferences. Thanx very much though for this great hint on a wunderful little app! cheers
i added it to my login-items, ’cause i could not find a preference to autoload it. go to system preferences > accounts > choose the desired account, change to the startup items tab and drag the app to the window. voila.