thanks to pete bevin, my sidebar now sports some more dropdowns. i fiddled with the code he provides on his page, so now it’s marginally different. for my MT3 installation the code looks as follows:
archive dropdown:
<select onChange=”document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;” class=”jumpbox”>
<option value=””>monthly archives</option>
<MTArchiveList archive_type=”Monthly”>
<option value=”<$MTArchiveLink$>”><$MTArchiveTitle$></option>
comments dropdown:
<select onChange=”document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;” class=”jumpbox”>
<option value=””>comment archives</option>
<$MTComments lastn=”10″$ sort_order=”descend”>
<option value=”<$MTBlogArchiveURL$><$MTCommentEntryID pad=”1″$>.html”> by <$MTCommentAuthor$>, <? echo datediff2(‘<$MTCommentDate format=”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”$>’); ?></option>
recent entries dropdown:
<select onChange=”document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;” class=”jumpbox”>
<option value=””>recent entries</option>
<MTEntries lastn=”10″ sort_order=”descend”>
<option value=”<$MTEntryPermalink$>”> <$MTEntryTitle$></option>
i know the dropdowns don’t look nice, but i still need to tweak the css a bit, it just doesn’t seem to accept the jumpbox-class. i need to take a deeper look at it. but now i need sleep, that’s more important at the moment…
how does it look on windows?
ah du meinst natuerlich drop down drop downs. ich redete wohl eher von pull downs … ??? neee.
jedenfalls zeigt sich wieder mal das man so einiges verpasst wenn man ein blog via rss verfolgt…